this is going to be amazing. It better be recorded!!
st ryu and hf ryu are both good! who gives a shit about the technicalities!
should be sickkkkkk!
will daigo defend against air hurricanes? will watson even try to do air hurricanes? will a super go through a fireball? will watson shoryu right through that shit? will there be TODs? who will hit cr. RH more?!
after looking at that vid further, i think it’s safe to assume watson was cobra kai colored ryu. immediately before the match, it shows kurahashi vs watson, and he used the exact same colored ryu.
also, i don’t have a problem with the match setup, but i dont think it would give a true interpretation of “BEST RYU”, especially playing on ae, let alone playing ryu/ryu only and no other. i’m not sure on the exact tier list between the different ryus for ae, but is it safe to assume they are not equal?
think of it like as, say yaya (n.sagat) vs choi (o.sagat) - i dunno, i dont see choi getting beat in that match, especially for the simple fact that o.sagat has advantage (forgive me though, that might be a bad example since n.sagat is pretty weak in comparison, but i think you know where i’m going with that).
and as far as the mirror match only and not vs other characters. i kinda get reminded of the kurahashi v muteki match at that 1 sbo, where - imo, and looking at the record, kurahashi has consistently done better in tourneys vs other chars, but vs say an equally skilled (though differently played guile), the outcome might be different. i personally think kura is better overall, but that muteki is just better in mirror match. i’m just saying is all
I think some people are forgetting how much damage and starup invincibility hf ryu’s rh hurricane has and how his dps are 100% invincible on the way up but that being said I still think super gives st ryu a slight edge.
Anyone know the frame data on the ryus fb’s? Being a shotot mirror that’s what it’ll all come down to I think.
People are taking this way too technical, it’s a fun match that they are playing, just enjoy it.
CigarBoB joysticks ftw.
It’s an EXIBITION, so just take it as entertainment
SHIT! I won’t be leaving New York until Friday night at 9!!! Well, hopefully it’s a good show! Maybe I can catch someone’s recording on Saturday.
Oh also a heads up the HDR Regional 5v5 is tentatively scheduled for 7pm Friday, this would be an amazing opener exhibition for that.
AE wasn’t all that popular in the states, but in London and Asia the game is still played. Over here, the longer the game has been out the more and more ST characters shuffled up the tiers and play.
There is no doubting CE Bison and CE Guile are a real handful, but over the years we really have learned to counter them. I’d say ST Balrog, ST Vega, ST Dhalsim and HF/ST Ryu are right up there too.
AE is such an ugly tournament game, but this is so exciting!!!
perfect post ^ ^ ^
why the hell would you play HF ryu over ST ryu? someone enlighten me. why would you not want super? are his specials that much better or more invincible or something?
HF Ryu has one less frame startup and recovery on his fireballs. 2 frames might not seem like much but it actually makes a pretty big difference.
He’s also got more invincibility on his hurricane kick and better DP’s, and of course he’s got that HF damage and dizzy.
I still don’t think that makes up for juice kick, overhead/rush punch, juggle, and super. But Watson is the one who’s playing, and if he feels better playing HF Ryu then more power to him.
I actually think HF Ryu vs ST Ryu makes the match more interesting then just straight up ST mirrors.
I’m just rooting for Mike and thought he was putting himself at a disadvantage, but it’s all good because this should a fun match to watch.
the st juice kicks are good but turbo hurricanes have some stupid shit going on with them too.
parabolic arcs vs anti grav
what do you mean by juice kicks?
^ (Electric I know you don’t need all of this detail but I figured newer players might appreciate it.)
To the best of my understanding, the real “juice kick” is when ST Ken jumps forward and immediately does an air hurricane. This propels him forward very quickly at a low-to-the-ground arc. It allows you to swiftly close the gap between you and your opponent, sail over any of his low hitbox attacks, and potentially smack his face with your foot when you get there. I’m no Ken specialist but I’m told it’s a huge asset to him in certain matchups.
The term gets used as a general term in any SF game though, for any time a shoto employs that style of jump forward low air hurricane for (fast) mobility.
In ST, Ryu’s air hurricane behaves a little differently than Ken’s, and–even though it has its own uses–for this purpose it is considered to be less juicy. Even if you do the same motion/timing, I believe you will travel higher and horizontal slower, and it’s tougher to hit with it at the end. It can still cover a full screen and get you over all sorts of ugly things, though.
I’m pretty sure that’s right. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong here.
ahh I thought that was it. Yeah Daigo uses those with Ryu a lot for wake up games.
Daigo FTW!:china:
HAppy now
What does this post have to do with this topic at all? That picture is of Wong vs Daigo in SF4, this is about Watson vs Daigo in ST.