Does anyone know the trick to getting a Chim Changa after ground bounce was already used? I’ve done it a few times myself but it isn’t consistent.
Umm do you mean a katanarama or a chimichanga? Because chimi doesnt use a groundbounce, but katanarama does.
Ok, I’m confused. Real Talk: Is the capture glitch a true combo damage reset or is it a training mode combo counter glitch like some people have been saying.
I mean the damage is clearly resetting, so it can’t just be the counter that’s glitched
Yo GIMR sup?
Yes xicer, it does truly reset the combo damage. The assist hits at the point right before the opponent techs out of the bolo capture state and as a result the scaling is reset. It’s like starting a fresh combo while the opponent is still in hitstun from the last combo, all resulting in one huge damage combo.
Should I put up an explanation video?
So it seems with any bnb combo the s.H xx H Quick Work Cancel seems more like a juggle, I’ve been missing it some matches recently, mostly off of a c.L opener, and I think its because I’ve been cancelling too early. You need to cancel as late as possible to keep it consistent, at least it seems that way.
Just wait until you see the s.H connect. If you cancel it as soon as you see/hear it connect, you’ll be good.
Another DP/Doom/Strider? It makes my heart all fuzzy inside
But no, it doesn’t work with anything doom or strider has, or else I’d be doing it already. It’s truly sad that DP/Doom bestfriends can’t do the unscale glitch.
Deadpool/Hawkeye/Strider for life
It’s not as solid as the Doom/Strider shell, but I enjoy Hawkeye a lot more than Doom. I’ve used all 3 Hawkeye assist and I prefer the Kamikaze arrows for most opponents. My basic BNB with this team does 800K with one super. Unfortunately, Hawkeye doesn’t have the best DHCs so adding a second super doesn’t do as much as I would prefer.
As for that capture glitch, I’ve tried doing it and I must be missing something. I use DP on my Hulk/DP/Sent team and it’s the timing on this seems quite finicky. I tend to do the double TP into Launch combo which is NOT the one in the video, and it seems like the 3rd Drone does not hit 75% of the time. I might not be doing it fast enough.
It seems like you should be able to go into the glitch from almost any launch, :h:, bolo starter.
I’ve found the most consistency with the combo in the video that zeohawk made and ammy cold star.
I’ve only gotten the sent drones one 1/4 of the times i’ve tried it.
I don’t believe it’s worth going for that combo in a match anyhow unless you’re at least 85% sure you’ll get it.
Any ideas on using Vergil’s Rapid Slash to extend Deadpools BNBs?
Hey, guys, a couple questions.
1.) What kind of combos can you get from a Happy Trigger hit confirm? I imagine the combos must be pretty scaled, with one bar i got around 450k
2.) What are some very cool looking and flashy combos with Deadpool? I dont really mind less damage as long as it looks cool, haha.
3.) How do I incorporate Cold Star into my combos, I’ve seen in some of the videos here that its been used during combos, I would like to know when to use it and how much damage it does. Thanks!
Sooo I’ve been feeling kind of unsafe lately going for c.lm s.h as a blockstring because people have been pushblocking it properly and the QCB+M followup to teleport doesn’t work properly if they pushblock it correctly. So I started working on alternate methods of getting that 720k+ off of one touch and found a way to do it using the regular c.lmhs starter.
Without resetting teleport (about 732,000 dmg, builds almost 1 meter, uses 1 meter):
c.lmhs sj.h j.qcf+hxxh qcb+h bdp+l s.h qcb+m dash S sj.hs dp+hxxh bdp+h qcb+h qcb+l qcf+AA
With resetting teleport (720,500 dmg, builds a little over 1 meter, uses 1 meter, requires Strider in A2 position)
c.lmhs sj.h j.qcf+hxxh qcb+h bdp+l s.h qcb+m S sj.hs dp+hxxh bdp+h dash f+m A2 bdp+h j.qcf+AA
Haggar Lariat also works as an assist at the end of that combo.
Nice! Thanks for letting me know, I was wondering and hadn’t got a chance to test it yet.
Can anyone come up with a good airthrow or overhead combo that starts like this?
:f:+:m:, :f::d::df:+:h:, :s:, j.:h: :d::df::f:+:h::h:
It’s conserving the wallbounce for later in the combo but you can’t launch again because you’re out of hitstun for another bolo and you used your groundbounce so you can’t OTG again.
I’m thinking:
:f:+:m:, :f::d::df:+:h:, :s:, j.:h: :d::df::f:+:h::h:, :d::db:+:h::h: (for chimichangas), :d::db:+:h:, dash :s:, j.:h: j.:s: :d::df::f:+:m: :d::df::f:+:atk::atk:
dunno if there would be enough hitstun to get that last air series
well, depending on your assists, you can do something like this (i use haggar lariat)
:f:+:m:, :a1: :f::d::df:+:h:, :s:, j.:h: :d::df::f:+:h::h:, :d::db:+:h:, dash :s:, j.:h: j.:s:, :f::d::df:+:h::h:, ender
lariat conserves the ground bounce if you call it early enough. not sure what other assists would allow that.
If you want to use/have teleports you can do something like,
P1 Side, :f:+:m:, :dp:+:h:, Cr., St.:h: xx :qcb:+:h:, :rdp:+:l:, St.:h: xx :qcb:+:m: (chimichangas).
From here you can do several things to end it depending on if you’ve already used a teleport or what assists you have(such as missles):
A) :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:l: xx HHT/Cutting Time, (unmashed HHT:635,000 ) (CT:635,100)
B) (already used teleport before combo) dash :f:+:m:, malfunction, Air HHT (around 582 unmashed)
There are others, but these 2 enders seemed to be the best that I could pull of damage wise.