how do you get the bolo loop to work more than 3 times…the one that says get along little doggie?
You just have to be quick off the launch with qcf h, h. But after a normal combo it’s not easy to get more than 3.
We need more Deadpool tech, he’s my favourite character ;_;
Anyone got some funky stuff/ideas for a Deadpool/Dante/Phoenix(Or Ammy) team?
I’m working on stuff, but the lab is not my favourite place to be…
i’ve got oodles of tech, mostly resets at this point though after finding out his 750-800k combo on big characters.
for example when dr ray blew himself up against mike ross he was actually setting up a very godlike reset that probably would have worked and won him the game
in terms of that particular team chemistry I’d be hard pressed to think of much, you could potentially use QW assist for the standard unblockable setup with dante teleport, or use jam session to cover hiis slide (which if timed right should leave enough room for another mixup afterwards), as far as I’m aware him and phoenix don’t exactly get along very well anyways (barring his ability to build a lot of meter with extended combos). With that team you’d probably want to set up resets galore which is pretty simple stuff with Deadpool (either OTG gun followed by assist/teleport mixup or do a single katanarama OTG after the groundbounce has been used for a ghetto reset).
But I’m mostly stating the obvious, there’s not much more to learn with Deadpool outside of crafty resets AFAIK.
Well I’m fairly new to the mvc3 scene, mostly due to laziness to learn it and focusing on AE+BB so if it’s not to much trouble to ask would you mind kind or spoon feeding me a bit here? Either PM or here would be great, I’m not familiar with the current deadpool tech, and a lot of the information out seems outdated, or I missed something somehow >_<
Has anyone found any real use for Deadpools gun assist? I’ve never seen anyone use it and that kinda makes me want to figure out some tech with it. There’s one thing I have found but it’s really unreliable. After killing a character or snapping in, it can be used to setup an AA command throw. If the incoming character blocks the hits, he can be thrown but the timing is very strict and some characters might be able to hit you out of startup. I’ve tested this using Hulk and She-Hulk and it works with them both so I’m assuming it works with anyone with an AA command throw. I don’t think this is very practical but I’d love to be proven wrong. So… Anyone else found use for the assist?
Edit: Whoops, meant to put this in the team building thread.
I used to use it with Dante as a combo extender … ground punch + A1 then jump S. Then I realized quick work works fine also. It’s also good for comboing Dante airthrow into hammer.
I was thinking yesterday maybe on character entry, you can do the assist and use a special to get behind them for a crossup and get a clean hit with Deadpool.
well I don’t know what to tell you dorian, nothing in this thread is necessarily ‘outdated’ just different people’s takes on how to play the deadpool. You can look at the encylopaedia dramatica to get a full rundown of his basics (and shameless plug time) and his most damaging BnB. Deadpool isn’t exactly a complicated character, he’s just basic keepaway with a few mean tricks for mixup (ie cancelling overhead to QW, calling assist and teleporting to the other side and pressing normals since he recovers nigh-instantly etc). It would be much easier if you could ask specific questions about what’s troubling you because everything I can think of to say has been documented around here somewhere.
My current BNB is:
Cr. :l:, Cr. , :h: xx Quick Work :h:, Dash, :s: jump :h: :s: , Katanarama Chimichangas, quick Work :h: Cuttin Time-DHC into Taskmaster/MODOK. Having trouble keeping the combo going after this, though.
I also like to do 6M, S, MMHS, Katanarama Chimichangas, Dash, S, HS, then HHT as I fall to the correct height.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Its been a while since I had the time to check here but I am glad to know they are helpful. Much more will be on the way as well
what was the reset he was going for? standard cornerish combo, katanarama+chimichangas, S jH jS qcfL on the way down then teleport to the other side and start banging? all I saw was “HE KILLED HIMSELF!”
also, is there a trick to timing the dash after a mid screen quick work?
yes you use the guns to OTG and then teleport upon landing to follow the roll (typically towards them since they usually tech backwards), or teleport away for more guns. If you line up the spike properly it turns into a very mean left right mixup on their wakeup, adding to this his cr A is something like 4-5 frames IIRC which is pretty fast, and leads to 650-780k depending on the size of the opponent.
and there’s no trick to timing the dash, just get used to its recovery and dash immediately when possible. lately I have run into a couple situations where it seems impossible to follow up thanks to how they fall (judging on when you hit the quick work they can spin at a different angle), but it’s not frequent.
Yeah I agree. DR Ray had the right idea but just didn’t manage the teleports =[ I use the same setup when I don’t have meter.
12:45 deadpool quick work loop finally on video
That looks sick! I might have to try this out when i get some time to play this. Need to improve my Deadpool a little more.
How much damage did that whole combo do with 1 meter?
around 750-800, it does 850 if you start with just H quick work
Sorry if this is newb talk but I didn’t see it anywhere else. Did youse guys know Deadpool can relaunch in the corner with kantarama with out the H followup? The timing is a little tight but this combo works and does pretty decent damage with dhc trick to whoever.
cr.:l:> cr.> cr.:h:> :s: otg :f::d::df:+:h:>:s: air.:h:>air.:s: call :a1: otg :f::d::df:+:h:
At this point the hit stun really limits what you can do. If you’re like me you can use akuma tatsu assist and do m/h quick work during the akuma assist into :d::db: :h:+:m: super (sorry it’s the five hitting one Don’t know the name). Dhc into Kitty helper in my case for a nice chunk of damage.
right on man that’s a good way to maintain spacing.
I forgot to post this but it’s kind of in line with that Raiden.
With my new team I start a lot of combos with haggar lariat > katanarama > chimichanga just to give myself some breathing room. However I realized after messing around that I can get two katanarama/chimichangas out in a single combo. Goes like this
A2 (haggar) 623HH > dash > S > MMHS > A1(magneto) 623HH > 236 Super. A1 prevents the 2nd groundbounce and allows to push them fullscreen for a super. This is a VERY good way to happy birthday someone if you catch an assist and point character with Haggar.