Wassup I see a bit new posters in here ( Usually was me and Divemen + a few randoms ) But whats the new shit you guys are trying? Jumping Strong is a new tool Ill share. It seems to have HELLA priority in air and comes out quick. Ive been playing HELLA footsies with Rufus now ( SO fucking hard especially with the Input latency, I get his Overhead and Low roll so much instead of standing Forward ).
I still lurk rufus forums time to time. I´m playing a lot of mvc3 now but I was trying mostly to do more st.mp frametraps but yeah mostly I lack some matchup knowledge and that´s what I want to improve.
I was in Beat by Contest and placed top 8 in the 2vs2 tournaments and top 16 in the solo. Im pretty happy with the results since it was probably the tournament with the most level of play ever done in europe (tokido, mago, ryan, alioune, starnab, etc…) we got eliminated in doubles by dieminion´s guile but we beat a lot of good teams including kayane´s and worstgiefever. In singles Tokido was on my pool and I qualified second but still managed to get quite far, I lost to ryan hart 2-1 in a very very close match decided on the last round.
I recently won a tournament here in spain against helltpm´s guile, his team placed forth in 2vs2 in beat by contest . I´ll upload the videos soon if I can.
A lot of rufus players don´t use his overhead but it´s good if you mix it up time to time, be careful tho, it´s very reactable if u use it too much. Are you guys gonna play rufus in AE? I may try yun lol
I still have trouble against some matchups because I almost never play online and we lack characters here in spain, but im working on it!
Other than that not really playing a lot of super lately, marvel is super fun. Hope we get a rebalanced AE in console.
Yeah I am gonna sick with Rufus and Offspec with Yang ( MMO term ) Ive spent to much time with Rufus to drop him. I feel like Rufus has Evolved as a character from a Only Dive Character to a universal mix up character. His Over is so Godlike and Random ( on hit its -1 so its a Cr,Jab Frame trap against most characters, and -4 on block so its pretty safe and Its a great tool to jump over sweeps and Cr,Forward Footsie characters like shotos ).
I like the CL,Strong FT, you do DK,CL Short, THen like… its weird timing but the Close Strong Beats a lot of stuff especially most Option select.
My Main thing I like to do now is Set up for Sweeps because I cant like his Bnb Consistently, so Ill DK, short , short DK Over head to they get used to standing then Ill get a little bit of distance and throw some Standing Strongs to bait footsies then land a sweep and go for more DK pressure.
I’m new here. I’ve played a little more than casually off and on for a long time, got really into 3s for a while in 05 but not enough to do more than lurk here, then dropped fighting games for a few years. I’m back though and getting really into it so I’ve been reading and posting more.
Haiku I noticed you’re in the east bay, ever hit up either of the GLs? I’m in Milpitas so MGL is super easy for me once I feel comfortable enough to play at arcades. I don’t play online at all, I’ve just been working on execution/bnbs and playing locally with a couple friends.
Yeah ive been there like twice, Its to much of a drive though. Im also like the only Rufus player in my area I think ( there are like a few others but I think im better ). With my style of Rufus I cant do the BNB on call so Im more of a pressure/Counter Rufus. Youll notice the Rufus threads are gonna be the same handful of people because the fact he is one of the Hardest/Hated characters ever.
Hey guys, I’ve also been trying to main Rufus but my god is he hard! It’s so annoying. I mean, with Rufus and top quality players (I play with a good few friends on list over 10kbp) and these guys are awesome and I can give them really good games, and often grind out the win. The lame thing is, you go to Ranked and get some scrubby Ken or Ryu and you fucking lose, which is why I get so frustrated with Rufus and go back to Balrog. However, I can now do his BnB 100% of the time online even with lag sometimes, but I think my divekick pressure still needs improving. A guy on my list who plays Akuma says my Dive Kick pressure is really tight it’s just he uses Akuma so it’s really easy to escape the pressure. Also, what do you guys do against lame Ryu’s who jab spam and cr.mp all day?
Mix up your dive kick approaches and make use of st. mp and cr. lp counter hit shenanigans.
Just Bait them, Ryus my Fav Matchup because they usually SRK everything and I Baited SRK means a Free Close,Fierce into FIerce GT. I dont even do the BNB anymore unless needed. Try playing more Defensive/Bait wise. Make them feel safe and unafraid of your divekick then fuck them up with them because they wont expect it.
Yeah man thanks for the reply. That’s helped me a lot, I’ve slowed my game down hell of a lot recently and it’s paying off. I occasionally get the odd jumparound Ryu who causes me problems but other than that it’s ok
I’ve not been going anywhere the past few months. Shoddy internet connection and no big events locally or nationally (UK), or least none that I don’t have to spend a day or more away from university for.
As for divekicking, there are several options immediately after landing:
Vulture kick (divekick blocked) - for catching out crouch-block happy opponents
st.lk, st.hp xx Tornado (block or hit)
st.lk, st.hk, mp/lpSnake strike (character dependent) or super or ultra
st.lk (blocked), grab
Another dive kick (the grab-happier the opponent, the more resets are recommended). Multiple dive kicks are perfect for conditioning opponents into blocking more, giving room for the other options.
But indeed, unless you can spook any shoto into not doing any shoryukens (or equivalent for whatever character) ever, don’t even jump into the air towards or near them.
Shotos are my favorite matches online now. I think one of the keys to beating them is master the timing of the C.MP anti air for everything they come at you with from the air. Stuffing their air attacks a few times in a row completely throws most shotos online off of their game and makes them play reckless. Most online shotos will mash DP or Ultra during your block strings. Anticipate that, and cut your string off early and punish them for playing like fools.
Find that balance of rush down and defense. The best Rufus players can play footsies and zone with the sweep, C.FP, and the UF. RH. after gaining a significant lead.
Don’t get dive kick crazy against shotos, it’s not needed unless crossing up in the corner to bait out SRK. Galactic tornado and the rolling kick are better ways to get in.
Faz: Be patient with the jump around ryu’s. Position yourself and time their jump with a UF. Roundhouse or EX Snake Strike. Landing that once or twice will keep their asses on the ground, if not it should be an easy match if you just stay patient and punish properly.
If you have problems with the timing, just do the C. MP anti air when they jump at you, the window is pretty easy to hit with that. After that connects, you have a few options: divekick, sweep, fragrance palm, or just block. Just make sure you mix it up and that your timing is safe against their DP.
The Only time you should need to Cr Strong is if they catch you off guard with a jump in. You should really be Counter hitting with jumping Fierce and Juggle into EX SS.
Yolah fellow rufus players ;)! Ive been lurking here for a while but i guess i may as well give my 2 cents to this forum already. Online ive pretty much mastered the bread and butter and have i guess i have a pretty good understanding of the rushdown, so at this point im working on footsies and using the dive kick more creatively. Initially i thought rufus had really shitty normals but honestly his sweep and st.str are all you really need, they are both fabulous (occasion st.mk doesnt hurt either though).
Ive also been trying to catch people walking forward with ex.tornados during footsies. Pretty much a waste of meter but its a fun way to mess with people xd. As far as the divekick goes i go for as many throw setups with it as i can, wiff divekick throw can mindfck people so fast its ridiculous. Also been trying to use rufus’s close strong but at this point i can use it only occasionally well as a frametrap or otherwise (i feel like a freaking boss when i anti air with it, same with the cl.fr =} ).
But honestly i havent really been experimenting to much outside of all that, occasionally i go practice linking 3, 4, or 5 jabs into ex tornados but its feels like a weird link (i hit it a decent ammount though). Dreading the BBT aa nerf in ae, since thats pretty much the only reason i use the ultra. Also i hope not to many people drop rufus for yun/yang in ae, rufus is still the boss of divekick characters as far as im concerned. Plus his aesthetic cmon! A fat guy that spins around with a handlebar mustache, whats not to love =}! Anyway, this thread needs some rejuvenation, nice to see it happenin.
Does anyone actually go to Tourneys or are you all online players?
I haven’t played online at all, trying to stay away for the most part. Haven’t started going to tourneys yet but I plan on starting soon. My buddy and I booked a room for evo this year already (not sure if I’m entering any of the main tournaments but I might as well since they are only $10/each). There’s an MvC3 tournament in Fremont put on by the Keystone dudes on Saturday but I haven’t touched it in 2 weeks so I don’t think I’m going, they’re having a Super one in 2 weeks that I’ll probably hit up. Been playing AE once or twice a week too so I’m going to keep that up.
K it just seems like a lot of you " Rufus " players are just online kids… So yeah. Anyone else play the AE and find anything new yet?
Haven’t noticed anything new yet but I’m scrubby as shit so I wouldn’t expect to notice. The only things I remember offhand are less damage on the ex Messiah and ultra 2 not hitting full if used as AA.
I don´t play online =)
However no arcades here in spain so cannot try AE yet.
I though they changed the speed of his Far standing Medium normals… it felt like it. They need to put rufus in SF X Tek though so I can play him in that game also…
That’s definitely possible. I never really poke with it at all so I didn’t notice, but I’m headed back to MGL tomorrow so I’ll see if I get a chance to try that.