im a pad user checkin out the “fighting commander 3” by Hori… they say it aint good for those with big hands, and would perfer the madcatz sf4 fightpad instead… but by the looks of it, looks nice… im currently using the ps3 pad and want to get something better. if its possible, is there anything like fighting commander with a ps3 grip for my big hands? lol
EDIT: ok there is is a “FC3 pro” coming out soon, looks like my kind of controller
That is subjective. It is really diving into personnel preference. I have large hands as well, and I do alright with “small” controllers, so I consider the big hands argument moot.
Also do not base that any controller too big or small (or some other issue) by only 1 reviewer. How a half a dozen claim the some issue with the controller being too small for large hands you would have a point there.
i agree! now that i think about it, playing ST on my hacked PSP is no problem…execution is 95% precise, so i guess thats considered the smallest pad ive ever played currently lolol… what are your thoughts on the new FC3 pro?
I recently bought the WWE arcade stick from gamestop and the price was $65.00.
First and foremost you will not get the most accurate control from the joystick. It seems that you have to “break” it or wear it in to get it to work properly.
The buttons on this stick are amazing and quite responsive. Great buttons.
The stick is pretty small and lightweight, so it’s easy to carry it anywhere. The edges on it are a little rough so if you place it on your lap you might met scratched.
Overall: this is a good buy if you can’t find a SFIV arcade stick.
Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 this cost me around $100 bucks.
Stick is great. Buttons are horrible! The buttons started jamming about a month after purchase. I disarmed it, cleaned it, popped them out and still got the same problems. Everyone says this is a good stick, don’t believe them as it damages easily.
This thing is a behemoth! It weighs about 5 lbs and is about 1/4 bigger than MadCatz arcade sticks! Not very portable.
Overall: Not recommended for the faint of heart or newbies.
The SE series, including the WWE was my Budget choice for sticks for its low price tag.
As for the Hori HRAP 3. I did mention the stock buttons wasn’t great. The Hrap 3 greatly improves if you swap them out for Sanwa or Seimitsu buttons.
Button swaping is about a $20 investment and one of the easier mods to do. Just note, to open up a Hrap 1,2,3 and EX you have to remove the bottom panel to get to the bolts to remove the top panel.
What do you guys recommend between the Qanba Q4 RAF, BlazBlue: CS TE, or the Hori RAP VX-SA? The main selling point of the Qanba for me is that it can be used on all three consoles, but it’s more expensive compared to the other two and it’s hard to get a hold of as well. I’m really stuck between the BlazBlue TE or the VX-SA. Both seem like great sticks from reviews and both can be used on PC (obvi). I already have an SE with Sanwa parts for PS3 so that’s kind of why I’m not too eager towards the Qanba. This stick will mainly be for my 360. Any advice would be great, thanks!
I have a TvC stick currently, and those buttons tend to slip underneath your fingers when you least expect them to.
I’ve been looking at the X-Arcade sticks for quite awhile. My main goals are a) concave buttons where my finger can actually hit the buttons when I button-mash to try to get out of a particularly sticky jam (MvC3 is a good example of the “Holy strawberries, Batman!” situation I tend to find myself in constantly when playing my friends), and b) broad compatibility with multiple systems, including PCs and Macs.
Compatibility is extremely important to me, as the lack thereof is a major dealbreaker. Yes, I know that the TE sticks and HRAPs and others are sort of compatible with the other system than the one you bought the sticks for, but you have to buy a converter if you don’t buy the right one, and you only can choose Xbox 360 or PS3, and that’s a pretty major dealbreaker in my book. Yes, the X-Arcade requires adapters to play, but the main thing that I like is the selection therein. You don’t have a choice of just Xbox 360 & PS3, you can choose between adapters for the following systems (according to their website):
[]Xbox 360
[]PlayStation 3
[]PlayStation & PlayStation 2
They now bundle the USB PC/Mac adapter into their sticks, which is wonderful (and will save my bacon when I start playing the copy of Guilty Gear X2 #Reload for PC I got from Yes, the X-Arcades are a tad expensive, and yes their button layout looks weird (though arcade-authentic), however, much can be forgiven for compatibility with past, present, and future systems.
You forgot there are circuit boards (Dual-strike, Cthulhu ect) that support multiple systems, you know if you browse some of theguides and tutorials here on tech talk. They require some modification to include these boards but are well worth it.
Adapters do have their flaws, including X-arcades particular selection of junk. Check the Converters Compatibility threadfor what adapters are worth looking into.
Check out the X-arcade section on page one, you see a There stock buttons and stick are terrible, if your going for X-arcade replace these buttons and joystick with ether Happ or IL parts.
Never had that problem but then I do not know your particular play style. Those who do feel the stock buttons on the TvC, or SE sticks too soft, try Seimitsu push buttons as they are firmer. As for slipping off completely, this is the first I hear any one having this issue.
Also from X-arcades on website, you require 2 adapters for Xbox 360 play, a PS2 adapter plugged into a PS2 to Xbox 360 adapter.
So apparently you need back to back converters, according to conversational SRK TT wisdom this is alot of trouble, as back to back adapters are infamous for producing lag.
Does anyone know where I can buy a NEW Madcatz Fightstick SE? They don’t have any on their website, and I’ve looked all over and haven’t found any, except a used one at a used game store where I live. I have seen tons of TEs online though; I thought the TE was rarer…
TE is very common. And since the Original Street Fighter SE arcade stick is nearly out of production.
The TvC and WWE Brawl arcade sticks are essentially the same as the Street Fighter SE.
You might have to try Amazon or eBay or even our own Trading post to find an original SE.* Please read Trading post rules before selling*.
I ordered the TvC fightstick and the Mayflash Wii to PC adapter from Amazon last night. The total came to about $50, and considering that this thread states the TvC as a little better than the Madcatz SE, I feel I got a pretty good deal, for a beginner stick. I thought about the WWE, but didn’t want the art.
You might want to look for other sticks soon, that adapter breaks waay to easily, which is why I’m stick-less right now. It also comes with a lot of other drawbacks as well such as no DP mode and weird controller scheme (which could be fixed from Options, but it’s still confusing nonetheless).
I’ve been waiting for Madcatz’s EVO sale. Is it ever going to come or has MarkMan let me down?
Sorry, what is DP mode? I doubt I’d be getting a TE, even if it was on sale, unless the sale was ridiculously awesome. I’m not rough with computer items; hopefully the adapter will be ok.
Mad Catz Arcade sticks as a 3 position slide switch to change the mode for the joy stick. LS (Left Analog) DP (D-pad) and RS (Right Analog)
When most people complain their joystick does not work, the forgot there switch is in RS mode. The exception is the TvC stick via Mayflash adapter. Some players ended up modding them selves or hiring a modder to add other systems compatibility to the TvC stick. Some people will ad a 2nd or even a 3rd pcb to the stick. Easiest is to add a Paewang PCB as it includes PS3w and Xbox 360 modes, this can be dual-moded with the existing TvC Wii PCB which is tiny compared to the other Mad Catz sticks.
If you want to get this or another mod done, even art replacement on the WWE stick and do not want to do it your self try this thread for a modder near you
Also keep in mind if you go the cheapest route you often ended up paying more in the long run.