IMO, Zero has to be the best battery. He build a lot of meter in one combo and doesn’t really need meter to deal very heavy damage
(well you need an assist). Chun and Mags are amazing too.
EDIT: Forgot Wesker.
IMO, Zero has to be the best battery. He build a lot of meter in one combo and doesn’t really need meter to deal very heavy damage
(well you need an assist). Chun and Mags are amazing too.
EDIT: Forgot Wesker.
Funny enough his question wouldn’t be answered in that thread since it requires you to fill out some form and very few people actually do anything other than posting their own teams.
As for the OP, chris, haggar, sentinel, zero, wesker, magneto, hulk and I think wolverine. Those characters generally build a good amount of meter and most of them can do very good damage without meter.
I played this guy who had a good team consisting of Zero, Morrigan & Phoenix. Zero’s long lasting normals allowed him to use Morrigan’s meter-gain assist on reaction. I literally had to rush him down constantly, even with my ranged character (Ryu for his Fireball Super.)
trust me on this one taskmaster and wesker needs their hyper especially against tough opponent either to chip of bnb combo.
characters like hagger, hulk, doom, Amaterasu, wolverine does not need there hyper as must as other characters sentinel too also needs he’s meter to stop opponent from coming forward.
Wesker definitely does not need his hyper combos. He does plenty of damage with meterless combos.
My team of Haggar Morrigan Phoenix is built on building meter. I like haggars damaging combos and obviously morrigans meter building assist. I get to do plenty of supers and still gain 5 meter before phoenix should ever get out there. (I’m sorry…hypers).
launcher tag switch is the best battery…
Yeah i agree with Chun. She builds meter hella fucking fast with all of those hits. Especially in a game where lame doesn’t build meter unless it makes contact its good to have someone on point that just racks up the bars as soon as you land a combo.
So far, we got:
Trish, Amaterasu, Haggar, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Morrigan, Taskmaster, Wolverine, Zero, Chris, Hulk, Chun-Li
I would also like to add Tron Bonne. She was made to be a battery character. Her supers are tougher to link into and it seems like her normal combos are the best thing to do. Her loop is extremely easy to do and her jump H or ad H is very good. Personally, I do Tron Bonne/Iron Man (Unibeam)/Zero (Ryuenjin). Another good battery is C.Viper and potentially Spencer.
I disagree with Iron-Man and Wesker not being Battery characters. Iron-Man’s super even do it looks very damaging, does average damage for a super and Wesker’s, even do useful, does very little damage and barely helps combo damage.
except that iron mans is useful because it can be tagged onto virtually any super in the game for more damage.
it’s not the raw damage it’s the versatility that makes his super great. hits fast, full screen, huge beam and can be angled. iron man is an awesome assist and certainly to call in for his super. i don’t see how he can be considered a ‘battery’ character even remotely. who the hell uses iron man in their 1st spot…? he’s a super assist.
i disagree with this. task hits HARD and his bnb combo is mad long.
he builds a ton of meter and is a threat with or without his super for the fact that he’s hard hitting and can build meter for himself or others.
i throw out mad supers in my matches, dhc, etc. and never run out of meter due to task.
you can zone like crazy and build meter by calling assists and doing vertical arrows, jump in the air, 45 degree arrows, rushdown, assist, shield, horizontal arrow, etc.
task has options…
I’m gonna jump on the Taskmaster wagon for what is at least a very excellent battery. His basic BnB hits hard and builds you over a single meter, which isn’t anything spectacular, but he does so much damage that he doesn’t absolutely need it. I think Chun is the best, but her long combos are fairly execution heavy, so take that as you will.
I did some quick testing with Wesker.
Midscreen meterless BnB: 516,900 damage, ~135% meter
Corner meterless BnB: 508,100 damage, ~120% meter
Midscreen BnB with Phantom Dance: ~597,900 damage (number of hits varies), ~15% net meter
Corner BnB with Phantom Dance: ~580,000 damage, ~7% net meter
Midscreen BnB after Rhino Charge: 684,800 damage, ~-4% net meter
This looks like a good battery to me.
I’ll disagree with Spencer easy. I think he needs at least 2 meters – one for threatening the Bionic Falcon Punch and one for cancelling into another super if it gets blocked. I’ve tried him as first, but didn’t like him much in that position.
I’d say more meter user.
Well then that’s more your playstyle isn’t it? You don’t have to do his Bionic Arm and instead just combo and get inside when you’re supposed to. Bionic Arm is a punisher and if you’re rushing down properly you don’t need super. He builds meter quickly b/c he’s not reliant on Bionic Arm.
edit: [media=youtube]gqI8KABXNr4[/media] (just cut the super at the end and do another loop attempt)
Best batteries in 3 are the zoning characters tbh. Since you no longer gain meter from wiffs, sitting at full screen with good coverage and doing your best beam intelligently is smart stuff for building easy meter early.
Other than that, if you know how to get a hit with your character, he becomes a battery. I know it’s not that simple, but there are plenty of Launch, BCS, assist combos leading to relaunches or other high damage / no meter options. The bottom line is, you build meter like crazy in this game, unless you average 1 bar per 5 seconds you should be alright, ha.
Also, TACs are excellent for building meter, until somebody breaks the TAC tech with some mash technology.
Chris and Ironman are both really good at gaining energy. I’ll try to make some examples later today.
Seriously, if you’re using Phantom Dance to end combos you should probably go in the lab and rethink your Wesker, that is some day 1 garbage right there.
My Wesker can build just shy of 2 solid meters, takes to the corner, does 550k and resets into a 50/50 with just Iron Man assist. Phantom Dance, does absolute ass damage, wastes a meter, and gives you awful positioning afterward, in my opinion it’s a total loss to do. Only time my Wesker is using meter is for Nightmare finishers.
I don’t think his potential as a battery is absolutely amazing, but you can definitely do much worse, and I think of all the close range battery characters he is the most likely to get in and actually score a hit.
lol nevermind, I didn’t realize I was speaking with a mentally retarded member.
Keep up your memorized combos for actual competition, kiddo.