What's your blood type?- The Deadpool Combo Thread

Knock them down in the corner, Katana Rama>Chimichangas for OTG, they’ll wallbounce over Deadpool, wait till they’re near the ground and hit :s:, Deadpool will now be the one in the corner and you Launch them, do the Bolo Tie and Deadpool will be kept next to the opponent cause of the corner and you can loop it like that.


might be a dumb question, but whats the difference between the bolo loop and his quick as the wind infinite? i mean, doesnt the bolo loop count as an infinite since it cant be stopped?

So I finally got around to utilizing double jumps in my air combos today - after launcher, I’ve just been doing j.:m:, j.:m:, doublejump+j.:m:, j.:h:, j:s:

Are there any more efficient air combos?

@jaytoo, that’s pretty much it, most of his longer combos involve bolo and katanarama loops.

How many reps do you guys normally do off the bolo loop? I usually go for 5, but I’m trying to perfect 6. It may be character specific, but that’s my goal, considering how much meter it builds. After Chimichanga!, I neutral jump bolo loop for about 3 times, and on the 4th, 5th, and 6th, I dash up and bolo loop, inputting it much quicker.

is bolo loop really worth it? if you drop the combo, you miss out on some desperately needed damage for deadpool, whereas if you hit it, you get at most one meter with 6 reps and not much damage from the loop itself. if i was desperate for meter, i’d go for as many loops it would take for me to DHC reset. if i just need 2 loops to get the meter, i’d forget about doing a lot of reps. if i already have a lot of meter, i wouldn’t even bother. the damage/meter gain doesn’t make it worthwhile IMO.

Thanks for this brotha!

Any tips on landing Happy-Happy Trigger after an air knockdown in a combo? So in this combo for example:

Do you have to input just before Deadpool hits the ground?

I was messing around with this combo this morning, you have to input Happy Trigger right after hitting the :s: while still in the air. Timing depends on character size, small characters you have to delay a brief moment after hitting the Air :s:. For most characters though I was connecting Happy Trigger OTG when I mashed the input immediately after the Air :S:.

So no, you don’t input it just before he hits the ground, you input it just after you input the Air S.

I do it differently. After Air S, the opponent is slammed against the ground, and then bounces once. After the bounce, I do HHT.

Can someone give me any tips on how to land an air HHT after an air knockdown but also after Deadpool has landed and then jumped again?

Like in this combo:

c.:l:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :s:, jump, a.:m:, a:m:, a.:h:, a.:s:, land, jump up/forward, :d::df::f::atk::atk:

No matter what I do I can’t seem to get off the ground and in position to land the HHT at the end, the combo ends before the bullets hit–

–I know I can do just do it before landing but I’ve seen videos where people pull this off (YouTube - Marvel Hyper Guide - Deadpool - Apprentice Combos) and would like to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

I’m new to the game/genre so hopefully this is the right place to post this…

You can Tiger Knee the motion relative to where your opponent is:db::d::df::f::uf: :mp::hp: or just jump strait up and :qcf::mp::hp: it just takes some timing.

After the last air :s:, just double jump backwards immediately and input the super right away. Timing isnt that hard, when i do it, deadpool is off the screen when the super activates.

Right, but I’m trying to figure out how to get the timing right in the case where he lands first then jumps – like in the video.

Mid-screen, you can input Happy trigger around the time deadpool comes into the screen. It’s really easy vs most characters.
If your OTG/wall bounce pushes the opponent in the corner, you can do qcb H xx Trigger instead. It deals about 20k less damage, but it is much easier than trying to time the landing + TKTrigger or back jump.

Trying to input it before he hits the ground is way too hard to be consistent.

1st, that combo is useless as you probably know. It is just as easy to do the OTG rather than HHT in that spot, for much more damage/meter. 2nd, I really can’t figure out where the difficulty is in that. You simply land, jump, HHT. Once you did MMHS in the air, you can’t screw up the timing. If he lands in the corner, then you simply do what rock_lee said.

3rd, all the combos in that video are useless. There exists combos just as reliable that deals more damage in every situation.

Here are the combos I use, maybe someone can see ways to improve them:
:f::f::d::h::s::uf::h::s::qcf::atk::atk: is a better ending if the OTG was done in the corner, so the timing for the air HHT will be very easy
:qcb::h::qcf::atk::atk: is easier when the OTG was done midscreen and the wallbounce brings them to the corner. Slightly less damage, but added style and reliability.
:f::m:(overhead):dp::h::h::f::f::d::h::s::uf::m::h::s::uf::qcf::atk::atk: (This ending can include the extra M since the combo is so short)

You can make these combos stronger by adding a Quick Work series in them, but they are very hard to perform online, and even offline the added damage/meter gain is mediocre for the added difficulty. Whiffing something early in a combo is terrible…

I think this is his strongest combo:
:qcb::h::f::f::d::m::h::qcb::h::f::f::s::uf::m::h::s::dp::h::h::d::h::s::uf::s::qcf::atk::atk:, for 730kish. But you must use an assist to cover the Quick Work, as it is vulnerable on approach and on block. If you land it from max range, you won’t need to dash before the first :d::m:, making it much easier, but the timing is still pretty strict, so I usually don’t risk it. It only adds 50k damage and some meter, but screwing up early in a combo is really, really bad.

You can also combo into this after most openers (jump in :s::d::l::d::m::h:, Quick Work :h:), but the timing is even harder. To make this combo easier, hit the first :d::m: after the first quick work as late as possible, and cancel into the 2nd Quick Work as soon as possible, so the dash :s: will be easier.

Bonus fullscreen combo:
Dash forward, Call Taskmaster horizontal arrow assist, Pineapple Surprise!, land, :l:Trigger Happy, hit confirm into HHT, for about 430k.
Alt opener: Replace Surprise! by back jump :m:Trigger Happy, which will combo into arrows, which will combo into Trigger Happy and HTT, for about 380k.

Thanks for the advice guys. I’ll give it a shot.

I have recently developed as in today a liking for deadpool so if someone could kindly tell me his BnB running him with sentinel drones , storm whirl wind or dorms dark hole. Mostly sent , dorm I don’t know what his more useful assit would be currently using his anti- air ones. Thanks in advance

Deadpool gets a fair amount of mileage out of dark hole. I run Wesker/Deadpool/Dormammu and I wouldn’t go to using purification unless I dearly needed an AA.

With all those assists you just want to land a st L (or essentially a cr M), with a teleport you can mix people up enough to have any of them work appropriately.

His standard bnb changes per character you’re playing against. The typical one is cr L cr M st H XX H QW > dash > cr M st H XX M QW > dash > S > HS > katanarama XX chimichanga >> either super.

You can potentially get another spike and HHT in the air.

I typically shorten the combo after the H QW and just dash S, because I’m lazy and the cr M link is a whore.

So. A1 (dark hole) 421C > then all that stuff. Set it up however you do.

I haven’t had a problem with people falling out prior due to assists yet.

lol thanks for that. I was going to pm you on your bnb for deadpool now i don’t have too.

Double Katanarama combos are awesomely fun.

Near corner:

s.:l:,s.:m:,s.:h:,:s:>a.:m:,a:m:,a.:h:,a.:s:>:h::dp:>:h:>(turn)>:rdp::m:> :h:>:qcb::atk::atk:>X-Cancel>:qcb::atk::atk: is too good.

Minus the X-Factor cancel, it’s 580.100, with X-Cancel, 715,100

The non-cancel version is quite nice in itself - even if you don’t burn the bar, because they’re in the opposite corner, and you’ve reset your position to annoy.

My favorite thing to do these days for brain-dead damage.

So are combos into aerial rave ending in S, dash, Katanarama, followup, c.H, S second rave combos.

You could do more damage and meter if you replaced the 2nd Katanarama with c.H, S, jump, HS, HHT.

And Awesomersaur, I don’t think you should ever end a combo with wallbounce into Super. You can always get the H quickwork before either super, or dash into launch. If you go through the trouble of including double quick works early in the combo, at least finish it with style :slight_smile:

When you do include the double quick works though, you’ll probably have to go directly for S in the air, as at that point, even HS won’t combo.