Where's all the players at?

CvS2 is sure better than SF4

Hey I was there today… until 12 or something. were you there? if you were, who were you :o

I was the puny skinny asian dude with weird hair

I can’t believe I used to like svgl cvs2 sticks…
Oh well, was a lot of fun tonight. Much more fun than sf4…
Huge crowd too, a lot of people actually playing cvs2

Lol ggs to extravagant and black rob with his Balrog…i had no clue what to do!

I can’t stand waiting for SFIV man, it takes too damn long to wait. Then when you finally get up there just to lose it takes FOREVER to get back. I remember i went there around 10:30ish then when i actually sat down on the cab to play, i think my friend told me it was a bit past 11. Fuck that shit…CvS2 for life.

I must’ve missed you dude, like I said a few posts up, something came up so I was only there from 7-8 last night. If you’re going to svgl on a weekday this week, post here, I’ll see if I can make it down there - 1 hour of cvs2 a week isn’t enough!

BTW, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one having problems against Robert’s balrog - he wiped the floor with me last weekend.

I beat Robert’s Balrog :smiley:

But, it wasn’t easy.

Anyways, how about Friday?

anyone down for some cvs2 late thursday? I got a final and will be looking to relieve some stress after it.

Normally I’d be down for Thursday, but I have plans this week - hopefully you find someone to play with brotherman.

I haven’t been to svgl on a Friday in a while - which day has more comp usually, Friday or Saturday? I probably won’t stop by on both nights, so let me know, I’ll swing by whichever day has more competition.

Saturday had more comp than Friday, from my perspective of last weekend.

Yo dude, I got nothing going on tonight, so screw it, maybe I’ll go down to SVGL. Post here if you’re going tonight, if you post before 8 or so I’ll head on down. Otherwise, I’ll definitely be there tomorrow night.

ah damn, I was just there XD

did you go?

as much as i love this game, i can’t get this to run smoothly on my hdtv.

No, I didn’t go yesterday, but I’ll be there tonight fa sho.

Also, how is it not running smoothly on your hdtv ouroborus? Is it choppy, or is there just a lot of lag? It looks really pixelly on mine, but the lag is pretty minimal so it plays fine.

My bad dude for not showing tonight, my plans got fucked up, thanks a lot fucking random 101 traffic jam for no reason. That pushed everything back so by the time I got free, I would’ve gotten to SVGL at 11:30 or so. Not getting to play cvs2 this weekend = hella lame. Oh well, post in here next time you’re going and I’ll try to stop by.

I heard SVGL no longer has CVS2, true?
I know SF State got rid of it (boo)

I haven’t played CVS2 for a while now, and I’m afraid I forgot how since I’ve been getting involved in SF4, but I’m planning to get reacquainted with the game, and I’ll keep my eye out on this thread.

Hope to see y’all soon.

SVGL got rid of it? Goddamnit…now the only good game there is SFIV for me lol. All they had to do was fix P2 side and it would have been all gravy too… MGL it is for CvS2 now :frowning:

I am so bad at this game now, i try to tech by rolling(lol!) and think i can juggle lp shoryus into Shinkuu Hadoukens. Lost alot of footsie skills too :frowning:

I’m going to check on this rumor tonight…it had better not be true! I heard CvS2 was being fixed earlier this week, I’d be surprised if they got rid of it altogether. I reaally don’t want to go all the way to fucken SJ just to play cvs2.

Reports of CvS2’s demise at SVGL are greatly exaggerated - it was there and working last night. They still haven’t fixed the damn 2p stick.:bluu:

Oh thank goodness I was misinformed!

I’ll be posting when I go there, hope to see some players!

2p wasn’t so bad…