You had me at unscale for beam. You’re now my favorite person.
you can actually call assists during the taunt but i just try to press both of em at the same time. sometimes i gotta press it before the taunt slightly.if they’re flipping out either hit the taunt lower or adjust assist timing to somehow call it even earlier (i do this just by teleporting as early as possible)
it’s a bit strange but once ya get it it’ll make sense
hit the taunt lower? Wouldn’t higher be better so they don’t touch the ground?
Also, if it’s the same time it should be easy.
Btw you can do the nova one using Eye assist on Strange.
Also what is the song you used for the vergil and doom vid?
there’s a slight threshold of where you can taunt bolo ‘em and have them fall out without them touching them ground. gettin’ this combo is still pretty specific but it’s doable and consistent. just play around with it, you can eyeball how to adjust it and once you get that golden height+assist press just keep hammerin’ on that.
the song is ‘love you love you’ from mighty switch force
I’ve been MIA from Deadpool forums for a while. That unscale is pretty awesome! How do you know you’ve unscaled?
in actual matches i just look at the lifebar because the assist will do like huge chunks of damage
also the taunt-> bolo unscale if you do it early forces neutral tech into an assist anyways which is really convenient
Hrm…for rapid slash they keep popping out of Vergil assist to high for the quick work to connect. Ever had this problem? I’m getting taunt-bolo into rapid slash at what seems like the perfect height nearly every time now, but I can’t continue.
Glad to see people are still experimenting with the bolo trick glitch since I’ve been away. I’ve been out of the loop with UMvC3 news and tech over the last few months, so I’m trying to play catchup.
You know these combos have my approval when you see this…lol
i’ve never had that problem, ever so it probably means it’s not unscaling
is the damage going into the 600k~ category? iirc if it doesn’t unscale off a cr.l it does like 520k~ but when it unscales it goes to 630k
even if quick work doesn’t connect the rapid slash should float them for so long that you can dash up and do anything you want at all
How the unscale glitch works? Sorry if i miss the post.
Double post
you hit them on the frame or two before they untech from bolo in the air that’s it
there’s nothing else to it
hell it might even work on grounded bolo idk. the taunt->bolo thing blew my mind because i thought it was a glitch pertaining to superjump state maybe but since it’s clearly not anything is possible. and i don’t have my xbox with me to test it out atm
All the glitch is is that you’re hitting them right as they’re unteching out of the bolo , but the game registers it as them being in the combo still. Something along those lines, I was talking to wedge about what it really is. That’s why its spacing and HSD dependent a lot of times.
Oh, I thought it was something simpler like hitting them with an assist on the way down after bolo or something. This sounds to be really hard to get down consistently. I’ll try it out tonight.
Anyone know some good rawtag combos off DP’s corner throw? I got throw, Katana H, st.LLM(both hits)H DP+MH rawtag Shuma, st.M+katanarama cr.M eyes, st.S HS, mystic ray, mystic stare, super, super, but the hitstun’s so low Shuma can’t do much of his usual gigantic deathcombo stuff.
I know Strange also has a tag-in from Katana H st.LMH DP+MH teleport M, tag, and because of flameloops that does more, but anyone got any others?
And yeah, unrelated to the rescale glitch, which I’m still not doing right, lol. Gonna lab it early next week, busy days for me at the moment.
Damn @tab you are the best! do you think its posible to do the glitch with tenderizer? or any skrull assist? i have tried it but i cant make it work dont make me pick vergil pls
I tried to get it with tenderizer using the Taunt xx Bolo variation, but I was unable to get it due to them getting hit before the proper height. I haven’t really messed with it too much simply due to that variation being hard for me to do.
i don’t have a vid but i discovered an easier way to do the nova unscale and i feel really stupid
when you do the 2nd quickwork and teleport, instead of doing m teleport and shifting your char a bit you teleport to the side you quick worked from (so l for facing right, h for facing left) then you dash up and press launcher and shield
it’s so simple and i was doin’ this complex lookin thing and ughhhh so much time wasted
Makes timing hitting it easier, but now I just need to practice the timing on the HxxBolo now for strange assist. It’s slightly different I think because of Eye being slightly smaller.