What's your vote for HDR Match of the year 2009?

Happy new year to all.

I saw a similar thread posted elsewhere for SFIV, so i thought it might be interesting to steal the idea and create a HDR specific thread where we could discuss the best matches of the last 12 months and see if we could agree on what was the best Remix match that was played at tourney level in '09.

My vote goes to Daigo vs DGV at season’s beatings 4.

The youtube clip of it is a bit of a fail due to the recorded live stream crapping out a lot, but most people who are interested have seen it already anyway. It was an awesome match, a real nail biter Ryu mirror from 2 of the best ryus around. Daigo is unquestionably the best Ryu player in the world at the moment, although fairly new to HDR, and DGV is arguably one (2) of the best HD Remix players in the USA at the moment. This was a fantastic battle between the 2 with DGV connecting his signature Short cancel Super combo not once but twice, but daigo winning it in the end in line with the odds.

Anybody else got any candidates for HDR match of the year? Please post links to videos of your nominations if you can.


I think one good contender would be Megaman’s match against John Choi.

Sure he didn’t win, but that 100% death combo just tickles me pink!

agreed. mega mans honda beasted at that tourney (especially against wong)




My HD Remix Match of the year my boy Pete taking down Justin Wong it was an awesome match especially when your there next to your friend until the end!!

You know, I was so tempted as the commissioner of the WWL to put this match up there. It was really awesome. It would have been more awesome though if we could have somehow had the audio of everyone going crazy when Jiggly lands the super for game 1…

But you did set the world record for most amount of crouching jabs in a single set… At current count, the number of jabs thrown is 7,332,235.4

All those cr. jabs made me lol. Excellent set though, really displayed what Street Fighter is all about in relation to other fighters.

Meh, no mirror matches should be nominated. Either a really bad matchup with the disadvantaged person making a great comeback win/moment. Or a relatively non mirror close to even match full of tense moments. Ryu vs Ryu just doesn’t do it for me.

Mega beating Wong :tup: Great match!

Oh come on. Then it has to be Jiggly versus Thelo. Amazing Clutch Super for a Hawk W over arguably the best Honda player in North America? (I mean take Thelo and Mega put them next to each other, they just play so differently…) That was so awesome…

Agreed! That match (and the whole trip) was so much fun! It was oozing with hype!

It does suck that we couldn’t get any audio recorded. I’ll never forget how loud Zass was screaming when I dizzied Thelo. Thelo, you should record the audio next time we have big fights like that.

Can you blame him? It was EPIC!

Where are the NEC vids? I was hoping to catch damdai’s Ken (or Dhalsim) vs Ganelon’s Claw, TechnicalMonkey, Marsgatti, etc. Those would have been some really good matches. = L

But so far, the most epic match for 2009, I gotta agree with Mackdaddi, DGV vs Daigo.


I’m going to humbly nominate this. Voltech (blue) vs Zass (purple) at Evo2k9. Some background. So far the set is 1-0 for Zass.
Zass then wins one round, so Voltech is one round away from losing.
0:55 - Voltech is about to jump into a chun super. Zass supers, and then voltech counter supers for the win!
1:45 - Zass has had super stored for a long time, and finally unleashes it for the win! But no, voltech counter supers AGAIN for the win from a losing position!!

Really amazing comeback and play by voltech.

I remember after the first one, thinking: okay, this guy is GOOD
after the second one my hands were shaking and I was thinking “Who the HELL is this guy??”

Really great set to Voltech!

LOL I’m a screamer!! I was hoarse the next day after that match.

Amusing related note: If you watch the finals of B3


At the very, very end, when Alex Valle tiger uppercuts John Choi for the win (this is my nomination for match of the century, btw), you can hear someone screaming OOOOH MY GOOOOODDDD!!! @4:11, drowning out everything else in the audio. That was me. LOL

I’m gonna have to vote for this one too! It was my first major tournament and I was nervous as all hell. The night before a bunch of us (Cesar, JV, gamertron, St1ffPeter, & others) were getting smashed while playing casuals in our room (beer, brownies & HDR FTW!) For some reason (luckily) Cesar was playing a ton of Sagat vs. my Honda. He sat right behind me when I was playing and during this match, the only thing I remember hearing was him saying “dude just relax and do what you did last night.” I don’t remember crowd noise, I dont remember the announcer, I dont remember anything but his comment and the game audio. If he didn’t say that to me I would have lost. If it weren’t for Mr.SNK recording the matches with his video camera, I wouldn’t have heard the crowd cheering!

Anyway, it was a great personal achievement for me. The first tournament I fought Wong and Cole in I got fucking destroyed by both of them. It was back in Pomona in '06/'07. There was a time where I didn’t play SF much, and up until I started playing with JV (and with the release of HDR) I was a total scrub. It was nice to finally reach a level where I could offer them some competition.

Anyway, I appreciate both of the nominations I recieved. Thank you!

And ya JV, that trip was the fucking bomb.

I also Vote EA Megaman’s match for best Match you gotta give it up when you see a character who isn’t supposed to win like E honda take down a good player like Wong. Good shit megaman

I also Vote EA Megaman’s match for best Match you gotta give it up when you see a character who isn’t supposed to win like E honda take down a good player like Wong. Good shit megaman

Mega’s match against Wong for me. West Coast Honda REPRESENT!