I’ve smashed 2 or 3 controllers myself, although not recently. For me though, its not losing that gets me angry is when I do a move and it dosnt execute and I lose the game as a result. For exampl when somebody jumps at me and my flash kick dosnt execute and I lose as a result then that gets me really pissed, but I’ve made a promise to myself not smash anymore control pads.
If you get angry, then I think the best thing to do is just take a break cos you wont play at your best when your angry. Secondly avoid playing matches that are laggy, losing a laggy match get get you extremly angry cos it seems like the rules of the game break down when in a laggy match.
Thankfully I’ve only broken one controller in my life. It honestly felt good to drive my heel through that piece of garbage 3rd party PS1 controller until I looked down and saw what I had done. I used to get pretty pissed off up until a few months ago. I didn’t throw anything, but I would hit my poor stick a lot. I tried changing my attitude toward HDR out of concern for my stick out of all things (my roommate gave my stick healthy spankings, too). I guess once I realized that this was seriously a problem I decided to take HDR less seriously. After a while I would laugh every time I lost and think, Why did I put myself in that situation?. I’m not sure if this is something that can really be taught. Unfortunately it might be something that has to players have to get to on their own.
Anyway, once you manage to take HDR less seriously, you might actually play a little worse for a while. But after you get bored of losing you’ll start trying again, only this time you’ll probably have cultivated a calm demeanor. It’s probably good to take a break from playing HDR seriously for a week or two anyway. A professor once told me that as good as you get, there’s someone that’s always so much better that you can’t imagine how much better they are than you (unless you’re Afrolegends). Anyway the point is you’re going to come across someone that will be able to easily manhandle you, and it breaks the spirit when it happens. Playing seriously for months/years on end only adds more fuel/explosives to the fire/bomb that’s might go off.
Edit: I forgot, meditative breathing helps a lot. I actually use this to address a wide variety of stress induced problems. Anyway it may sound cheesy, but anything that’ll help! What I do is breath in and imagine spiritual energy being drawn into the center of my body, then I breath out and visualize dispersing the energy thought out my system. You don’t have to do the same thing, but anything to keep your mind off of the present. Essentially I do this to remove my mind from the world for a bit while. Uh, now that I think about it I guess you can’t do that that well. Try just taking a deep breath, but keep the whole spiritual energy thing in mind.
I think the biggest thing for me is realizing that HDR is just a game to me. I have a lot else going for me so no matter how bad at HDR I am, I have other aspects of my life that define me as a person. So being bad at HDR doesn’t reflect on me as a person, just my ability to play a game.
thanks mike, I’d rather be honest about it. because I’m sure some of you have played against me on xbl. I agree with irrepressibleguile, I get mad when I lose to someone I know I shouldn’t have lost to, or they throw such random sh*t you know they didn’t mean to do, and it manages to hit…ugh. but laggy matches I don’t put up with, I quit out immediately to keep my sanity lol.
I’m obsessive, when I lose I need a rematch and I need it ASAP. Of course while I’m waiting, I’m the person who will nag you with every little question how you did each little thing so I can learn it and then try to incorporate against you, then lose again because I’m learning it and then have to beat you twice before I quit and it just goes on and on…
Oh and controllers go through windows quite nicely on really bad days…
Hey silver rain. You’re a damn good cammy player! I almost wanted to toss my controller after my loss to you today in ranked. I hope you didn’t break yours after our rematch…
I’ve only rage quit once, playing in ranked at Christmas on the free XBL access Microsoft gave out.
I was playing as gief, and in the fifth round I clawed back from a near-perfect loss to win with a super. I had the guy up in the air of the first slam.
then the lag reset to me getting stuffed with a jab srk.
Oh I wasn’t going to throw my controller out over that loss Mike, it was a pretty sound game, you got in my head and won it, that I’m okay with, I’m mad when like Iron Z said you’re doing everything right and then all of a sudden the lag catches up and all of a sudden I have no life…
I always give respect & say good games regardless if I win or lose. Sometimes I do blame the lag but that is only if the lag is Rediculously horrible. I never use excuses & cry when I lose it just makes me a better player
If a player notices the lag at the beginning of the match, then why not DISCONNECT and move on to another match immediately?
Why the heck do people still play the f*#*in match when it is laggy, then disconnect at the LAST friggin’ moment and blame “Lag” for the loss???
Why does the same person NOT disconnect due to LAG, if they win the match, but disconnect just prior to losing a match? You all know who you are.
Finally, why does the person suffering from “Lag” act like he is the only one who got lagged? Does he think that the person causing the lag is not on equal lagging terms???
End rant.
Also for the poster who hated Vega… I’d like to say… “Thanks for the gorgeous time” =)
Hulk smash, all the way. I get psychotic at times, seriously. I sometimes want to take my stick out to a field and beat it to pieces ala Office Space.
That said, as mad as I get, I never take it out on people through the mic or via message. Nor do I ragequit. That shit’s lame. Even when I’m yelling ‘that’s bullshit!’, ‘cheap motherfucker!’, bitch-ass scrub!’, I know in the back of my head I’m an idiot. I really need to learn to keep my cool.
speaking of losers, I just played some d bag named dekon or dekor, whichever…I beat him silly with my vega, and the bastard and his gay side kick start talking trash on xbl to me. talk about not taking your lumps well. the guy acts like he’s 15…amazing the shit people talk when they aren’t in your presence. I’d have a field day with punks like him. and I"m not trying to toot my horn, but I think he plays like crap with bison. anyone else run into this crybaby big mouth?
It really depends on the caliber (in my own opinion) of the player I’m against and the character match-up. If I lost in a close match and the player was just clearly better (or at least better in the clutch), then I enjoy it very much and I prefer them, even though I strangely NEVER match up with preferred players but always match up with avoided ones. If I just lose to a common Ken scrub or the people who are turtle heavy and run away with Guile/Akuma/etc, then I feel terrible, I don’t get mad or anything, I just feel like I’ve utterly failed…because I have. =P
Same here. I used to get some big wins against players, but now I’m just on a HUGE lose streak. I ususally am a humble person and used to be the Praise Mailer but I can only take so much defeat before I get frustrated. It’s always like that. Now I am somewhat of a Excuse Maker and at my worst times a Hulk Smasher. Perhaps taking up the Advice Seeker path will make me better and get me back to accepting my loses.