Command Mission is canon in there somewhere…

Zero’s ending? Sounds fun, given Zero’s ending in TvC.

I agree wholeheartedly that Zero needs a good projectile assist to get in.
I’ve been running Zero B (don’t know why you guys think it’s that bad, it does have invincibility frames), Skrull A, and Sent A.
Been working so far.
I think zero is one of the most user friendly characters so far as well.

Personally, I’m running Zero/Magneto/Sentinel. If Mags for whatever reason doesn’t work, I’ll swap him with someone else.

That’s interesting, it didn’t seem terrible when I used it, but alot of people are under the impression that it sucks. Personally all I want it do is knock people out of the air or keep people back when I call it in. If it can do that consistently then it’s good enough for me


Day 1 Zero/DanteAssist combo.

Let me ask what is stopping you from looping his ground normals multiple times? I understand that hitstun scaling will occur at some point.

Example: L,M,H,2H,6H, L,M,H,2H,6H, L,M,H,2H,6H Repeat.

Better question how many times can you do this?

I was thinking the same thing. Im sure in comparison to many other assists its not nearly as good. I think “they” say that because it doesnt throw the opponent very far away from you. as an AAA im sure it will do fine its just not a shadow blade (morrigans AAA).

Uggh I need this game I have to many questions…

so the marn combo works mid screen but sometimes if they are too high before the first launch and the Charged shot will knock them down the opposite way so you have to be ready to lightning dive the other way. After the dive I also throw in a HP->f+H->Lauch as the relaunch and since they are so high at this point before another launch getting them to spike and otg super can be awkward so I ususally finish the combo with a jMP->exchange. I’ve also been using wolverine so I usually exchange to him and do jL-jM-jM-air super as the combo ender although you can probabaly DHC/x factor or do something else to burn hella bar which I’d advise if it kills them but outside of that I don’t see a point.

quick fun thing about zero his qcb+HP dive thing with a H ender actually crosses up if you are point blank. I feel like this will be good for some assist into 50/50s. I’ve been looking into his double up super and how to DHC into it to maybe continue a combo but haven’t gotten far with that.

To get in if you TK the M version of his qcb move it basically goes fullscreen pretty quick and you can attack right before you land if you want.

How much damage the combo Marn explained does? And also is the green dive an overhead?

Its nice that you can tk his dash.
Im sure hard attacks do the most damage so something like magic series, 2H, assist, TK M Command Dash, j.H, 2H 6H launch maybe a good way to net big damage … I dont own the game just speculatin

Edit: cant wait for my guide either so I can start formulating this shit.

Raikousen, Hienkyaku & Sentsuizan can all be done instant from the ground

but they dont hit overhead

sorry if theis has been posted

so I have been finding the marn combo difficult to use when adding assists into the mix. I have gotten in the habit of just charging the buster all the time though.

The new combo I use I have the Deadpool AA assist and I wanted to start doing more practical combos by starting with cL to hit low.

cL(hold)/cM/cH/fH(switch to holding H)/L(switch back to holding L)/M/H/fH/Laun/jM/jM/jH/spike/Assist/jump 236 M/H/Release L/Super

This combo does 310,000 before super and 520,000 dmg after. If you x factor into lvl 3 it does about 1,014,000.

Honestly the better setup is after the buster is to call assist like dantes something that keeps them there and do a 50/50.

to answer the above guys question you can loop the ground normals it just they are able to tech after the third one. It is possible to do cL/cM/cH/fH/L/M/cH/fH/L/M/H/fH/launch which I can see being useful for putting someone in a corner after this though you won’t be able to do the buster/ air 623 L/launch/combo/spike/super cause it will drop them in your air combo which is why I’d advise after the spike to do assist/jump 236 M/H/release buster/Super if you want to tack on a super. My only gripe is how long it takes for his vertical beam super to come out but I guess there was a reason for that.

So far Zero’s damage sucks in this game right now. He barely breaks 50% with super. He’s no longer the battery he was in TVC as he needs super to do damage and his dive is not an overhead. He kinda sucks right now. That is for being day 0 with 2 hours of play. Right now he is looking incredibly inferior to anyone with an 8 way air dash offensively and his run away is not good enough to compete. You have no life, you work so hard to get in, you finally get in and then you do NO damage. Why not play someone like Storm, Mag, or Chun who can get in much easier and does way more damage.

Like I said it’s day 0 so anything can happen. Hopefully something damage related.

I thought Zero was a girl :confused:

All these years :lol:

I never followed Megaman at all

Many characters are breaking the 60 or 70& barrier with one super, so Zero at least has to get to that level or at least 65% or something. I have my hopes up something will be found. About the battery thing, I think he builds tons of meter from his footage, and even more with those loops.

Fuck I accidentally deleted my post fuckin SRk. Anyway all I’m going to say is no and no. He’s not a battery anymore, he doesn’t build meter and if he did he has to use it to do damage so he’s not a battery. He also lost a lot from TVC based on system changes and he got nothing to make up for it. He’s not good right now. He’s not going to be top or anywhere close.

What about his so called great pressure?

Doesn’t exist. I dunno why people keep saying that. You push block he’s off of you. It’s not like TVC where you can use delayed normals to punish push block. Once he’s in there is no overhead to worry about and he doesn’t punish assists well unless he has lvl 3 so I don’t see why people are saying this. Just watch videos you should already have known there was no great pressure.

Can’t he punish pushblock with the buster?

Well even do Zero ends pretty bad, I decided to main him before MVC3 was announced.

Assuming you could, I didn’t try that; but that’s like what 50 damage at best? I’ll take that any day to get someone off of me and that means he’ll need to do that what 20 times to kill my one character? I’m gonna play Zero too regardless unless he he ends up absolutely terrible but right now he’s just not as good as most of the other offensive characters. Like I said though it’s day 0 and I didn’t go into training mode. There is plenty of time for the evolution of the character.

Cool that seeing some people actually sticking with their characters instead of waiting for the tier list to whore it out. But the buster thing, I meant continue the combo after the buster. I know you can do it on the corner, but I don’t know if possible midscreen.

And yeah evolution of characters takes time, and that’s one of the cool things about fighting games.