I will try this and check if it would work. tks
I don’t want to start creating false rumors or anything, but I believe with the new infinites showing up I think Deadpool MIGHT be a candidate to have one. With the use of his double Jump he can alter his air movement to land close enough to the ground to theoretically start one. I was messing around and would dj. forward instantly, fall almost all the way to the ground and j.h. I would proceed to nj. instant j.l, j.m. Sometimes the j.m would connect and other times they would flip out before the j.m even came out. The times they would fall out would be the times that j.h was farther from the ground. This is just all speculation but it could be possible he might have one.
Really? It always seems to fall apart around the S + Ammy call -> j.H -> Bolo for me. The bolo hits them, but they seem to fall out of it before getting hit by cold star. Starting from cr.M doesn’t seem to have that problem for me.
I’ll hit the lab again and see if I can’t figure it out.
EDIT: Okay, it is possible. Just really hard for me. They almost always either fall out of Cold Star or get lifted too high for Quick Work to hit. Need to practice more, I guess.
Somebody said Deadpool wouldn’t be able to do it, I would certainly be love to be proven wrong, he’s gotta be able to do something with his bola loops right?
Judging by how the infinite thing works it involves do a normal incredibly low to the ground that when you hit the ground you jump up and it doesn’t register you ever touching the ground. So it would have to involve using normals I think.
Hey guys pretty new to Deadpool, saw this on Reddit and noticed it’s not here, also noticed it’s from the combo video posted above sooo, there ya go. I’m gonna test it out later with Ammy coldstar instead of drones, looks like a great workable exploit for Deadpool though.
Impractical unless you are using anchor Deadpool I guess.
I really wanted something to happen there, although a 49 second video didn’t seem promising. Has anyone actually made any progress on this glitch, I can’t replicate it with Ammy cold star but haven’t really gotten good at doing the combo yet.
The general consensus from the tech-heads is that it’s just another instance of the combo-counter glitch, and not a true combo. It just looks like it combos because the opponent can’t tech out of the bolo (capture state), and they’re offscreen when the combo resets.
For verification: set the dummy to all block. Record the dummy doing and unsafe move, single playback. Punish with the combo - and the dummy will block it where the combo-counter glitch usually takes place.
I was just in training mode with deadpool trying to figure out a way to DHC into wesker’s phantom dance without getting crap damage due to the character being on the edge of the screen, but it was to no avail.
However, on a whim I decided to try DHC’ing from air happy happy trigger instead of the ground version, and wesker’s phantom dance actually connected and got ridiculous damage because my deadpool combo left the character in the center of the screen. I was super hyped at my new combo discovery only to come to the depressing realization that it was a complete fluke and wesker’s phantom dance will completely whiff in this scenario 9 times out of 10 (as will just about any super that doesn’t OTG).
Is there a trick to getting a non-otg super to connect after an air HHT consistently? Or is it just complete luck of the draw? Maybe mashing/not mashing plays a role?
I’ve had a little more success when doing ground Pineapple surpise xx HHT, but it’s still inconsistent.
As for DHC-ing into Wesker, you can always use Cuttin’ Time instead of HHT, which might DHC better? Not sure about this.
I think it has to do with whether they are bouncing up when the DHC happens. So that seems to be pretty difficult to time.
Cuttin’ Time should work really well if you DHC right after the final hit.
How on earth are you guys able to do Guns xx Teleport into a full combo? I’ve practiced it many times in training mode and have not been able to get it to work.
I think you need to be a certain distance in order to combo from guns. Some of the bullets need to still be traveling and holding the opponent in place while you teleport, so it won’t work if you’re too close.
yeah if you are fullscreen then you have a better chance of getting it.
I am assuming these combos work with sent drones also?? Are there any other assist that work besides cold star and drones where u can reset the damage?
The only other assist that somewhat works is Iron Man’s Repulsar Blast. But, the way the opponent react to the assist be random at times, so I don’t know how to properly followup afterward.
i’ve been trying it with nova shield assist and can’t get it to work, so i reckon it’s probably a bit too low for the bolo to untech at the proper timing/height. i’d love for someone with a better understanding of how this works to try it out though. the unscaling stuff with sentinel is somewhat strange to me in that it really seems to be hitting them at the very last frames of the bolo capture state because the window for the combo dropping or not unscaling is kinda small.