I didn’t notice it before but you can also see him do one of his command dashes at 0:46 in the vid, assuming that’s not his normal air dash (if he has one).


I would not be surprised. We can’t tell can we??

I love watching Kurasa play. It’s like he never stops thinking. ;_;

Was that his air dive that zapped IM nearly fullscreen during the trailer? o.0


should have been zero’s theme…


I suppose that would’ve been better I didn’t really notice the music played in his or S-Hulk’s video.

you read my mind, maybe an alternate outfit could fix this. fingers crossed.

It’s going to happen pretty soon…

Totally saw Zero coming lol. I’m not a fan of his model in this game and I liked his TvC looks better. And they got rid of Dark Hold, I guess Capcom saw how powerful it was. Also, looks like Zero can still do some of the same tricks and gained a few new ones. I hope his normals are stupidly good again.

Lolz i’m just speaking my mind and saying hey don’t be sad when I told ya’ll genei-jin isn’t gunna be too hot. Actually only person who’d ever really hand me an ass whooping is Kurasa cause me and him would play together alot.

Hopefully Zero will herald Sigma… although I’m afraid that the most recent “leaked list” will end up being right :confused:

If the next 4 reveals match the list I’ll give in to it.

Ahhh, I thought the Soul Body was Zero Virus. Wondered why it wasnt purple.

I didnt see his level 3 in the trailer…?

Why the hell is the clone of Zero, during the Clone Super, grey? Looks so out of place to me.

Otherwise he’s looking pretty great. Wasn’t my cup of tea in TvC, but will give him a shot again.

I think that’s a command dash. It would fit the pattern for this game if he didn’t have a normal air-dash at all.

Also remember we don’t know from that trailer how they tweaked his normal/specials. They look to me still pretty safe tho’, and also really predictable.

interesting choice. I’ll give him a chance.

It’s actually Twin Dream as I mentioned earlier.

As for the Level 3 : [media=youtube]kF5yYvX44e0&t=0m50s[/media]

You can tell because when Level 3’s are performed, the game makes a choir-like gasp.

My guess would be either in order to be able to tell where exactly the clone was, or it’s place holder for now.

Admittedly, a Rainbow strobe light clone would look better.

I’ll have to give Zero a chance out of sheer loyalty to the X franchise.

I was hoping that his dash would be like his command dash in tvc. Oh well lets here it for more corner rape plus better non corner combos YAY. Main = Zero

Marn eat your heart out. I guess Zero/Dante/xxx is his team.

Probably Morrigan, maybe Skrull.