What's your blood type?- The Deadpool Combo Thread

Yeah sorry. If you land in the corner after :qcf::h::h: then you should use heavy quick work which you do have to dash afterwards. But if you are full screen apart from them after the :qcf::h::h: then they should land right next to you after a M quickwork and no dash is required.

Whats a good basic ultimate bnb

ughh. Two posts above of you. I’ve been learning the first one.

Thanks for the advice, man. It’s been helpful, but it seems that I will randomly be too far away after the m quick work to get the s follow up. Any tips on how to get it more consistent?

Yeah, the fact is I’m pretty sure you can just do H quickwork into dash :s: everywhere on the screen but you have to time it right. It’s more consistent for me honestly.

Should probably just list the combo with h. quick work. After hitting the lab, I found that off a j. s the combo gets you 769,300 using m. quick work, while h. quick work nets you 777,600 dmg and I think a little more meter gain. Not a huge difference really, but I would have to say h. quick work is easily the most consistent out of the two and it gives you a little more dmg, so I don’t see a reason to ever use m. quick work.

After chimichangas you can do taunt xx S, super jump, whatever air series (or possibly bolo into quick work), air HHT to finish the combo. You can also cancel DP’s slide into a taunt then cancel the taunt into S launcher into combo, this is actually semi-practical to do since you can’t do the normal combo starter (st.H xx quick work) after catching someone with a slide. Basically anywhere in a combo that you use st.S, you can look to incorporate a taunt before it, since taunts can cancel into S. Unfortunately, using taunts in your combos is probably for swag factor only, damage/meter wise it is likely sub-optimal no matter where you include them, since they only do 10k damage you are basically adding an extra hit of scaling in exchange for totally negligible damage/meter gain. But hey if you’re doing a combo that’s going to kill anyways you might as well do it. I wish they’d given DP’s taunt a reasonable amount of hitstun so that you could do taunt xx bolo after chimichangas, but I’m pretty sure you can’t.

Hey zeohawk have u ever tried to do your combos on storm or dante? I am having trouble doing the combo u did to phoenix wright on those characters

That variation of the combo doesn’t work on Storm, because she’s technically a short character, and I think with Dante you need to delay the timing of the Heavy after the teleport by a half-second. I used the variation at the end of the video on short characters.

I made this clip about a few days ago. It’s basically the last combo from my Deadpool video except with more meter…XD


Let me know what y’all think. Enjoy!

Ok I got it to work on them but I had to use a second teleport after the standing heavy medium quick work so I could get a clean launch

I don’t think this has been addressed yet for ultimate, I’m sorry if it already has, but what’s Deadpool’s highest damage combo off of his overhead? The most I’ve been able to do is 573K with:
:f:+:m:, :dp: :h: :h:, (dash) :h:, :qcb: :m:, (slight dash) :s:, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf: :m: :m:, immediate cancel into HHT.

I did this on Haggar, so it probably only works on medium sized characters & up. The timing’s pretty tight, but in terms of maximizing damage, that’s the best I came up with today.

I’ve got an easier one for ya that does a bit more.
:f:+:m:>:dp::h::h:>dash(or not if in the corner)>:s:>j:h:>:qcf::h::h:(get along little doggie!)>land>immediate :qcb::h:>dash>:s:>j:h:>j:s:> Air HHT before landing
Does about 616K and it sounds more reliable than yours. No offense.
Edit: Also before reading your combo here I didn’t know about that pineapple surprise trick so I added it to my combo and it made it deal 630k
:f:+:m:>:dp::h::h:>dash(or not if in the corner)>:s:>j:h:>:qcf::h::h:(get along little doggie!)>land>immediate :qcb::h:>dash>:s:>j:h:>j:s:> j.:qcf: :m: :m:, immediate cancel into HHT. Is the full thing

How are u funishing with medium quick work after the heavy quickwork at the end of your combos. Is it character specific?

It’s actually L. Quick Work at the end, not M. Quick Work.

ohhhhh ok. Whats your most damaging combo off of air grab, and whats your overhead combo.

mid screen , i’m able to get 656,300 off of his overhead with: :f:+m, :dp::h: :h:, :qcb: :h:, :dp: :l:(teleport), st.:h:, :qcb::m:, dash :s:, j.:h:, j.:s:, HHT.

Thays a good combo

what pineapple surprise trick? Is there a video?

Oh it’s not really much. Just from reading his combo I found out you can throw out pineapple surprise and immediately go into HHT instead of just doing HHT before landing from j:h:j:s:. Adds a little damage and looks cool.
