I tracked down every thread that you posted this in so that I could like it multiple times.
Leave it to Wade to have a combo that does 8.95!
Could you please write out the combo? I haven’t played the game in like 3 months and I’ll to learn it quickly before a tournament here in about a week
Good job
nice. is this character specific though?
Works on the Coon, Zero, Joe, Ammy its the range of katanarama that allows it to work I think I could push it over a mill with teleports so Il be in the lab later
J.s, C.m, S.H xx H(Quickwork), Dash then S, J.h, H Bolo, Land, H (Quickwork), Dash then S, J.h, J.s, TK HHT, H(Katarama xxx Chimichangas), M(Katanarama xxx Chimichanga) HHT…
How do u get 1.2 wit jam session?
Video soon come
are you also the one who posted a video with this tech back in vanilla? correct me if im wrong, but i believe this is the only way deadpool can land two hypers in one combo(excluding his lvl 3 into katana-rama into whatever) without xfactor or assist. if deadpool is your last character standing, and you’ve already burned x-factor, being able to pull this off to get rid of your opponents last pixel, is a nice option to have. saving your teleports for mix-ups immediately after HHT–assuming your opponent survived–is also a plus. time to hit the lab to see what kind of damage i can get using teleport combos into tk hht, katana-rama tech, no xfactor/assists. starting with j.s, i know i’m able to get 860,200 without assist/x-factor and spending only one bar; had to use two teleports tho.
edit: i just did the same exact combo you posted and got 936,900 instead. did you mash hht fully? or maybe your tk hht didn’t hit as much because you weren’t directly over them?
Ive realised because of the character and how your placed it does different damage its really weird
i get more damage when i dash before tk hht, opposed to just landing into tk hht.
I am getting this combo but am I the only one who is not getting this consistently enough for it to be practical?? How consistently do u guys get this??
Umm can someone hook me up with a couple deadpool bnb’s. I got plenty of HW but I want to try the character out and get some practice. Also is the katanarama assits a reliable otg? It’s obviously not as lenient as weskers but it should still work well right?
There are plenty of combos in this thread. Start from the top
@Smexy Millz: well done sir! Nice combo. But I still can’t pull it off. It seems like they recover immediately after getting hit by TK HHT that Katanarama doesn’t hit. Any tips? Thanks!
Delay the H,S in the air abit so theres more hitstun on the ground and they stay on the ground longer. Also after the air S also hold on down as this lets the game know what motion you want to input and allows you to tiger knee extremely close to the ground, mash during the hyper so they stay in HKD state then simply otg
I can hit the TK HHT just fine. And I really mash the buttons, but it seems like even before I land from the TK HHT, they already recover and so the OTG doesn’t hit.
Well half of the combos on this thread are vanilla and I’m guessing there are better ones in Ultimate. Nd if the thread had an organized combo section I’d check that but I don’t really have time to go through every combo trying them seeing which is the best for me to do. Wouldn’t it have been easier for the both of us if you just linked or quoted a couple of them for me?
No the combos on this page and quite a few pages back are full of ultimate combos. This whole page has been talking about that one combo in the video at the top of this page. You’ve just got to look.
Go on YouTube and watch zeohawk’s "I love me some combos "video. Those are the best bnb’s
Thank you that helps a lot. Didn’t have much time to check them out considering I only play on weekends because of school.