Yeah Im a MAJOR poker with Rufs at times because his Far standing Medium punch has okay reach ( gets beat by most Cr,Mk though ) and his Far Medium Kick can stuff if you can time it right.
If Bob can make the cut, there’s no reason why Rufus can’t. On the change of far normals, does it seem like they’re slower, or faster? Or maybe it’s the framerate of the arcade cabinet (usually a little slower). Can somebody check if damage from normals was modified?
On being an ‘online kid’, I currently have no options because I’m busy wrapping up the university course, there’s a shoddy university connection and nothing interesting happens in the UK. Arcades are dead here, so nothing’s going to change with the AE release. Will resume playing online after graduation, and may chase any events in the UK that appear- if they appear.
Yeah I play online and have also won a couple of local tournies but no majors yet…
I still think Rufus is solid as ever, He doesnt need anything really, maybe the ability to cancel from his far standing mp
I’ve definitely taken to poking more with his far strong and far forward. I’m throwing it out somewhat randomly as my footsies game is pretty poor, but I’ll get the hang of it soon.
Far forward is a decent poke but it’s really slow. One of its notable uses is punishing Blanka’s cr. fierce on block (1-frame punish).
By the way, I finally uploaded pictures of Rufus’ jumping attack hitboxes to the wiki page.
Super Street Fighter IV/Rufus - Shoryuken Wiki, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Strategy and More!
Note the amazing hitbox of j. strong, it does as much damage with its one hit as the two hits of j. hk, but without the risk of j. hk trading and only doing one hit of damage (50 or 40 damage).
So AE has dropped I’m guessing no new info. Possibly close fierce may be a 2 frame link haha… its so easy to link in AE I swear.
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I thought it was just my imagination, but it does seem easier today.
Rufus does feel quite a bit weaker to me today. The damage on U1 seems much weaker. I have no info to back it up, just going from experience.
Rufus feels very similar to his super version, little less damage in places, but man did they ever neuter U2! Any opinions on how you guys feel he fights the twins? I kinda think it’s an alright match up, (both of you want to be in the same ranges to do your damage)… Thoughts?
i think it’s 5/5
OMG! what the heck did they do to U2!!! BAH! it whiffed on a guile jumping in! and it didnt suck him in when he jumped away point blank range. But rufus all in all feels the same. I might pickup evil ken as off. His rushdown looks intense.
The Ultra 02 nerf was shocking but oh well, I feel more comfortable with Ultra 01 because you can follow it up and it’s more useful. The nerf that made me mad was the Ex Jesus kick getting weakened, I mean it was fine the way it was in Super so why nerf it in the current one. Other then that day I still think that Rufus is pretty solid.