Whats different in Garou: Mark of the Wolves?

I’ve been playing this game a lot lately and I must say it rocks. Theres something different about it compared to other snk fighters that I just cant get my head round. Obviously it only has 1 on 1 action but theres something else, I don’t know, it just seems superiour to the others for some reasion. Posibly the best one I’ve played from snk. What do you guys think?

Maybe because it’s not running on the who knows how old KOF engine that SNK uses for everything?

It’s kinda like “SNK tries “Capcom Style” Style” … or something.

it plays like SF

Well Garou is Snk anwser to Capcom 3s so…

Garou 3s
JD = Parry
Dash = Dash

The only mayor diference would be selecting supers like in 3s and breaking moves plus fake combos. U could add maybe guard cancel but in 3s u can do after a good parry any special move or whatever.

Also if u notice a lot of snk games graphic wise are very diferent between each other an example of this would be Art of Figthing vs Fatal Fury series. Where in AOF u see big ass spirtes vs sprites that follow more closely a normal sprite cannon. Anyways Mark of the wolves is very diferent compared to RB and the normal Fatl fury series ex. chagin lanes.

So you could said that Garou was SNK attemp in bringin SNk fans and new fans like Capcom players etc. I never understod why people don’t play this game more offten is so damn good :slight_smile:

Graphics… and the fact that Rock is too much ownage!

No but seriously, you have to realise that SNK makes GREAT fighting games. They just suffer from bad graphics… no matter how good the gameplay is… Something that MotW surpassed.

Garou is the only snk game that I really liked, and I wish I could get an official copy instead of playing on an emulator :sad: . It would be awesome if they re-released it like they are doing with the kof 2 packs. Maybe throw in last blade 2 to sweeten up the deal.

garou is coming out on ps2 soon


can we get a link or something confirming this? maybe timestop can help me out.

LB1/LB2 double pack in May for PS2 import…Garou standalone in May for PS2 import :slight_smile:

ANY chance for american releases? :sad:

Possibly and hopefully a port with Xbox live support also.

Well I would say that’s doubtful but since ReBout is coming here for Xbox you never know…

Oh yeah, youre so right… :rolleyes:

KOF 94, 95 = KOF engine 1
KOF96-98 = KOF engine 2
KOF99-01 = KOF engine 3
SVC = SVC and KOF2003 engine
LB = LB engine
SS 1, 2 = SS engine 1
SS3-5S = SS engine 2
Garou = Garou engine
AOF 1 = AOF engine 1
AOF 2 = AOF engine 2
AOF 3 = AOF engine 3
FF1 = FF engine 1
FF2 = FF engine 2
FF3 = FF engine 3
RBFF 1, 2, S = FF engine 3
FFS = FF engine 2
Fuun-ken = Fuun-ken engine 1

Even if you dont consider the sequels different engines, there would still be half a dozen different engines.


Scroll down and youll see all the packs and games being re-released. Garou and LB1/2 in May (Japan).

Garou is one of my all time fav SNK games that is why we here in SoCal play the game to the fullest. I can’t wait till it comes out on PS2 cause I’m gonna get it for sure when that comes out. If you guys haven’t played Garou I would say try it out, also it did come out for the DC. Though it’s a bit different from the arcade version when it comes to timings on certain things. Overall it’s still a great game that people should give a try sometime. Take care.


if garou came here on ANY system, i think i would shit my pants. :wow:

Probably come to Xbox. :encore:

Wish I still had the DC version and didn’t sell it off with my DC and the rest of the games. Recently found the Black sports DC I had, so maybe I can find a used version around Tucson.

what’s different in motw?
T.O.P., and counter hit infinites. That’s pretty much it. I think Snk tried to take out whatever is experimental, and mixed the game with whatever works. But here’s how the system works.

T.O.P mode attack
T.O.P power up
T.O.P life regeneration
Just Defense
Guard Cancels
One button+direction type throw, both directions
tech normal throws
hidden guard meter & ablily to guard crush
Cancel(braking) certain specials by pressing AB on certain frames
High evade moves(d+AB)
Low evade moves(AB)
proximity cancels
specific juggle counter(some moves are set to infinite counters)
feint specials
invincible backdash startup
run or dash can be attack and jump cancelled
low jumps and regular jumps
universal overheads
not all normals can be cancelled
one hit limit on OTG combos
tech throws
no air guard

here are stuff that are unique for some characters
Air throws
run or dash
super jump
wall jump
ground normal chains
air attack chains

even though someone finally broke it with counter hit infinites(difficult infinites though), it’s still one of the more solid games on the neo geo.

Wasn’t Garou released on the PS2 before a while back? Or am I getting it confused with the DC version?