Oh thank you those combos are sick. Just most of them aren’t solo
I cannot for the life of me hit TK HHT, katanarama. They always recover before I can land katanarama… any tips?
2 meters, no assists or X-Factor. Looks really sick.
I can’t hit Katanara-rama after TK HHT either. Hmmm.
It seems so inconsistent. I want to see someone hit it 7 out of 10 times
Does anyone have nice Deadpool combos that take advantage of an OTG assist? I’ve been trying to integrate Wesker into my team (looking for an anchor) and I am hoping his OTG assist might give me online-friendly combos with good damage. So far this is what I have for around 700k damage:
cr.:l:, cr., :h:, Quick Work :h:, (dash), cr., :s:, (super jump), j., j., j.:h:, j.:s:, (land), (otg assist), :s:, (super jump), j.:h:, j.:s:, (land), :dp: :h: :h:, (dash if needed), :dp: :h:, :qcf::l: +
Also, I’ve recently adopted the “:dp: :h: :h:, (dash if needed), :dp: :h:, :qcf::l: + ” ender for my combos after seeing it in videos here. What do you guys do when you land at that awkward distance from the corner where the opponent will just barely cross you up after the wall bounce? Is there some way to have the “:dp: :h:” auto-correct? I’ve been having trouble with that, and it’s gotten to the point where I’ll burn a teleport cancel from “:dp: :h: :h:” just to get to the corner, where I can do “:dp: :h:” properly.
I usually start all my combos with magic series because they’re easy to input, so I can keep my mind more on the neutral game/whats on the screen than getting my beginning inputs right while not knowing if its blocked or not. My go-to Deadpool combo is:
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :s:, air :h: :s:, (land) (wesker assist), (dash back), :hcb: :h:, :s:, air :h:, :s:, (land) :dp: :h:+:h:, (dash) :dp: +:h:, super.
I like your beginning part of your combo, so if you stick with that, I’m sure you’ll break 700k; if not, this version does around 680-690k. A couple notes/resets with this:
- the dash back->:HCB: :h: is if your at around midscreen. The dash back makes it so heavy quickwork hits as late as possible and makes launching afterwards easier. The halfcircleback after the backdash is to avoid accidental teleports. But, if your at the corner, no backdash/halfcircleback is needed, heavy quickwork will work just fine. You’ll also need a small dash after quickwork to ensure launching small characters. Sentinel/others can just be launched directly afterwards.
- Instead of the :dp: +:h: at the end, you can land a :f: (his overhead) after the wallbounce. This creates a hard knockdown situation where you have enough time to neutral jump, air light guns, land, teleport behind them, or whatever, the extra time gives several possibilities for resets.
- Now, if your sure on your execution, one **really **fast/good reset I’ve used is : (combo posted) …
:dp: +:h:, immediate teleport to the wall your facing, st.:l: before they land, they air recover, jump airgrab. Try it in training mode, it happens very fast, & I’ve caught everyone who back air techs with forward jump airgrab.
Update on my combo: it actually does more damage without the cr. after Quick Work. Hitstun deterioration is a bitch. So the best I could come up with is:
cr.:l:, cr., :h:, Quick Work :h:, (dash), :s:, (super jump), j., j., j.:h:, j.:s:, (land), (otg assist), :s:, (super jump), j.:h:, j.:s:, (land), :dp: :h: :h:, (dash if needed), :dp: :h:, :qcf::l: +
Does around 740k damage, doable online. The only problem is that is you start the combo towards one corner, it will turn you around and go the entire distance toward the other corner, leaving you at an awkward distance to do the :dp: :h: at the end. I alleviate this problem by canceling the :dp: :h: :h: into a teleport (if I have one ready).
With Deadpool I still prefer Kinect-1’s bnb over everything else, even the two meter one. Doing his bnb and DHCing into Iron Man’s Proton Cannon does more damage than the two bar Deadpool bnb so I don’t see the point in using it.
Kinect-1 bnb is 771,800k fully mashed + Proton Canon gets it up 970k I think. Plus at this point they’ve eaten quite a few bullets/unibeams/hidden missiles.
Thank you! That made my day. It is probably deadpool’s most practical combo for maximizing damage. I do like the 2 meter combo because I use deadpool on anchor so I end up not having anyone to DHC into anyway. But, at that point I can just XF into another HHT.
It really is. You don’t have to rely on any gimmicky shit like multiple teleporters in a combo, its just a combo that works at any place on the screen off a j.S, c.L, or c.M hit.
Since that one has been working so well for me, my question for you would be what is your favorite Overhead (madwheel) combo?
:f:+:m:>:dp::h::h:>dash(or not if in the corner)>:s:>j:h:>:qcf::h::h:(get along little doggie!)>land>immediate :qcb::h:>dash>:s:>j:h:>j:s:> Air HHT before landing
I actually talked about this as the top of this page. It’s pretty good considering it’s off an over head
I have to agree with FuLLBLeeD, those BnB’s by kinetic-1 have proved the most reliable and really not that difficult to pull off, has really helped to up my Deadpool game.
I’m gonna experiment with doing either Air Trigger Happy L + Unibeam or Hidden Missiles to extend a combo after I’ve used my OTG with Katanarama.
I’ve had some success with Air Guns + Nova’s centurion rush, but it’s pretty inconsistent - the timing changes considerably depending on spacing.
I like these combos but I have trouble timing the dash>S after the st.H>H quick work. I get it from time to time but it’s real inconsistent.
Any tips?
Yeah you just have to press S right as you dash
Hey, folks. Been a while since I did anything Marvel-related. Trying to shake the rust off with this practice vid. Enjoy!
I agree with you. imo the version with the bolo is easier than the one with the two quick works in it. I don’t like the TK HHT combo. I’ve gotten it to work but I had to hit the TK at just about the lowest possible height and even then the link for the katanarama was tight.
I do one small thing differently on Kinect-1’s combo, I hit a s.:l: before my :s: to relaunch. I learned it like that since the timing window on the :l:>:s: is a little easier than the raw :s:. Aside from that I use two variations on it.
For when it’s laggy and I’m not feeling like I’ll hit the bolo:
For when I want to keep the corner:
c:l:>c:m:>:h:>:qcb::h:>dash>:l:>:s:>j:h:>j:qcf::h::h:>land>:qcb: :h:>(dash) >:s:>j:h:>j:s:>:dp::h::h:>dash in if not in corner>:d::db::l:>
I picked up the L quick work thing from this thread just thought I’d mention it.
One thing I’ve never put the time in for is modifying the combo to work in the failed teleport no matter what amount of teleports have been used. Here’s a possible ender in the corner for the failed teleport if one teleport has been used:
(after the OTG katanarama) :d::db:>:f:+:m:>:b::d::db::atk:>:d::df::f::atk::atk:
Does anyone have good tech for post air exchange? After a down exchange you can bolo into quick work H but bolo can fail because of hitstun after a side or up exchange. You can always hit j:m:>j:m:>dj>j:m:>j:m:>j:h:>j:s:>:d::df::f::atk::atk: but that limits DHC options. I guess my problem is I usually use my ground bounce before TACing into Deadpool.
u should just use s instead of L. THEN S. Remember deadpools launch is 5 frames. Light is 4 so it doesn’t make a difference really. Maximize damage.