I haven’t been considering adding him to a team like some others but I have some questions.
How meaty is his projectile assist? Does it get beaten easily? Would a Twin Dream version be a good for a zoning point? Does it go full screen?
Is his DP assist meaty enough to combo from or is that impossible?
On point, how does having multiple hitting moves affect his proration?
NOw my little Zero will be utilize very nice.
For some reason i keep thinking that he will be different from TvC zero not much but diff… And we haven’t even begin to unlock anything yet…
800 health? Well just like Ammy, X-23, and very near Storm, Magneto, Trish, and Chun. Not that bad at all.
You are an optimist sir.
Well, is my favorite vg game character we are talking about here :).
But the thing is that, I mained Strider in MVC2, so he kind of thought me how to keep lo health characters alive (before that I mained Akuma). And Strider had 25% less life than the average character. Here Zero atleast has only 20% less than the average character, which is better than Strider atleast.
Also people shouldn’t worry, I mean Amaterasu, Arthur, and Akuma all have the same life as Zero, and atleast Ammy is going to be used a lot. Then we have characters like Magneto, Storm, X-23, Chun, and Trish which are only 50 points above, and a lot of those lists are going to be used a lot, so no worries here :).
I’m thinking Zero/Chun/Dante or Zero/Dante/Chris or Zero/Chun/Chris. They’re all strong characters I feel like and hope I can make one of those combinations work. Learn the link cr.L or st.L after shippuuga, it’s definitely worth it.
Also it looks like he can cancel into Sougenmu from st.H and then continue with st.L from the IGN video.
Chun-li definitely seems to be a fantastic pair with Zero. Kind of a shame, there’s hardly anything to really see Chris in action, to get a feel for him. Dante, on the other hand, has to be right next to Deadpool in popularity.
I’m actually thinking Trish, Zero, Morrigan might not be a horrible combination. Or maybe Dormammu in place of Trish?
I dont really see Zero and Dormammu working together very well at all. Dormammu doesn’t help Zero rush in like some others, and Zero’s DP assist is not as helpful as other AAA to help Dormammu zone effectively. But who knows.
Well I’ll sure help you when the game comes out because I have no personal play with the game yet. But from what we know, Zero already does tons of damage with Rekkoha without anything else, so any assist that is focused on OTG probably is not going to be that useful. If you are using Sentinel (just like me) I would recommend the so called “godlike” grenades assist everybody is talking about, but I would highly recommend trying out the drones assist too.
Ok thankee-sai. I had to delete cause I thought it was kind of silly to ask. Ironman doesn’t need the Rocket punch. With unibeam assist as well for Zero, seems like drones might be the best fit.
Because drones don’t combo, Karsticles brought up a theory about it being difficult to block on cross up. Since it drops the hitstun in between each drone, a person couldn’t absolute guard it, and would have to reverse directions to block if being attacked from both sides. Something like that.
Maybe try and mix it with Zero’s pseudo teleport.
Could also work for Dante with his teleport.
Edit: Watching the stream though, now it looks like his drones do combo. In the Marvel assist video first posted, against the computer training opponent- the AI automatically blocked the last 2 drones after getting hit by the first. Who knows, not me x.x My apologies.
It’s kind of Situational, and you and me are probably using the same team. And yes, drones will help more for command dash/teleport mix-ups than grenade IMO. Maybe I am too use to Clockwork.
Ok, got to mess with the game a bit today, but unfortunately the 360 I was playing on rrod. Luckily it wasn’t mine. >_>
Anyway, they apparently took away 5C to 2C (only 6C followup is allowed), so no easy trip combos.
Also, I would be wary of doing block strings that have any of the C normals in them, I was playing Wesker and when I saw my friend do 5C I went ahead and KFC’d out of block stun into Wesker’s level 3. The situation I’m wondering about is if it’s blocked, the opponent sees this and tries KFC into level 3, then you counter KFC into block or your own level 3, like a game of chicken.
I want to play some more but I can’t until the morning. I’ll report other things when I get the chance.
So, sorry to cut in good discussion but… I’ve got another team idea.
Zero/Magneto/Sentinel. Thoughts?
i’m unfamilar with Zero’s moves names
Hyper Zero Buster - hold and release projectile
Shippugga - command normal
Handangeki - multi-hitting ground slash
Ryuenjin - DP
Hienkyaku - special dash (isn’t this available in the air also)
Sentsuizan - ??
Raikousen - air zip electric move ??
doesn’t he have a charge projectile as well?
I think an explanation in the OP of what the moves do would help also.
You’re pretty much right.
Hyper Zero Buster: Acts just like Megaman’s buster from MvC, but you can switch the button that is charging the buster mid-combo to enable him to do longer combos.
Shippuga: Normal sword slash that moves him forward and hits three times.
Hadangeki - Sword projectile, in TvC this was his charge back, forward move.
Ryuenjin: Fiery sword dragon punch-style move.
Hienkyaku: Command teleport, on the ground A goes forward short, B goes longer, and C makes him go up-forward then down-forward in an upside-down V motion. In the air A version makes him go down, B version makes him go straight and C is similar to his ground version.
Sentsuizan: Goes downward with his sword in a 45 degree angle, A version is a feint, B comes down instantly but has blockstun, and C comes out slow but has no blockstun (I need to double check this due to not having a working copy atm, might be different compared to TvC) If comboed in the air it knocks down, on the ground it causes stagger.
Raikousen - Lightning strike that goes almost full screen. A version goes at a diagonal down-forward, B version goes straight, C version goes up-forward angle. Goes through the opponent regardless if hit or blocked.
Zero/Storm/Chris worked pretty well for me. Able to use Storm and Chris to get in with their assists(Whirlwind/Grenade). Also I believe Grenade will work the same as Trish/Wekser’s assist to get opponents OTG after the J.D air knockdown sooooo, I’ll post later after further testing.
OK ive played around with zero abit and finished his mission mode…
His assists are shit and your best off using hedangeki? because its a projectile and the others are lackluster.
If his ryuenjin was a good anti air with inv frames I would main him.
Another problem is zero is zoning characters his buster and sword slash proj are good zoning tools but do not compare to someone such as storm who is looking to be a hard match for him.
To play zero your gonna need a assist such as doom rocks, hidden missiles or sents drones which aid rush down as they cut down the amount of projectiles zero has to deal with…
Once he’s his though its fucking over he also has a instant overhead jump and press dash down-forward immediately followed by C as it hits twice his quarter circle back dash goes through people allowing you to cross them up in the corner something not many of the cast can do as well as crossing up with assists.
His attacks can also be looped crouching A,B,C, foward C, Standing A,B,C forward C all can be cancelled with a dash or cancelled into hadengeki which can be linked into a level 3.
His air combo is B,B,C,S which can be followed by rokkuha (sorry for spelling the names wrong) xfactored and cancelled in his level 3 which kills anyone with less than 1mill health…
Zero and sent make a good team… Im probably gonna use them to crush people learning the game for the 1st couple weeks in ranked because if you cant pushblock you cant beat zero
Zero+Sent Drones = Godlike
Thanks Smexy!! I never played Zero sine I never got to touch TvC (a shame really). I really want to try him out but I can tell Ima feel dirty playing him lol.
I have already had this type of problem dealing with crossover counters in TvC
Answer = Command Dash
Hey kenmastersX i didnt notice it was you.
Im the white Odessa guy from the Absolute Battle tourney.