I understand about RC’ng. It’s not super easy at all. But anyway you look at it, it is glitch that Capcom removed from the Xbox and GC versions. So I kinda’ doubt they’ll leave it in. Just saying. If you want to take low tiers to the max, why not use K groove and JD that shit? Or if you’re super hardcore use P groove.
I think all the characters are fine the way they are except for King. Her normals are okay, it’s just her Supers that suck beyond belief.
who’s motivate for kaillera match ?? now match internet for free give me your facebook or msn account
so RC is cool for low tier player like king but top player have RC to so low tier player still low tier player lol
That’s not CvS2. It’s EO. It’s a different game. Just like how in CvS1 Terry had no universal crossup, but then he did in CvS Pro, but then lost it in CvS2. An offshoot game means nothing. It just has alternative things.
Because the whole reason for having 6 grooves is for you to choose the playing style (system) you like. Thanks to RCs, you’re able to.