Whites only community in South Africa

This short clip outlines a closed community of “Afrikaner”, Caucasians born in Africa. They do not allow anyone outside of their ethnic minority to live in their self contained community, and argue this is to preserve their unique subculture.

I was curious how you guys felt about this. Personally I find it interesting because I live on a reservation that is founded on similar ideals, and we don’t typically think of Caucasians as being a minority or needing to preserve their culture.

I don’t know anything about white dudes in Africa so I don’t know if they have a culture to preserve or not.

With that said, when you close yourself off from others you stop growing. It’s always a stupid idea, even for you guys on the Indian Reserves.

lol Africa. If Florida ever became a continent, we’d have to rename it Africa 2

It depends on how you define ‘growth’. I know my elders talk a lot about how many cultures value the material over the spiritual, and that may make them powerful conquerors, but in doing so they’ve lost themselves. They see isolation as being like a person meditating in the wilderness, trying to distance yourself from the clutter of distractions so that you focus inward.

There is a strange paradox in knowing we are all connected, but wanting to be uniquely separate.

I don’t dwell much in to their affairs, but I read somewhere that for a moment, they were killing Afrikaner farmers.
Maybe that has a lot to do with it.

I can’t watch the video right now, but if the headline is misleading and there are other criteria by which they delineate themselves from other sub-cultures aside from the fact that they’re white Africans, then sure. I guess you could make an argument for that.

But if the basis of their subculture is the fact that they’re white Africans, then it’s B.S., they’re racists, and fuck them.

I think the basis is that the idiots who are led by those who keep them down and blame the white man, saying that the land they farm on was stolen, and other nonsense keep going around killing and raping said white farmers. I’d post a link but there’s nudity on the dead women. These idiots don’t produce shit, can barely feed themselves, and decide to kill or chase out all the white people (you know: those with imagination and entrepreneurship above just wanting to be a warlord, or a lawless thug) who produce the food, and supply the jobs. Mugabe took the land from the afrikaners and gave it to the black africans…and they couldn’t do shit with it because they didn’t know how to use the very land they were hating on white people so badly about. Hell, they didn’t know anything about farming to begin with! This is just envy coupled with incompetence and ignorance.

White people claim some land on other peoples land, sounds familiar.

This has been going on for centuries in all sorts of countries by all kinds of people, nothing new here.

who cares

people will always segragate themselves

either by race, religion, money, etc

So as long as they aren’t killing people who cares.

its their loss, not yours or anyone elses

People are seriously shocked by this.

Nelson Mandela says welcome to 40 years ago.

Also I love all the nigger killing weapons/vehicles these assholes come up with and all the bullshit they continue to spew.

Seriously white people…

You just jelly we get all the cool toys.

lol, that car gave no fucks about that C4

Seriously, white devil is being nice when you think about it.

Because having black people in your community totally destroys the preservation of your culture.

Lol. As if any white person would want to embrace the history of Dutch colonization in Africa are you fucking kidding me…

No, just property values.

You know, this may be a good thing, gets the worst of them out in the open and in one spot where they can cause little harm.

LOL, not all white people are Dutch.

LOL, having any people of diffrent ethnicity destroys and rebuilds any culture you had before the integration. Don’t be obtuse

Damn did you even watch the video? Its a colony of mostly Dutch descendants.

And being around another group of people doesnt diminish what you are, nobody said you had to absorb their culture through osmosis.

sounds like a good place to be :coffee:

I wonder how if they have midnight launches for Madden.

you don’t have to go to africa to see people cloistering together because they want to live with people who have the same superficial appearances, culture, habits, backgrounds, and mentality

little china
da hood
trailer parks
