i am trying to play a phoenix based team, i know its suicidal and all , but which character is the best battery ?
I’ll meet you over in the Phoenix forums … i am tryin to do the same… lol
worth having this thread though for the purposes of other teams and users of other characters also looking for battery characters.
I’d recommend Haggar and Iron Man, and I find Trish can go OK without meter and builds it pretty fast. IMO.
Ammy, Chris, Doom, Iron Man, Magneto, Morrigan, Taskmaster, Trish, and Wesker and probably Wolverine are all pretty good battery characters, they can do well without meter and build meter well enough…
Morrigan is iffy because of how much of her stuff she does with her dark force, but I don’t think she really -needs- it to operate. I wouldn’t put her in the same category as Skrull, Phoenix, or Dorm at least, who need meter to be a threat.
Hulk and Haggar sort of fall into the same boat, but I think they’re an unwise choice for a point character on a phoenix team.
Dante, Magnus and zero are probably the best batteries to be honest
I’ll disagree with Taskmaster since I think he does better with supers. He can use them for chip plus any connected air throw turns to heavy damage with MH Legion Arrow.
What character doesn’t do better with supers…
Zero can build more than one bar in one bread and butter combo… My pheonix team is curretly zero/sentinel/pheonix (I know! I’m a skank!)…
That should probably be: “Taskmaster is better as a super user than battery.”.
Wish there was a http://shoryuken.com/f340/new-official-team-making-thread-***read-first-post***-264359/ …
Taskmaster has a really good hyper that’s really handy for him, but I wouldn’t call it essential, since the “only” thing he really uses his hypers for is tacking damage onto the end of a normal BnB that’s respectable in damage on its own.
Contrast with someone like Dormammu, whose keepaway isn’t nearly as threatening when you don’t have to worry about all of his long range attacks ( or at least pillar, hole, and bolt ) leading directly into a hyper… or Skrull, who loses most of what makes him threatening if he can’t torch after tenderizer or inferno after a meteor smash, etc.
Haggar is a monster without meter. Morrigan gamma assist helps. Also, don’t forget about team aerial combos - if you land a :d::s: team aerial you get a FULL bar and a :f: or :s: gives you 1/2 a bar.
haggar is good, but against zoning characters is really useless, against doom,dormammmu and arthur , he is really bad.
Meter makes his throws more dangerous. Air throw leads into an air MH Legion Arrows for good damage. Throw into the corner also leads into a MH Legion Arrows.
I’d say it discourages players from getting too close and aggressive to Tasky.
EVERY character can use meter. that having been said, chun seems like the best battery for gaining meter, she can use meter while still making a gain. wolverine has good damage without meter. his standard bnb makes exactly 1 bar and does a little over 1/2 life on 800,000 hp characters. throw both of those characters on a phoenix team and you’ll have meter in no time, problem is that both characters need a good beam assist so being on a phoenix team is a gimmick. one on a phoenix team with a beam assist is good enough imho. wolvie iron man phoenix seems really solid. wolvie with IM can ocv teams if he uses meter…
still though, chun has all the meter building one would ever want imho.
IMO, task is an excellent battery first, meter user second. anything he burns he can create, easily. i see both sides of the argument, to be honest. arrows on the end of anything equal sent damage. it can definitely “scare” an opponent to know that one throw equals the majority of a character’s life and one combo can be death or close to it.
i agree with chun or wolverine being beter batteries, tho.
I would definitely add Taskmaster to the list of effective battery characters.
Legion arrow makes Task totally inmune to anything after the flash besides being almost instant, can punish a stupid amount of things besides pushing the opponent to the other side of the screen so he can keep throwing arrows and slowing them form afar. I sometimes throw a random Legion just to scare them.
Chris does tons of damage with no meter and builds a ton of meter he rarely has to use… even the guide says he’s a good battery