over time I improve and grasp the game better, I find that I hate less things. what used to be a “stupid character” or “that idiot abusing online tactics” is really just someone exposing my weaknesses as a player. as time goes on I see the picture more completely.
I think this is the thread where I complained about Dudley. but Dudley’s just feedback that I’m making poor defensive decisions or walking into things I shouldn’t be walking into. in this game I think you can trace just about everything bad that happens to you back to being your own fault and come up with a better way to handle it next time. in that way it’s a useful learning tool for real life. you have to overcome things that don’t feel fair and figure out how you’re going to make yourself up to the task. I think we all know people who blame others for their problems and never change themselves. that’s who you don’t want to be and can’t afford to be if you have a real goal.
none of this applies to Twelve though. Twelve can EAD.