What made you main Bison?

So what’s your story?

Remembered playing someone in some version of Sf2 where the throw had a sound that was kinda like “mu mu.” Realized it was Bison when I got SF4 was disappointed he didn’t have that sound but I persevered

I honestly don’t remember!

When I got my first Arcade stick I made up my mind that I was going to play a charge character and M.Bison just felt right. I also loved his cvs2 taunt

  1. “Hmmm, I should try Bison.”
  2. Suddenly, pokes. Thousands of them!

I can down-back and get something out of it. I also feel like my pokes are actually pokes this time. Also I was beating some of my friends or losing very closely compared to when I played with ryu/akuma.

SF2 CE Bison & SSF2T Bison.

Then SF4 came out, saw some awesome concept matches. Sold.

The fact I seemed to be doing better with Bison than any other character I tried on the stick.

as a kid i always felt that bison was such a douche, especially in SF2:Turbo Revival on the GBA i that i had. and one day i felt like being a douche while playing vanilla SF4 online and he just felt natural to me. then i watched the inoue vs daigo matches and i was sold cause how beastly he looked.

same way everyone else did- was held at gunpoint by a shadaloo associate. Oh, wait- before that happened to me?

Well let’s see was in a Xat where Sonic mains would hang out, was at the point where Brawl was dying and the community was split with the so called overlords of the ruleset shitting on the community poll that had majority vote to ban meta knight. Too bad 70% of the so called “top” and “pro” players used him so nah they couldn’t lose their stolen fight money, so instead they just made lots of people quit by screwing majority players over.

People were looking for a new fighting game, and at this time super came out. Was chilling and my friend broad casted AndyOCR’s Bison timing out Justin Wong’s Rufus. Was amazing. Then someone broadcasted this vid in the xat


and I was sold out of lulz. Icing on cake he is viable. Also, his playstyle revolves around trolling, how sick is that?

I was getting own by my friend bison when I was main sagat think Ken. And later he drop the game and go McCullough I was like fk this I gonna main bison. And I am very comfy with him. Solid charge character have very good speed and high damage pokes

I saw him fly across the stage spinning and causing people to turn into blue human torches and I was like ‘I wanna do that too!!’… I was five years old at the time…

I mained bison because he is perfect against shoto mashers… probably the best scrub killer in the game.

Because he is who he is. His moves are brutal and he sounds like Cell.

Hes got a Bad ass fight stance and his hands burn purple…and you have to actually put effort into using him

Those pearly fucking white teeth.

As a person, I’m a nice guy. I don’t know what it is though, I always pick villains in games.
Bison in SF, my original Marvel team was Wesker/Doctor Doom/Taskmaster, Doom will be swapped for Nemesis, Urien in 3s, Kazuya in Tekken, Bowser in Smash. I just pick who I like and the villains just always happen to be the ones I like, Bison no different.

Everything about him bro, just look at the dude.

he’s a BOSS. hell he’s THE BOSS. & that pimp suit he wears… #swag lol

Bison was a straight badass as boss of SF2 loved the guy from then on. But now I’ve losing interest a bit…