what is it about street fighter that drive somebody into a furious rage when they lose? I myself have smashed 2 standard xbox controllers and almost broke my blue hori control pad, but I must admit since I stopped hosting ranked matches and only joining low ping matches I havnt had any anger management episodes
For me what caused the anger was when something happened that was in my opinion of violation of street fighter physics…ie getting thrown out of a flash kick, somebody walking through a sweep and throwing me or getting into stars after taking 2 hits, yet the other guy took 5 consecative hits and wasnt dizzied…that would send me into a hulk smash rage.
I’ve played many other multi player games: cod4, gta4, midnight club LA but none of them get me angry like street fighter used to.
what pisses me off now is if im in a player room with a few other ppl with good connections, and then somebody comes in from the other side of the world and starts causing lag and multiple disconnections, and the guy refuses to leave room even tho every1 else is telling him that there is too much lag.
Yep, lag is a load of bull. I was rewatching a video I took and I noticed one of the matches was a little laggy. I noticed that the opponents life bar decreased and increased back to it’s original state for a split second. What had happened is that I did a knee bash, walked under and attempted a fierce punch. As the animation for the fierce punch came out, the health decreased, yet he threw me out of the fierce punch and his life went back to what is was before I attempted the punch. Surely if the punch connects to take damage, that also means it would inflict hit stun too, which in turn makes it impossible to throw someone.
It’s kind of like the game said, “Oh, that’s a fierce punch, take of this amount of damage. LOL screw you, I’m gonna let this guy get his throw AND give him his energy back”
I’ve even had moves come out that I didn’t input. It’s happened a few times that I’ve gone for a fierce dragon punch and a weak one came out instead. Has anyone else had a similar problem? My mates seem to think it’s my pad or my imagination, but I’m pretty sure that when this has happened in the past, I haven’t hit the weak button by mistate (weak is on the shoulder buttons, fierce and medium are on the face).
The only bad thing (if you can call it that) is that with a ping filter, there may be people setting it at retarded values. It’s hard enough to get a game as it is what with most of the community migrating to SFIV
Mine would be a combination of 3 and 6. I play people who are better than me over and over until I beat them because it’s good practice and it helps me improve. The only difference for me is that when I turn my console off, I don’t dread the next encounter I have with them, in fact, I welcome it. At the end of the day when we’re all tired and drained, I top off the matches with a good “GG, thanks for the matches” message
I was playing a guy from Japan a while ago and his energy went back up just miliseconds AFTER he had been ko’ed, that was the most extreme lag I’ve come across.
Everybody loses sometime, but losing bcos of some bullshit lag roll back or super fast laggy fireballs is f***ing infuriating
nothing drives me more insane than losing to ken players cause of lag making their jab srk invincible. i’ll bait them into something knowing they will do the double jab srk…time my attack to them coming down on the second one…and still get hit. BS is say!!! i hate having to change my game for ken players cause of lag. same goes for when i get thrown when they are coming down from a fierce whiffed srk. RED TUNNEL VISION…
It depends on the opponent for me. I can’t stand turtles but I manage to defeat them with Zangief anyway. When I first started playing HDR I couldn’t stand Akuma players, but now I realize that a lot of player skill goes into playing Akuma well, bad Akuma players are easily defeated because of his low stamina.
I understand needing to make it to the 50 post mark, but c’mon now…at least post something that’s true. Akuma’s learning curve is not that high…not even in this game. That’s why, rightfully so, his being banned from Evo was a very hotly debated topic.
At this point, I’d point your attention to the thread that’s stickied that says “New to the forum? START HERE!!!”. I didn’t write it just to see my name up there. I did it so that new members don’t make the mistake of wearing out their welcome.
I personally just mail something like “Good game, man” or something like that if it was a good game. Other than that I usually don’t say anything at all.
I would say #3 Obsessive - especially if the match was close. It is fun to fight people who are strong, and make you want to smash the controller because the fight was so close! LOL
Also #6. Even though I get my ass kicked, I’ll admit the rush of a good match is worth all the trouble, and I try to become their friend so we can fight each other again, and both get stronger.
I’m guilty of 3 5 7 . Sometimes 6 but that’s only to say that it was a teleport battle in all of the cases that I do send the mail is true. No excuses, I lose I lose…
“Praise Mailer: you mail the guy saying GG or some other pleasantry”
I will try mail my opponant good game, win or lose. Sometimes, I’ll tell my opponant that they are good with some characters.
I don’t take losses too hard. Against really good players, I just keep on playing them even if I’m on a 10+ losing streak. It’s not that I’m mad and trying to get revenge, I’m just trying to learn and get better, and maybe even earn their respect. I know I’m not the too good a player, so I accept the fact that I will lose a lot.
But I do get frustrated from losing sometimes. Haha, I end up getting get mad at myself, not my opponant. I do try my best not to get mad though, because it is just a game after all. haha.
well since im from hawaii mine is excuse maker…biggest excuse is LAG…especially when i play people from europe…talk about an average ping of 200. but i do laugh at some people saying i have a lag switch or i mod the game…thats pretty funny…or stop streaming porn…or lose the 56k modem…lol.