What u think about Future of Fighting Games?

i see all my friend retire, and all kid move to pc game like overwatch .

sign of end ?

Yup Dark Ages are here.

I personally think the future of fighting games is fine. Some people just move on to other things in life. I don’t think it’s any different than any other activity.

Well Riot games bought out Radiant Entertainment whom made rising thunder, Seth Killians team. Rumors they’re making a LOL fighter. I feel this has potential to explode.

Only thing that scares me is if they make one button specials like Rising Thunder and Riots motto ‘Unfun nerf bat’ remake…

With Seth Killian at the helm you know it’s going to be shit. Abandon all hope.

They are going to keep getting simpler and simpler to the point that they will become turn based games because execution is bad, mmmmkay.

@OP I dont understand what you asking, Your thread title is misleading or your opening post doesn’t reflect on the topic. is it saying is it the end of fighters? I’m not sure hopw you even came to this conclusion just because your limited perspective.

Well to answer you question, no its not the end of fighters. The genre game will only be impact by the nature pf gaming cultural its elf and gaming isn’t dying out any time soon.

They never gotten simpler, These “simple” game are just getting more lime light because old IP are being forgotten for new IP. or it could fighters are becoming “Progressive” by improving on tradtions/techniques.

Someone doesn’t remember 2002-2009. Nothing came out outside of Japan except shit MK games and Guilty Gear revisions. By comparison we’re living in a paradise of fighting games with regular releases that actually make money. People played 3rd Strike, CvS2 and Marvel 2 for a decade. Now EVO is in a huge venue in Vegas. We’re doing great. Fighting games have always been a niche genre, but for being a niche genre it’s a healthier one than, say, shoot 'em ups or beat 'em ups that basically just rely on small indie projects and fan translations of Japan only releases.

Edit: Forgot about KoF, though XI was the only one that didn’t suck balls post-2002.

I dont think we will ever go back to how it was in the 90s, nor ever be mainstream again, so i think it will continue as it is for a very long time, with occasional dips and growths in the overall scene. I’m curious to how games will continue to develop though and what games lie ahead for us, and whether they will be as good as the classic games we still play 20+ years after its release. I cant imagine that people will be playing SF5 and kOF14 and GGXRD 20 years from now, but wouldnt be entirely shocked if people still played the classics 20 years from now.

I just really hope that 3d technology eventually allows fighters be as artistically beautiful as the most beautiful 2d games, and I hope that we can also bring back the gameplay ideology of the classics that are fun and deep rather than streamlined and sterile

Tekken, Virtua Fighter and DoA didn’t exist between 2002-2009?

Tekken 4 did pretty poorly, didn’t it? Regardless of specific examples, the point was more that there was a serious drought in fighting games during that period, particularly 2d ones, and we should count ourselves lucky we live in a period where we have games like Dengeki Bunko, Arcana Heart and Blade Arcus actually getting western releases. We’re past the dark ages.

Here’s the fgc of today in a nutshell. I dont go on evenhubs, I dont read the front page of srk, but sadly I’m going to make a wild guess what the front page constist of.

  1. Street Fighter
  2. Kof
  3. more useless articles about said popular player’s sponsorship or whatever the fuck they got on their minds
  4. a bit of tekken
  5. a bit of guilty gear
  6. a bit of blaze blue
  7. mvc3
  8. KI
  9. Mortal Kombat
  10. tournament results
  11. esports this and esports that.
  12. smash
  13. skulgirl

I might have missed some stuff, but I can guarantee that’s the majority that’s you are going to see. That’s why everything is stale, it’s so predictable. Hell, all the franchises I mention above have been around for over 1,2, and pushing 3 decades.

There’s nothing new. Nothing fresh. Even FGC podcast are struggling and are boring, the only thing they have to talk about is the stuff I just mention above, better yet there experiences of commentating for about 30 mins or more. It’s so bad to the point I notice they are branching of into other subjects non fighting game related during the podcast. Shit, even some channels that started strictly fgc related of doing gameplay walk-through of horror games, rpgs, or whatever. And these are the popular channels in the fgc.

It sucks to see, I would like to see fgc get back to it’s roots, but this is the new generation, and this is the day in age where gamers, whether they want to admit it or not, allow strangers they don’t even know on youtube the have thousands of subs or whoever is popular, to make their mind up for them. It’s strange, but it is what it is… a lot of egos and favoritism is sinking this ship pretty damnfast.

I’m a very positive person, so I like to see things get better, but I highly dout it, it’s just unrealistic at this point.

2002-2009 period was a golden age for the advancement of the genre. Since then the genre has done nothing but become simplified, derivative, stale, and full of unnecessary BS.

Western titles like Mortal Kombat, Injustice, and Killer Instinct are doing better than ever in terms of sales and production quality.

Meanwhile, Japanese game development has gone to the dogs since the early Wii/360/PS3 era.

There are some fighting games lost in the circuit. Some deserve to be brought back in this era! We can’t have SF, MK, TK, KI, KOF, DOA & VF have all the spotlight.

3D fighters are dead, I don’t see them coming back.

NRS games will continue to sell

I’m hoping that indie fighters like Punch Planet and Cerebrawl are given support by the FGC.

You ever wonder why this is the stuff we push on the front page. Here’s a thought, it’s what our readership wants.

The top two fighting games in terms of readership on Shoryuken’s front page are Street Fighter V and Smash. Additionally, both are now very much tied into eSports (as well as MK, Tekken and even KoF).

If they’re not around, it’s probably because nobody bought them. Just saying.

There’s a reason we don’t have Tobal #7 or a new Primal Instinct.

Anyone who says 3D fighters are dead… are jerks!

As long as fighters continue to work towards a really great online experience, the genre can survive. The dark ages were partly because arcades died out and the online play in fighters was not a sufficient replacement. GGPO was a game changer. Now devs can release a $15 indie fighter with GGPO netcode and everyone is happy.

retire? from fighting games?
lmao ur friends need to get over themselves