nigga said come find me
he wanna know if you nice with them hands, b
nigga said come find me
he wanna know if you nice with them hands, b
Why do women have separate Chess tournaments?
Why don’t they all just go to the regular tournaments will all the men?
Probably some Olde World tradition they don’t want to break
Because they can leverage other assets to break the concentration of male nerds HURR DURR
See that guy at the end of vid? That’s you niggas.
you cant play mvc from a stove
I would like the say it’s the smell.
I can’t even count the number of occasions where a girl was hanging out with a group of people playing games, and someone would smell just horrible, they would look at someone and kind of wish they would sympathize with her.
Reading is so hard, I am going to keep repeating something said at least a dozen times on each page like it’s true.
Only men have the capacity for smelling bad and tolerating others who do smell bad says right here in the big book of stupid. Tell me, how many social workers who work with the homeless are men? BBQ QED, Texas style.
Is this smell thing actually true? I’ve never had an instance at tourney where there was some amateur fumagation services going on - maybe I’m giving people too much credit but it really seems basic to shower…?
Yeah sorta. Guitar Wolf is Japanese garage rock band with some goofy overdriven production on their songs so it sounds like they’re about to destroy their equipment. Big pompadours, leather jackets, shades, the works. They tour in the US once in a while too. This is a zombie movie they made 12 years ago – here’s a clip:
I swear to god I didn’t even know this line was in the movie.
It can be pretty rank because of the habits of some of the people there, yeah. Also being in close proximity to other people and the heat that gives off can make anyone get sweaty and nasty.
Being around a bunch of single smelly dudes shouting rape isn’t exactly something girls like to do.
This is SRK Smash brothers ISN"T a fighting game here. Sorry bro thats just the rules.
Showering is the bare minimum. The bigger issue is people who don’t put deodorant, coupled with how packed and sweaty some venues can get.
Oh god please no one turn this into an argument about the semantics of the word “rape”. I’ve already given 110% in this thread. :mad:
And now for something completely different.
It is what it is. Instead of theory fighting why girls don’t join FGC tournaments why don’t you actually ask the girls yourself.
The replies are usually the same: “I don’t really like those games and the guys there are creepy and smell bad.”
My ex-girlfriend always confused sf and mk. I was like “bitch, I don’t play Mortal Kombat.” But she would say “they’re the same to me because I hate them both.”
ess pee zero zero en on relationships
Enough with the kitchen jokes. There is laundry to be done!
If there were any of women actually at tournies because they wanted to play, courageous enough to complain about the climate in a way I could document, I just might. I would start by asking: “So, why are you here?” because that’s how you figure these things out, right?
The “reason” for their absence is based on an assumption on their part too (though a pretty safe one lol). I am only explaining the dynamics of these assumptions that apply to any group at all. Perhaps I could become the first fight man ethnographer… oh wait I’d rather do anything but that. Like post silly youtube videos and listen to myself talk on the internet.