once again i cannot escape the JYB

Level 3 looks infinitely less cool than Dark Hold. And what’s up with his hair O_o It looks natural from certain angles, but it looks REALLY bad from other angles. I thought it was fine however it was in TvC.

Lookin’ sexy though.

Man, Sougenmu looks awesome. Zero looks awesome period.

Anyone know if the Genei Jin style shadow clone super is based on an actual Zero move from in a Mega Man game?

I think its based off Soul Body which you get from Split Mushroom in X4. I think.

Man Capcom can go to hell with this Megaman X Zero bullshit :mad:

Happy he’s in the game though at all :wonder:

This could be a screen of him doing his command dash from TVC or him doing his throw. Time will tell.

EDIT: This has to be him doing the command dash. lol @ the megaman X skin.

errr http://www.eventhubs.com/images/2010/nov/15/marvel-vs-capcom-zero-and-she-hulk-image-15/

It’s actually Twin Dream (Sougenmu). You get it from Axle the Red in X5.

The only difference is that you make a copy behind you in this game. (In X5, the copy would be created in front of you).

Soul Body is the move that Mega Man X would get from Split Mushroom. IIRC, Zero would just get the ability to double-jump.

as expected by all. Some people were worried he’d just be a copy/paste from tvc but he looks way improved, buffed up, with awesome new moves. a lot better then expected.

Does this mean no sigma? :frowning:

Oh man, that skin is awesome. I’m one of those people who would have loved to see X in this game, seeing as how he is one of the only Megaman characters to not appear in a crossover, but I’m still pleased with Zero. Plus, you could always just pretend that is X from X6, except he grew out his hair.

He gets both the double jump and the rolling slash in the air from Split Mushroom, which appears to be his knockdown move in the air.

I wonder if his level 3 gets an animation if you do the move up close. If you are far away from the opponent, the slash creates an energy beam, similar to his charged shot x2 beam sword combo in Megaman X2.

I personally despise Megaman X and would much rather prefer Rockman, Rock Vollnutt, and hell even Rockman.exe before X. I would’ve like them to use the Megaman Zero design for Zero but we don’t get what we want always.

Cant wait to get my hands on that Zero Virus Super.

Interestingly, I much prefer Zero’s X design as opposed to his MMZero appearance.

I can actually agree with you on X’s part in terms of the later games. I hate how he became such a puss in the latter parts of the X series. In X2 and X3 were the epitome of X badassery, and I have a feeling that if X didn’t have a certain voice actor in X4, then he would have been badass as well.

Virus Super?

Maybe he meant the Twin Dream/Soul Body Super? It just looks like Virus Zero because of the glow around him, although it isn’t purple.

Then again, his level 3 Super surrounds him with a purplish energy, so maybe that is what he meant?

Yeah, has unity made a thread about it yet?

Only missing Mega Man in place of VJ on that trailer. =(

Is it just me, or does it sound like they took sound bites of Nero from DMC4 and just put them in the game for Zero?


I like how they are making better use of his supers. Cool changes. Also Johnny Yong Bosch is a fantastic choice to voice Zero. It took me 20 seconds to realize it was him. Considering how many animes he dubs i don’t mind him being the English voice. His pronunciation is pretty good.

Frankie G. Chill the fuck out man. He has a point and last time I checked you weren’t winning any majors with him either lol. Then again we all got raped by Marn, Kurasa, and Keits at MWC.