What Stick/Controller Should I Buy? Read the Guide on Pg 1 Before Posting

I’m probably the only person insane enough to go get another Hori VLX even though I’d be better off with a Qanba Q4 due to it being multiplatform compatible. Unfortunately I had to sell my first one but there is something about it I couldn’t find in any other fightstick. After I installed my 8-way gate into it it became the best stick ever to me. All I needed was that ps360 pcb and I was good to go. I’ll get one again in the near future and I’ll be working on my Metal Gear theme on it too.

No Need to wait for the PS360, there always the Kitty. The VLX version of the kitty is very easy to install, and it gives you all the systems the MC Cthulhu does.
It plugs into the existing PCB and connections, and the VLX Kitty is fully reversible.

Hey thanks for the information! I am very new at this whole modding thing but I want to give it a shot!

I figured rather than you waiting I can always give alternatives. You can order directly from Toodles or you can get the Kitty from Lizard Lick.

ah ok, thanks for the list. I’ll look into the Hori ones

does anyone know where i can buy Mad Catz TE S (preferably new & black) for a reasonable price? I’ve only found used sticks in the ~$150 range…

Why buy used? I know that you can buy NEW directly from Mad Catz at the Game Shark Store
The Black Xbox 360 TE S is $149.99 US. Also you save 20% off with the promo code: DADGRAD20

Note: you can only prereg now since the Non-limited edition versions of the (both white and black) TE S is released June 17.

You can also try Amazon and eBay.

I am also a pad warrior and I was wondering if there’s any cross platform (360/PS3) pads that exist, or at least any tutorials in how to mod one to be cross platform. Google has failed me.

you’re gonna have a lot of fun doing that…

only the legendary gummowned has been able to do that
he needs new boards, so he can’t do that right now

None exist as a manufactured product in the whole industry, even with the cheap knock off stuff. Only reason dual-mode Stick PCBs exist are because they are unlicensed products made overseas.
As for a Cross Xbox 360/PS3 pad you can try Gummowned, I think his dual-strike is small enough to squeeze into some pads. Mostly the Mad Catz Fightpads, as the PDP fightpad is near impossible to dual-mod with (requires a fuck ton of trace cutting and adding diodes to the original PCB). If you are willing to gut a cheap game pad, you can attach the pad to a project box. And each Project box will have the PCB to a system you want to play on.

cool thanks, i’ll look into that :slight_smile:

Phreakazoid187 did it first. He even did it with a Cthulhu and Imp.


But it is a lot easier with Dualstrike SMD. I could do it!

I wrote a guide on how you could make your own converter, and it’s also in the project box guide: Project Box Controllers: A Guide to Modular Controllers

need to learn how to be awesome like that
i have a random ps3 cthulhu main chip just lying there with no board

i think i’ll have some fun and make a cthulhu with that…

Alright. I’ll just ask here, even though I probably won’t like the answer. I really want a TE(non-s, I like the original look better), but as things stand I am fairly tight for cash. Should I wait it out and buy the TE I want, or should I put my skills to the test and build a custom stick? (Which I may find to like more)

Fact is, I play on Sanwa buttons quite frequently, and I want to get a stick to use on the go(I play on a mame cabinet running various console emu’s for the arcade feel). If anyone knows of a place where I can find a modable stick for a fairly cheap price(goodwill?) let me know. I am not afraid to do some soldering, so I can easily hack a xbox pad. Heck, I even have a PS3 controller with dead analog sticks, so I could go either way. A sanwa button and joystick set is $53(8 button, and a JLF) and then the pad to hack is another $25 for xbox. The TE can be found for around $120, and I get a lot of extra features with it(turbo and such), so which one is the smarter choice for a semi-beginner?

I’ve done literally zero research into this, but is it possible that SE stands for Seimitsu and SA stands for Sanwa, instead of Special Edition and Special Addition? I could see a case of Engrish in this situation, but this makes more sense to me.

No, the SA stands for Special Addition, which has SAnwa parts.
No, the SE stands for Special Edition, which has SEimitsu parts.

There is a play on letters there.
But SA does not stand for SAnwa, it means Special Addition.
But SE does not stand for SEimitsu, it means Special Edition.

Mod an SE.

You can make sure what the SA and SE stands for, on the Hori website itself:
SA Example:http://www.hori.jp/products/ps3/controller/realarc_pro3_sa/
SE Example: http://www.hori.jp/products/ps3/controller/realarc_pro3_se/

That what I though at first, but it isn’t bad English, it supposed to be a play on words. I did a migraine inducing amount of research for this.

That is what I tried to say.

Well for one, since all the text on that page are images and not text info, google translate told me to go to hell.
But I did contact an authority on Hori (No not Hori themselves), and they confirmed what I wrote in this guide that SE means Special Edition (Seimitsu part ) and SA is Special Addition (Sanwa parts)

If JDM says so, then it must be.

Some say that he is the collective consciousness of all tech talk come alive,
and that on Tuesdays he licks red lollipops just for fun.
All we know is, he’s called JDM714.