What Stick/Controller Should I Buy? Read the Guide on Pg 1 Before Posting

Ive read everywhere that the SFIV Tournament Edition is pretty much the best around for under 200… If you wanna pay that much thats what i’d go with

I had a VX SA and it was a nice stick, the only flaw is a combination of that angled part at the front of the case and the location of the buttons on the face of the stick. Due to my large hands I had great difficulty supporting my right wrist in a way that was comfortable. A real shame as I was looking forward to using one of these sticks.

The stick you linked to is a TE-S, I believe that these should have a more reliable PCB than the Round 1/2 sticks.

I was looking for the bezels a couple of weeks ago, I take it they are a new addition?

The Rev A Boards are in older round 1. These day new TEs do not have them.

Closer to $150 , 160 to 170 for some of the special editions from Mad Catz store/ Retailers.

Sort of , yes the TE-S has a different board that the Round 1 and Round 2. But only a limited number of Round 1 sticks had the Rev A board.

That outside the scope of this guide, but Mad Catz had the spare parts on their site now for months if not a year

Everyone is different with different preferences.

Quick Question…

Ive been looking into the 6 button fight pad controllers, are they any good? Im sure they arent as good as a fight stick, but am I better off with my craptacular xbox 360 controller?

You mean the Mad Catz Fight Pads? They are ether Street Fighter or WWE themed

No I mean are they any good? Ive gotten mixed opinions about them

The Xbox 360 pad are fine.
If you really do not like them the Hori Turbo EX 2 pad isnt bad

Yeah, they are for the UK store, US store has had them for a while…

I might pick up a few colours, for future mods, at the moment i hardly get any time to play sf2, never mind mod sticks or play on the new gen games.

Ok Thanks

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Adding a Game Pad Section
and a Entry for Hit Boxes.

Difficulty 6 for Dual Modding a PDP fightpad.

That makes me want to do it.

I gave it a 6 because most modders say its impossible to dual-mod. Only person I know who pulled it off was Gumowed

I bought a mad catz TE-S fightstick for 360… can anyone tell me if it’s a nice stick and if they had anyproblems with it?

I currently have the MadCatz SE Fightstick for the PS3. I remember a while back that the PS3 version had issues with AMD systems, but I recently built an Intel-based computer. Will the PS3 SE Fightstick work with it perfectly? Thanks

It can depend on your PCI card. Read this MadCatZ PS3 TE FightStick: PC - Xp- vista- win7 32-64bit (read 1st post)

There are some minor issues, all the real issues as been addressed by Mad Catz so the TE is better than it was in the past. Issue was with earlier run Xbox 360 PCBs. Ones sold NEW now do not have the issue.
Minor issues boils down to little stuff that are expected to happen to all Arcade sticks or the lack of proper care. Like if you hit or drop any stick hard enough it will break at some point. Your dog will still chew up that USB cable regardless of brand.

I recommend a TE as the first choice for alot of players. $150 isn’t alot for a stick and and the quality and reliability is worth the price. The TE is also very easy to mod.
There are some Hori Hrap sticks that are better built but they are also more expensive.

Not a very good analogy here at all; but think of the Mad Catz TE as the Ford Mustangs of Arcade Sticks and Hori hrap VLX is a Porsche. Yes the Porsche is better, but the Mustang is still good and it is less expensive. They are probability closer to a Ford Mustang and a Dodge Viper of sticks. The differences between the 2 sticks are not that far apart as the cars in that analogy, they both have the same Arcade parts, a Sanwa JLF and Sanwa OBFS Push Buttons. The analogy is there to illustrate a point. If you are just driving the car to work and want to score chicks, the Mustang does all of that; with the TE you are going to play just as well, score in Street Fighter IV, Blaz Blue and Mortal Kombat.

That would make the Mayflash and the Yugo [car] of the group.

Thanks this makes me more confident, but i have two questions, whats a pcb, and where can i find where mad catz said it is better then it was in the past?

1: " whats a pcb"?
PCB short for Printed Circuit board. The circuits in your arcade stick that turns your joystick movements and button presses into meaningful data for your computer or gaming system.

2: “where mad catz said it is better then it was in the past”?
You not find that statement on Mad Catz websites or media. It is rare for a Company to admit there flaws. Hell, BP still does not admit that the huge oil spill in the Gull of Mexico is their fault. That statement is from the collective agreement of dozens if not hundreds of stick owners and stick modders from all over.

Alot of information posted on the forum that is true is not from official sources but from various modders and users feed back.