Since I lose to almost everyone I play (you have to be really terrible to get beaten by me), I have to be a 6 and especially a 7. I can’t afford to (or even want to) get mad over this game, because that’ll make me play even worse. I can’t focus, I can’t improve, and I can’t learn if I get mad. So, I never get mad or upset, even when I go on a 20-match losing streak. I just keep my cool and stay calm.
Which characters do you mainly use?
Cammy exclusively.
time for a change perhaps? I used to only use one character, but I plateued against certain other characters who your main isnt good against. I dont really think this game is as balanced as people think, there some characters that just dont stand a chance against other characters if the ppl using them are of equal skill.
I don’t think I’m good enough yet to where I can blame getting destroyed on match-ups. I haven’t been playing any fighting games (except for Soul Calibur) for very long. I have lots of room for improvement.
Haha this is not true at all. Of course some matches are harder, but I only main one person and I do fine against all top players. I still want to play that Guile of yours see if its any good btw.
Seeing as I went 5-30 today, and had some HUGE heart-breaking losses as Cammy, I’d say I’m the type who just shits the bed quietly. I usually get really furious on my own. I was playing Aqua Snake’s Fei-Long (amazing btw), and I just couldn’t win 2 complete rounds to seal the deal. All I needed to do was the super and I’d win on chip damage, BUT THE FUCKING D-PAD SUCKS DICK AND I DID A FRONT KICK INSTEAD. THE MOMENT THE MOVE CAME OUT I CURSED SO HARD. Makes me want to change characters but I sick with everyone else.
Dude, just buy a stick. I can’t guarantee that you’ll be better with it, but at least you won’t have the controller to blame. The TE sticks are available every couple of days, and the SE sticks are in stock now.
I got a HRAP when it looked like the MadCatz sticks would be completely sold out, and I haven’t looked back since.
Given the choice, I don’t know - I might say the TE is a little better. I like the TE button layout, although that’s a personal preference. But the HRAP is still a really great stick, and once you put in some Sanwa buttons, all the actual parts will be the same, anyways.
Playing on a pad is a needless handicap.
I’m guilty of #6.
definitely # 8
A mix of 3,6,7, and 8.
im probably:
Excuse Maker
scoreboard hoe:
3 and 7, whenever I get floored by Bluetall,DGV or Thelo I try to get in as many games as possible to learn something and I will often seek advice as to how I can improve. I only ever get angry if I’m playing especially bad or making stupid mistakes I normally wouldn’t…or if there is lag heh.
I’m pretty obsessive. I can go on for hours never getting one win. Though I usually tell my opponent it’s perfectly okay if he wants to leave if it gets too boring for him.
I’ve hulk smashed and destroyed 3 xbox 360 controllers. and sometimes I will send nasty messages depending on how angry I get. lets just say I don’t like to lose, and I don’t take it very gracefully sometimes
^Hello, friend.
When I lose online I’m like DSP.
^lol and I know I’ve sent YOU some nasty stuff too…what can I say, I hate to lose. I do like learning of course. who knows, eventually, I’ll be giving you a run for your money shortly.
i appreciate the honesty here. i can get extremely frustrated when im losing. and have gone through 2 controllers myself, and have pissed off a few people on the board with my mouth.
either way…i see trying to deal with my anger as another challenge that goes along with playing street fighter. it obviously doesn’t make you play better, and will only make you more mad since you will lose even more. i just hate when i cant come up with a way around whatever it is that i am losing to. its usually reaction timing things that i cant do fast enough. it sucks knowing what the opponent will do but not being fast enough to counter it.
i wish training mode would let you practice countering tick throws, reversing things like a gief SPD trap, practice safe jumps with the oppenent reversing on wakeup, reversing crossups etc etc etc…all things that i cant get a feel for as my brain is all flustered when its happening and i cant react since it isnt burned into my memory.
isnt there anyone on here that used to get really mad and got over it??? and if so, how did you get over the anger?