If you read the first few sections of the thread, I did state that I am unable to help people find sticks outside the United States. People if you are not from the United States, I am afraid I can not answer shipping questions / issues for your home country as it is impossible for me to verify this, hopefully gamers from your own country can answer better than I can.
But you can try here, http://store.gameshark.net/ They do service the UK and Germany, as for Ireland I can’t give you a direct answer.
You can also try http://www.play-asia.com/ as they do ship internationally, but be prepared to pay a arm and a leg.
WWE Mad Catz Stick, which I referred to as the WWE brawl stick is in my Mad Catz section. Don’t ask for information that already been posted.
Also don’t try to sell anything outside the trading post (with min of 6 months + 50 post) since moderators/admin here will issue infractions.
People for future reference, if your looking for X theme Stick and you do not see it, instead refer to its non-themed counter parts. This includes Tekken 6 wireless Hori, Arcana Heart Hrap, and so on. As the data does get redundant after a while.
That’s odd. But it looks like they’re only shipping to the UK. Maybe you could look for a company like Bongo that forwards mail from US and EU locations to you. https://bongous.com/
I know Canada had issues getting quality sticks up there. Ended up enough of the Canadian players go together and started their own online store for Canadian Gamers.
As for Ireland, I am surprised other Irish players haven’t step forwards yet with anything. Even if it was not solutions at least share their experiences.
I have no clue about mail forwarding services, or I would have suggested it. I really know nothing about the service.
Just a question for anyone who has used the Tekken 6 stick.
I have huge problems performing moves with it, even simple charge moves and SRK’s. I’ve been a pad player all my life but I’m pretty sure I would be able to at least perform these moves in training. I have heard that the stick is cheap shit. Anyone else have similar experiences with it? Thanks.
Is a Street Fighter TE-S for PS3 a decent stick? How move room do I have for my left hand on the side? I can afford one at the moment(I found a good deal from a friend), so it is looking like a good deal to me. Only issue, I have both a PS3 and an xbox 360 and I use my Xbox more often. Is it still worth the purchase?
You could look into getting the 360 version TE or TE-S instead. Using the Kitty or TEasy Strike PCBs, you can do a solderless Dual Mod on the 360 TE. Or you can look for a local modder to do it for you. You can still Dual Mod PS3 TE for 360, but most people like to go the other way, because it’s a little easier.
There’s about 4 1/2" of space between the left edge of the TE and the shaft of the joystick.
TE is one of the most preferred Arcade Sticks available. It uses the same (Sanwa) parts as Japanese Arcade Cabinets in Arcades across the world today. It’s easily moddable for different joysticks, artwork, and buttons. Most people would tell you to go for the TE.
Hey guys looking to buy a new stick for use with SF, MVC and MK and such, i allready have a madcatz TE but wanted another for friends to use and to take to the london tourny next month. i was looking at getting…Another Mad catz TE (MVC3 £150) or Hori Officially Licensed Real Arcade Pro VX SA (£129.99), ive had good times with the mad catz TE but i hear Hori sticks are good to, i need something that will last but that i can use for a long time casually and take to tournaments (a treat for finishing my uni year). Thanks guys
Both the TE sreies and Hrap Series are good choices. Newer Hraps like the VX and VLX are more modder friendly than the older series.
Ether one is a good choice for you or your friends.
One thing I like seeing is people confidant about there purchases. Too many times I see people with buyers remorse. I base the rating I gave the Tekken 6 wireless stick on customer reviews, user feed back and “help my stick is broke” threads and post. Problem with buidling a guide with so many sticks is ether you go and test each stick (on this list) or a few dozen of each stick even; which cost a lots of money or you base your info on others reports.
A guide is just that a guide, you still weight the pros and cons of each stick against your wants and budget, and weighting what you want with what budget you have. From that you choose the stick right for you.
As my financial resources do not allow be to buy a few hundred sticks, I went with going of dozens if not hundreds of reviews, user reports and complaints/ comments other players had.
Again I do like to remind people that besides my home county I can not provide accurate information where to buy your choice of arcade stick in your homeland.
This is a What stick to get guide and not a where to get guide.
I going to have to ask people not to ask where I can Buy X stick from or I am from X country where can I buy sticks in this thread. Not just as this is going out of topic, this information is very difficult to organize and verify.
I know Canadian players already started their own thread on where to buy/order sticks from. But not everyone here has the numbers for such support.
Thanks for the fast replies guys im prob gonna try the HRAP VX SA and see what feel i get for that vs my TE means i dont have to pass my stick around my student house as im the only one with one right now haha thanks for tips great thread.
After getting fairly into SSFIV:AE recently I have decided that I am going to buy a fightstick. I have spent quite a while (3+ hours) today reading reviews, pros/cons, etc. of all the different arcade pads out there, but unfortunately all I’ve been able to find are reviews from 2-3, even 4 years ago, and most of them done by websites like ign.com or large companies. The only reviews I have found buy actual consumers have been on amazon.com, and for the most part anything under $200 got extremely negative reviews.
So anyway, long story short I am pretty happy that I found this forum!
I am not really into the whole modding scene, I just want something that is a QUALITY product, and from what I have read today, I am quite sure that this is what I want.
My only concern is that you stated previously the revision A boards have had problems. Is it fairly safe to say that this would be revision B? Since these fightsticks have been around for quite a while and most of the original ones have been sold?
Great thread by the way! Thanks for all the info so far
Woops, forgot to mention I’m playing on xbox 360, compatibility with pc would be nice, but not a deal breaker.