He did have a chick in the neo geo vid so he’s clearly got game! (metal slug)
fuck dat bitch
I wouldn’t type it if I didn’t see it for myself.
It so bad at one point our college’s gaming club put a hygiene rule in effect.
We won’t attack you outloud, but we will take you into a corner and hand you a can of spray on deodorant.
I think it’s unfucking acceptable to be over 15 and smell like ass and expect people to be okay with it.
I’m with you on Fuck MVC3 that game is garbage. 2 has better characters and is a lot more fun.
This is the last I’ll post of this but isn’t Smash a subforum in the “Fighting Game Discussion” portion here?
Girls don’t play fighting games because girls don’t play fighting games. The few top female players we do have (Choco Blanka and Kayane are all I can think of) are invisible compared to the PR Balrogs and Filipino Champs. Too bad Kayo Police wasn’t an actual chick, that could have given them some sort of role model. We need a Michele Ross and Danielle Maniago in this thing - not just chicks who are good players, but chicks who exude some natural charisma and immediately get people liking them for the right reasons.
Personally, I blame those shitty Sailor Moon fighting games. I never knew a chick who played SF2/Alpha/whatever, but I knew a small group of girls who imported anime games, including those shitty Sailor Moon fighters, and I guess that was enough for them. One of my friends swore off fighting games altogether because of that weak ass Ranma 1/2 fighter on the SNES.
doesn’t mean its recognized by the other SRKers as one. I don’t care one way or another. BUT Smash Bros according to the posts Ive seen about it is a baby game not for “serious” fighting game. Its for little kids. Again not my words. Im sorry son, but your smash bros isn’t a real game to SRK. You have my sympathy.
OP should go gay so they can feed their eyes at tournies.
So, in the end, what is your explanation for the almost complete absense of women in FG tournies ?
I’m smarter than you. That’s why.
I don’t understand what more compelling evidence can be offered or why this topic is even a point of discussion at this day in age. We have a substantial number of compelling scientific evidence in the form of research conducted in the fields of neuroscience,hormones and sexual dimorphism and its effect on cognitive functions to prove undoubtedly that men and women are very different at a basic biological level. It would be a leap in logic to assume these innate biological differences would not play a factor into the preferences for the activities that men or women would chose. In my view, this topic isn’t worth further discussion because the cause and explanation as to why women are underrepresented in the FGC is the same explanation as to why we see few women in chess,magic,comics or various other hobbies that are male dominated. It isn’t a big mystery folks and the fact that people continue to assert the topic as if it’s a conversation worth further exploration illustrates to me how truly immature the FGC is…you might as well start creating topics asking"why is the sky blue"or"why is the sun bright"if your going to continue on this theme.
Actually Evo it is a discussion that’s quite politically heated to this day for good reason. A lot of exceptions are all around us that none of the nonsense that gets posted here addresses. The real immaturity itt is the assumption the faulty evidential extrapolations from evo psych have already given us the final word on human nature.
Tell me if you’d feel comfortable favorably discussing The Bell Curve and its ilk or some of James D. Watson’s comments about people of African descent at a fighting game tournament.
I dont see how its assumptions and faulty evidence when most of this evidence is collected by scanning the brain and through hormone research…Ill gladly take evo psych over post modernism "social construct as the cause of every behavior"nonsense any day of the week or any other equally poorly conceived alternatives. Although besides that argument(which I think is as silly as arguing if the ball drops because of gravity or because a invisible fairly pulls down on it) I dont see why this topic has to be politically heated. If women want to play then they can play, they have about as much personal agency over their lives and choices as men do so quite simply put…if women are not showing up its because they dont want to.
Expectations also have nothing to do with it imo and besides it isnt like anyone is telling women not to come to tournaments. As far as I know, Evo,SBO,Canada Cup and other major events do not have a "no female"policy put in place at events. If women are not showing then maybe its because the majority of women are just not interested enough to show or commit the time and money to events. Women are people too ya know, so if they arent doing something maybe its because I dunno…they chose not to lol.
The root of the problem is what we’re after, so I don’t think it’s unfair to start discussing people’s motives and thought processes when going about choosing to do one thing or another. I don’t buy any form of determinism nor did I cop to an interpretation like that in any of my posts, either, but fully reconciling what we observe about others with what we know about ourselves is no simple process.
You could find some of this magical evidence and address the controversy definitively. It would be an unreasonable demand on your time given how much literature there is to absorb and take into account and all of it may prove inadequate regardless. I’m sure you have something so compelling to say that a few million people opining on the subject, doing research and discussing these ideas haven’t already gone over, though, really. Also the implications of a lot of evo psych “research” that people love to cite in cases like these is often couched in (often by the press and people with an agenda, big surprise there) ad-hoc conclusions/assumptions that falsely suggests several aspects of who we are and how we interpret ourselves is solely up to biologically determined factors. So you’re already biting off a lot more than almost anyone is willing to chew when it comes to discussing agency and biological or social determinism. Saying people behave a certain way solely as a function of their biology is a house of cards almost no one will willingly put themselves into in this debate.
I mean really, if the evidence is so compelling what’s preventing you from doing this?
Dude you can’t tell ANYONE plays fighting games just by looking at them, unless of course they are wearing some Broken Tier shirt or some shit.
All that pic shows is that you’re fascinated with your body, possibly skateboard and very well could be living in your mothers basement.
Oh. I thought you’re actually inteligent since you’re ideas sounds quite interesting. It seems I was wrong.
For the record: I wasn’t sarcastic or anything with my question, just genuinly interested in your point of view.
Evo expressed exactly what I think about this topic. Men and women are different, both biologically and psycologically. There’s no such a big assumption to think that this leads to different attitudes. And yes, there are other factors involved too. As usual, there is no single explanation. But there’s no need to turn this thread in a lesson of history of feminism. The simple (and common sense) answer for the OP question is: because not that many girls are interested in fgs.
I was being facetious because I’ve been posting a lot in this thread and you didn’t seem to care about reading what I had to say.
ANYWAYS, I’m going to show up to a tourny dressed like Paulie Walnuts and pretend I’m making calls about running numbers between matches.
This isn’t what I’m saying as a personal opinion though, this is what the science is showing…and regardless if you think biology as a factor is a"house of cards"there is more then enough evidence to show this is the solid scientific reality especially in regards to gender. If your not willing to accept evo psy then that is your choice however, and im glad your not of the"social construct"mind as that means the chance of a logical discussion is possible. However I don’t see much debate in this discussion because as far as I see it, the explanation behind the lack of women is obvious. I dont know exactly what more can be said on it to be honest…women are not as interested in something such as a FGC as men are, and the reasons are because of women’s own choices. That’s about as all that can really be said and the only thing that really needs to be said IMO.