What would you rather have?

Pick one

I’d love to see a Capcom vs. SNK 3, but I don’t think Capcom as it is today could do it as a proper follow-up to Capcom vs. SNK 2.

It depends really on what we are expecting, maybe those cool models from maximum impact vs sfiv models.

I’m okay with more 2d models like clark, ralf, leona, demitri, biff, stingray, and fokker to be in the game

This is not strategy. This is not productive. This is not even an interesting poll. Mods, please do your jobs…

I dunno, but I should’ve added an option for both, cause that’s what I’d like.

cvs3 but do it cvs2 style.

hand drawn cvs3
xbla/psn cvs2

if u pick cvs3, you will get both.

just give us cvs2 on nex-gen already

who doesnt want cvs3 lol. sure go ahead and make it. keep the same engine but make it slightly easier to play so random-ass scrubs can atleast pull out supers when they want cuz people cant do things in cvs2 loool. and get rid of RC and high damage CCs so people wont be crying so much(waaa bison paint my ass :crybaby:). I dont even care about how it looks as long as its not TOO old and outdated. something like the blazeblue games would be good enough. gameplay over flashy/HUGE characters.

cvs2 on xbl/psn is far more practical than cvs3. because it will take years before anyone even considers making another cvs style game.

They should really just put cvs2 on xbl/psn to hold over the cvs2 community, but in the future cvs3 would be a cool idea, but I’m willing to give it about ten years before it actually gets released because if they do make it, it better be good.

I would certainly prefer CvS2 first, just to show people that a CvS3 does have potential. The Capcom side could have characters that wouldn’t be in MvC3.

CvS2 first. Just so I can see people post vids of random noobs disconnecting/lagswitching after a shoshosho or paintin the fence or any random custom combo.

CvS3 is probably never going to be made. They’re definitely trying to make the new fighting games such as SSFIV or MvC3 have simpler mechanics (which CvS isn’t known for) and there’s already SFxT coming out. It sucks too because even though CvS2 is a great game, there’s still lots that could be done to update it. I think the next best thing for CvS fans is to go pick up KoF13. It has all of N-Groove’s abilities, a ghetto A-Groove bar, guard bars, 3 on 3, EX-moves, Level 3’s, updated 2d graphics etc.

4 button kof setup = auto fail/GAY

I cant believe re-releasing cvs2 for xbla/psn is the end of the world for capcom. it cant possibly be the “$” issue. if its there then people will buy it. especially a “fixed” version with damage outputs tweaked and no rollcancel(wa-wa-wah…thats another word for RC lol). cvs2 with just kgroove is still more fun than gayfighter4 will ever be. just sayin…:lol:

As sad as it may sound but CvS2 with only K Groove really does sound better than SSFIV…:frowning: Its like the Ultra system but BETTER.

If Demul with Kaillera is any indication, then having good netcode for the eventual XBL/PSN release should be a given. Other than that, the only things I want are: Roll Cancel glitch fixed, no Easy Operation mode, and maybe, maybe buffs for King. Not much needed for her, just make her supers not suck. That’s all.

A-Zangief says, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with roll cancels.”

Honestly, anyone complaining about roll cancels in CvS2 hasn’t tried to take a lower tier character to the max. RCs made more characters playable. And I play with a ton of them.

^ that is the difference between you and average scrubs.

kids shit their pants when they see rc like its the end of the world. thats why I suggested a normal arcade version of cvs2 and a “tweeked/balanced” version. personally I really dont give a shit. I will play any cvs2. even just kgroove cvs2…me and lionx lol…:woot:

You can all eat penis.

CvS3 >>> SF4