Heres a pretty cool deadpool combo
Heres a pretty cool deadpool combo
At which point during these combos can I integrate taunts? I’ve been trying to do standard combo, katanarama+chimi, taunt, HHT and things like that, but they flip out after the taunt connects.
Do any of you have any taunt combos that you regularly use? The more taunts, the better.
EDIT: fixed some stupid mistakes
Select & S is to far apart for me so i avoid doing taunt combos lol
Deadpool is my favorite and best character. I use him as my anchor and I clutch games with him a bunch.
I only use a few combos. I will upload a video with a few combos later, but for now i’ll post some notations for some easy yet damaging combos.
Corner Combo:
cr:l:, cr:m:, cr:h:, :s:, super jump, j:m:, j:m:, j:h:, j:s:, :dp::h: followed by :h: (Chimichangas).
2 Options after this.
Mid/Full Screen:
cr:l:, cr:m:, cr:h:, :s:, super jump, j:m:, j:m:, j:h:, j:s:, dash, :dp::h: followed by :h: (Chimichangas).
2 Options again:
These are simple high damage combos that you can use during the game. They are simple but very effective and will usually finish off a character in 2 combos.
If you want to be sexy, while doing the corner combo use option 1, and with some timing you can X-Factor into :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:.
Video of these combos soon. Plus a few more with some assists.
Aren’t these basic B&b’s
Yes they are. The reason I posted them is because alot of people play online, and pulling off advanced combos with Deadpool online can be a pain. These are very simple B&Bs that hit hard and are relatively easy to pull off.
Combos for new players and maybe for some more experienced players who would like to add something simple yet effective to their arsenal.
No offense but everyone and their mother has made a video of these. There are way better ways to maximize damage and they aren’t even difficult to do online.
KJunk and Nashdenate,
You guys both posted 800k combos using teleports and two reps of ( :h: quick work :h:). I think the key to making Deadpool amazing is to have a bnb that does north of 700k (with the option to DHC for more damage) and can be modified on the fly to manage teleports. This means the bnb can go three ways:
[]No teleports, ends without failed teleport (or two teleports ends in failed teleport)
[]One teleport, ends with failed teleport
[*]No teleports, ends with failed teleport
Do your combos work without the teleport after the first Quick Work H? I haven’t been able to link together two Quick Work H’s. I’ve been attempting:
c.:h:xx:d::db::h: > dash xx c.:h:xx:d::db::h:
The second Quick Work H whiffs even though the timing looks correct. If I replace the Quick Work H with a Quick Work M, it works fine.
Since I’m talking about ways to work in a failed teleport, I’ve seen mention of two effective ways to end in failed teleport after Katanarama xx Chimichangas:
[]Mid/Full-screen - followup Chimichangas with dash xx :f: >:b::d::db::atk:. Deadpool’s overhead causes a hard knockdown, allowing him time to do a failed teleport, which OTGs.
[]Corner - followup Chimichangas with :d::db::l: xx :d::db::atk:. Quick Work L is fast enough to hit the opponent as they fall from the wallbounce and can be canceled into the teleport. It may be possible to add a Chimichangas cancel after the Quick Work L, which would probably make canceling into the failed teleport easier.
I believe that getting down bnbs that manage teleports is essential to Deadpool because of how nasty his blockstrings are when he has access to teleports. Here is an example of a blockstring I believe is safe that creates a mixup, from the player 1 side:
On hit, c.:l:c.:h:xx:d::db::h:, is a combo starter for Deadpool’s most damaging combos. On block he has YEARS to confirm block and cancel Quick Work H into a teleport. You want to cancel into teleport just after Quick Work H actually hits. If you want to mind game you can switch the teleport to an M teleport. Alternatively, you could cancel the Quick Work H into Chimichangas, then cancel into teleport. I can’t take credit for this, it was mentioned by provolone in the “Does Deadpool have any safe blockstrings?” thread. I haven’t tested this string against Advancing Guard but it should work nicely since Quick Work moves forward so quickly.
One thing I haven’t tested is the safety of the blockstring (again, player 1 side):
:d::df::f: xx :d::db::h:>c.:l:
If that is safe it leads into the blockstring I just mentioned and means that Deadpool can effectively get in on people all by himself from fullscreen and 50/50 them.
All it would take to uncork the madness is reliable combos that have the option to end in a failed teleport so that Deadpool can efficiently reset his teleports.
No, sadly it doesn’t because of I believe a height restriction in that the c.m makes the character go too low so it whiffs.
I read the guide a bit and did some math. I don’t believe Quick Work xx Teleport is safe. It looks like it’s -3 at best. If my math is right you could probably only get away with using it for a 50/50 mixup while in xfactor.
the problem
pineapple surprise teleport is almost always a better mixup because you can go high or low while the other player is distracted by the grenade but I’ll test that out tonight and see how it fairs.
In case you’re interested, canceling into Chimichangas won’t help – Chimichangas xx Teleport will also leave you at -3. Those Capcom guys are thorough.
Pinapple surprise is an interesting case. If the grenade doesn’t hit and they don’t jump away you can teleport for the mixup. If it does hit it’s + on block but obviously you can’t teleport out of it right away since you’re in the air after doing it, so you probably still end up at a disadvantage.
M guns xx teleport on block doesn’t look promising either. On hit there is just enough hitstun to allow a c.L or L to connect after the teleport. Guns provide significantly less guardstun than they do hitstun therefore it’s likely not safe to cancel guns to teleport and go for a mixup.
I’ve been thinking about doing this on block (p1 side):
c.:l:c.:l:c., hopefully I can hitconfirm by this point, :h:+:a1: xx :d::db::h: xx :d::db::h:>c.:l:
:a1: can be any lockdown assist, I’m gonna use drones probably. There should be plenty of time for it to come out. I haven’t tested it yet, maybe it will work on hit and on block and I can drop the extra c.:l: I have in there for giving additional hitconfirm time.
drones is the best assist for deadpool when he’s on point so good on ya.
Hey, folks. I just made my SRK account just a few moments ago. I’ve been following this forum about the time the original MvC3 died out, so I’ve been inspired by the content you guys post here. This is something I made just recently. I would like to get some critiques on this. Let me know what y’all think. Enjoy!
Cool video, Zeohawk.
I didn’t know about the Katanarama Chimichangas, Quick Work H, Quick Work M ender. You really mastered the use of Quick Work.
Can you work in some failed teleports?
Man your execution is so much better than mine :P. for a couple of those I think you could have added a bolo and that would have killed doom, but I ain’t complaining. Gonna practice a couple of those right now.
Hey Kinetic 1, just wanted to let you know I’m grinding that first combo you gave me. Its difficult, but its got good damage. Not sure on meter game, although it seems like the majority of Deadpool’s combos leave you at a meter loss.
I love that combo. It does roughly 725k-750k for one bar and if you have the right dhc it is an easy kill. If i had to guess I’d say it builds about 1.1 meter but that’s just a guess. I’m going to go figure that one out right now.
Edit: Ok so it builds 0.9 bar and deals 778K for me. Damn good combo if I do say so myself.
Yeah most of Deadpool’s combos are meter loss. My team is Iron Man/Deadpool/Sentinel though, and Iron Man’s combo all build good meter, so I have meter to work with when Deadpool comes in.
Kind of new to deadpool and trying to use the first combo as my bnb, but I’m having a lot of trouble connecting the s after the m quick work. Any tips on this?
ugh. Just went a page back and read that you just have to get used to the timing, but I seriously cannot get it to hit. I have no problem doing it on large characters, but it seems impossible on wolverine. I’m sure with work, I can get it, but just making sure there’s nothing that I’m missing
before I put in the time.
*double edit
Just to make sure. Am I supposed to dash after the m quick work or just s, because I see the poster doesn’t specifically say to dash likes he does after the first quirckwork.