Who annoys you the most in Street Fighter 3 and why?


Were you that guy on GGPO that kept spamming Pastor Murray clips in every lobby?


You really remind me of this guy though. Especially with the lisp.


For real though, can we keep Jesus and Christianity out of 3rd Strike please? The 3rd Strike Gods are probably already pissed.

It’d be really funny if a Christian loses to a Gouki player and gets hella bent. Lol

I knew the dude would be trolling based on his username. Still, he gives me the perfect opportunity to use Bill Hicks clips:


I’m getting a flashback to Artayes. Is it just me? Let me explain some things to you:

I’m an Atheist and not Satanist. But it’s the same thing to you guys so whatever.

I am not on 360/PS3. I don’t like consoles. And unfortunately I’m on a router and can’t even get on GGPO for the while.

10-0 Odds that I would Stomp you. Literally.

Also, you’re making a giant asshole of yourself.


this conversation

Yea I regret that my bad. (>_<)


Let it go man. Go play 3rd Strike


over time I improve and grasp the game better, I find that I hate less things. what used to be a “stupid character” or “that idiot abusing online tactics” is really just someone exposing my weaknesses as a player. as time goes on I see the picture more completely.

I think this is the thread where I complained about Dudley. but Dudley’s just feedback that I’m making poor defensive decisions or walking into things I shouldn’t be walking into. in this game I think you can trace just about everything bad that happens to you back to being your own fault and come up with a better way to handle it next time. in that way it’s a useful learning tool for real life. you have to overcome things that don’t feel fair and figure out how you’re going to make yourself up to the task. I think we all know people who blame others for their problems and never change themselves. that’s who you don’t want to be and can’t afford to be if you have a real goal.

none of this applies to Twelve though. Twelve can EAD.

You’re troll bait dude.

yeah this board sucks dick

Wait, Jesus got banned?

Not just banned, flushed into outer space.

I guess Nietzsche was right.


Or not.

like herpes

At least if you get herpes you got some pussy.