What's your vote for HDR Match of the year 2009?

I think I’m going to go with Daigo vs DGV. That match was 100% pure epicness. Jiggly vs myself was exciting because of the 5% extreme comeback moments, but 95% of the length of these matches was still regular lockdown business.

Megaman vs Wong is a really strong contender though!

megaman vs wong

x2… I’ve seen this match from the beginning when it was posted. Exciting to watch.

Megaman vs wong was delicious!

Is there a way to watch a good version of Daigo versus DGV?

I have the full HQ version which was originally posted on SRK by Iapetus, who at the time requested it not be posted elsewhere. If the community deems it acceptable to post now, then I could re-upload it to YouTube.

The matches themselves were quite enjoyable to watch. DGV almost had Daigo’s number a few times, but overall Daigo was too solid with his fireball pressure, especially in the corner.

That’s why i picked daigo v dgv over the rest of the year’s highlights. It was just balls to the wall action for the whole set. :rock:

Me too, the HQ camcorder footage right? Good isn’t it?

I’ll post it too, if the general concensus is that it’s OK, but i don’t want to step on anybody’s toes in terms of tourney organisers recouping money on DVD sales, cos that stuff is important to the scene.

What do people think? Good idea? Bad idea?