"What people msg you after you beat them" MvC2 edition

“How the fuck am I supposed to play at 100 miles per hour?!”

hahaha niiice!!

Was beating this scrub named maverick this weekend from seattle. The dude starts sending me 3 voice msgs per loss. Telling me to come to evo. How I’m not that good and he wants to mm me to a 1000 bucks a match first to 10. I tell him its not that serious then he starts ranting how he will destroy me and he makes 500 dollars a day so thats chump change. I have all the msgs recorded how do u upload them. Dude was friggin hilarious. Then when I start playin like I never heard anything and kept taxing him dude started rage quittin.

Tell me how to upload as well ive got some really horrible stuff all because of my blackheart, strider, doom team…:confused: people are getting upset with the doom/strider trap and are complaining about the BH/Doom trap i told him just got to srk and read up like i did and he told me to suck my mum from behind :sad:

Preppy posting some truth itt :tup:

this is a work in progress:

i picked my opponent’s team, beat him with it and he messages me afterward and says, “pussy ass nigga” in the subject line and “get ya own people next time ol pussy ass bitch”

to which i responded “i beat you with your own damn team. i’ll beat you with anyone you pick”

then he says “fuck that i want a rematch”

i gave him an invite and he never showed…


I just got a message from someone else:

I got “pussy glitcher” today… :rofl:

“gay ***”

“Wow it doesn’t get anymore cheesier, or faggetry than u son.” -The PopeVIII crying after I beat his Iceman/Doom/Strider with BlackHeart/Cable/Sent.:rofl:

Is “faggetry”, even a word? :looney::lol:

i like that “assist are for gays” guy, i ran into him several times online and it never changes :bgrin:

he plays pretty damn well with no assist tho.

I kind of have to disagree with you here

Looking at my rep (i know it means nothing) but i have 67% avoid with 40% unsporting behaviour and 20% quit early

I have never in my life quit on a game,
i played you and youve beat me quite convincingly mvc2 pringles perfected me but i stayed to see that perfect through

I even occasionally play Call of duty which i suck at but my mates love it so i play with them and they will quit if the other team is to good it ended up me vs 6 others and i still didnt quit

most of the time im a chilled guy but this fucks me off so much if i can take a beating in a game i love and a game i am not good at (and somehow still get neg rep for quitting) why cant these useless pieces of shit

:u: You have to remember… if a lot of these people you are referring to really were about Marvel like that, they would have been playing years ago.

For many newbs, this is just a casual game that they saw in the online store. It’s not something they want to put 20 hours a week into getting super-good at.

In the long run, it’s better if more people get into the game. Marvel got a second lease on life. I personally would like to see it grow, rather than dwindle down to the same hardcore heads that were playing 6 or 7 years ago. Not excusing RQs; just sayin’.

I got messaged about four times after I got beaten by 10 different people.
" Skillz dont exist eh…lol" I felt bad b/c I just started playing Marvel and everyone is just freaking hardcore. I felt like I am playing veterans and can’t find many people my skill level.

you know its funny you say that cuz I suck hard at this game. Figured I’d try to learn it a bit and I’m finding my self getting raped.

Like just a few minutes ago I was in a friendly match with some dude named CKMod I don’t know if he post here or not. He raped me just by walking backwards with cable and spamming projectiles and Sents/iceman’s assist. I’m that scrubby I have a hard time getting around it. Any who he rapes me 10 games I call it quits and almost as soon as I leave I get a message from him saying “your done weak ass”. Wow is all I could think off what a sore winner? lol I just sent a message saying “GG” he didn’t have much of a reply for that. But if anyone sees this guy and opens him a new one give him my regards.

Some people are just douchebags. Marvel skill is extremely stratified. If someone wants to get their rocks off beating people not on their level, there’s not much you can do about it. Super jump forward more and learn to rush down the 2000 keepaway.

It’s worth remembering that the main people playing online are 15-20ish year-old males, and no one in the world is dumber than 15-20ish year old males. Especially when you add in internet anonymity.

This thread is funniest if the comments are just people being dumb about Marvel. If it’s people just being dumb in general, or being intentionally antagonized, well, there’s not a forum big enough to hold all those examples.

I walk in a room and some guy is 12-0 right? So I’m thinking yea this guy appears to be good, and keep in mind I’m not that good myself so I figured it’d be great practice. Haha, boy was I wrong. This guy was a complete scrub, I mean to iceman abuse to cable X4 fiercexxghvb. Since I’m a decent Hayato player (or so I’ve been told), I began to pound the SHIT outta this guy.

So I guess he gets butthurt that he ain’t 12-0 no more and begins to insult me. Talking about “I suck”…uhh ok? So me, who 8-0’s you results in ME sucking? I mean hell, I’ve got my ass whooped by so many mags and storms but I never said some retarded shit like this. He tried to infinite me too, tore apart that Iron Man. :bgrin:

Well, usually once you combo an ahvb from Cable’s ground shots through a scimitar, people will kinda be a little more quiet about your skill. It’s pretty much the only reason I use that move, and to keep safeish against non-instant full screen projectile people I guess.

Sometimes people cry salty tears regardless though.


This game made me devote a whole picture folder on facebook for all the hatemail lol il add more when i continue owning people

I liked ‘youtube warrior’ the best.

The Youtube Warrior one made me choke on my food :rofl: