What's your opinion of Capcom now?

I’m sure most, if not all of us, started out as big Capcom supporters, our childhoods centered around old-school Megaman or Street Fighter, etc. However now, the company has faced a lot of criticism and condemnation for a variety of reasons, including
[]the abrupt cancellation of Megaman Legends 3,
]requiring users to pay for content locked on the disc
[]coming out with a more complete release after the initial debut of a game
]the outsourcing of the next installment of Devil May Cry to Ninja Theory
[*]the introduction of comeback mechanics in their fighting games
Do you think as fans we are entitled to our demands when it comes to the content of a game? Are you convinced Capcom has turned their back on their fans? And have the controversial decisions they’ve made soured your taste for their products?

Oh boy. You are asking SRK what they think about Capcom today…

Instead I want to talk about you Zodiac. Who are you? What fighting game lead you to SRK? Why would you want to start such a provocative topic? Is your mom hot? Can I see pics of your mom? If she’s hot and you supply pics I will fap. So will others. Quietly. In the dark.

I don’t play current gen games anymore, so I don’t give a shit.

Titties…or GTFO.

Don’t forget that steaming rushed turd that was Resident Evil 6.

Wouldn’t call Re6 rushed just they spent more time on cutscenes, grapheeks and scripted shit and not enough time on the actual gameplay.

Oh boy, here we go!

I like anime games with comic book characters, so I will support Capcom even if they kill babies

I just started playing Dragon’s Dogma, so I can still enjoy the games that they make, but goddamn, do they make some bad business decisions.

I always said if I could give the business to a fictional female super hero it would probaly be Power Girl.

Even tho I don’t like newer Capcom games I think Capcom fans have a ridiculous sense of entitlement. The big Capcom titles have had sequels so far up the ass it would make fans of other series’ heads spin. All the most treasured Capcom titles were from an era of no consumer involvement, yet now every Capcom fan thinks they have a right to be part of the development process. If Capcom fans could accept that nothing good can last forever I think they’d have a more peaceful relationship with Capcom.

Also fuck the whiners who complain about on disc DLC.

I’m indifferent as of now. There are a lot of decisions that really put me at odds with them, however.

I’m so glad that the Japanese have finally caught ass fever. There has been so much great ass in games as of late. Anarchy Reigns if full of ass. Juri is all about that ass. I am a tit man but boy the power of dat ass is a force to be reckoned with.

That’s who that is right? My dick is out and I need confirmation!

Two words:


For clarification, my principles as a consumer and my self respect as a human being will not allow me to give money to a company that has spent the last few years systematically destroying everything I respect and enjoyed about their games while simultaneously insulting my intelligence and using pitiful distraction tactics like calling legitimate criticism “fanboy whining” and said critics “entitled gamers…”

Capcom will not see a dime of my money until some things change–
Stop dumbing down your games for people who will buy them either way.
Get rid of that lazy douchebag Svensson.
Stop pretending Mega Man doesn’t exist.
Get Platinum Games to work on the next Devil May Cry and pretend DmC and Ninja Theory never happened.
Future Street Fighter games NEED to have top level players playtest them extensively-- Actually LISTEN to their feedback and follow their suggestions.
Don’t fuck up Darkstalkers like you did Street Fighter x Tekken.
CvS2 re-release with ONLINE or don’t even bother.

Finally*(I know this will never happen), *an apology for your recent behavior and terrible business decisions. Be sincere and live up to your legacy. You have fans that love your creations and will support you, if you let them. Stop treating us like morons and stop degrading yourselves. You’re better than this.

I really only disagree with the new DmC and them more or less deciding “fuck Mega Man” I get that the games weren’t good enough in beta to continue but why did they leave him out of Marvel?

The butthurt & salt is coming…you can’t control it

DMC4 was the last game I enjoyed from them that isn’t from a remake from PS2 or earlier. I wished they finished it instead of selling it prematurely :frowning:

  1. The fact is most of their famous producers have left Capcom, so there’s less to like about the company right now. But that’s kind of excusable since nothing lasts forever.

  2. If Capcom wanted to appeal more to the Western market, they should have just bought a company like Square Enix bought Eidos, instead of making a culture-clash product that alienates fans. Tomb Raider is still (mostly) Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy is still Final Fantasy. S-E Even Konami funding Mercury Steam for new Castlevania games was acceptable instead of switching gears in the middle of an ongoing series.

  3. I’ll never understand finishing a game, hiding half the game under a black tablecloth, selling off the game, then lifting the cloth and acting like the rest of the game was a special spontaneous bonus. They don’t have the balls to charge $70-80 outright.

And I definitely don’t understand fans getting mad at hackers lifting the cloth ahead of schedule and showing the rest of the game on Youtube. What’s wrong with being an informed consumer?

If Capcom truly does take in feedback given to them from site than I can easily see why they’ll think a lot criticism is fanboy whining as that’s exactly what it is. Unity is the cesspool of shit. There isn’t enough legit constructive enough that goes through that place.