What Stick/Controller Should I Buy? Read the Guide on Pg 1 Before Posting

I’m inclined to agree. I’m sure it’s a play on the words rather than it being Sega Astro Engrish.

JDM is the borg? Are well unknowingly part of the SRK TT Borg Collective and JDM is the Borg Queen?

Or would it read out like I am JDM 714 of JDM Resistance is useless, you will have your arcade sticks modified

Well, the way the quote was done was to imply that he’s the Stig’s moé, stick modding cousin.

You guys definitely know your stuff! It was just a thought I had, considering the truth is a groan inducing pun.

Any reason for not listing the HFS3? I still see the pieces of meh at some electronics stores now and then.

Fighting Stick 3
Quality: Different Case than the HRAP series. Metal top and bottom panels give the case strength but poor quality buttons. Very Similar to Hori Fighting stick Wii except for top buttons and PS3 compatibility.
Reliability: Better than its Xbox 360 Counterpart (Above)
Ease of Mod: Difficult

I’d also add that only certain sticks will fit in the case on the FS3 when modding.

I know this is a “stick” thread lol but you guy can list hit box under “alternatives” lemme know if you want additional information since our website is still under construction


Because they are pieces of meh. The less of them being bought, the less chances any of us has to deal with modding one.

I would add it in later. I left alot out since this is a epically huge field of information, and when i can’t find info I go with out. Oh yes I am purposely leaving out huge numbers of sticks still, mainly because they are for a too niche of a market, overly specialized, a true collectors item or not worth of notice.
And I do not recommend anyone getting that Meh of a stick any ways.

Moment hitboxes are made for retail is when I would consider add them to the guide. Everything here is a production model retail stick, mods are only mentions as a factor for choosing a stick, same factors would include price, quality and what system(s) that stick is made for ect. Hitboxes right now fall under customs which is outside the reach of this guide.

dual mod a pad? might as well just buy one for each console. Seems much easier

I actually bought the PDP pad (they still had some left with the Marvel art) for 360. I actually like it quite a bit more than the MadCatz fightpad so far


*we mod everything.

magic is happening


I’m used to just buying multiple pads when I need to, and not making a car-like investment on a stick to mod it. But if someone found an easy way to dual mod the PDP pad even I may be interested lol

Thanks for the feedback were trying to get these things in retail ASAP. As soon as that happens il be back with more solid info.
Great thread btw, really diverts the stick newbies to educating themselves

There is no easy way. Need to use Diodes and a small PCB.

Cheaper to Dual Mod a stick than to buy two of those. Saves space, too!

Oh I did not know you were going into actual production, I though everything was going to be to order.
\Most of my guide is based off other peoples work logs, mod guides and customer reviews. So soon as I get some independent data, I would start a entry for your [S]sticks[/S] Controllers.

yeah the launch date was supposed to during reveLations but with parts on stall we been having to push back a bit. We have independent reviews coming in shortly. I’ll continue to keep you guys posted on anything official that comes out.

cool. I will look more into it more when I can.

want the brawl stick but dunno any websites that ship to ireland :frowning:

someone help please ?

How good is the WWE Wrestling Mad Catz Stick? I can get it for <$90 and would also sell my Tekken 6 Hori (its fucking horrible, I can barely do standard charge moves).