What is the root of low female participation in FGC tournies

  • The same reason why women aren’t rushing to post in this topic. That being said, I’d like to face Kayane, IRL, someday. She makes Soul Calibur look sooooo fine. Gotta make her mine. Cute ass and Impact Guard smile like that, gotta be one of a kind. :smiley:

  • not surprised, at Kayane since she’s got to literally have first cracks at the game AND Harada’s brain. She’s got some skill on her.

Yeah, because a lot of you guys are apparently fucking creepy towards women and…


Kayane’s a bit of a sore spot for everyone on SRK because she gets “attention because she’s a woman”. Which is a bullshit excuse by all the fucktards on here, considering she’s been playing competitively since she was like 8 years old and has proven her chops as one of the best Calibur players in the world AT AGE ELEVEN when she beat and dethroned Dan the Nightmare as the best French player in SC2. (DtN won Evo SC2 2003, if you’re wondering who he is, and did so with Nightmare, a character that was mid-tier at best.)

Ya gotta love that. Dudes complain that there aren’t enough skirts at tourneys and then they throw a fit when there are.

Well, you gotta remember that most people on here know next to nothing about the history of competitive Soul Calibur and haven’t heard of Kayane until she started playing Street Fighter 4.

Ummmm…I don’t think everyone on SRK is sore with Kayane nor her FG history.

Did you miss when they announced her Madcatz sponsorship?

The people who play video gaems aren’t ones I expected they would be BAWWW :sad:

…are you basically saying that women do not want to compete in fighting game tournaments because they are not expected to? Am I oversimplifying your point?

What the hell is kuwaii about Smash Bros? Also I’d love to see any of you guys compete in Melee.

Depends almost solely on the amount of authority or prevalence the people creating those expectations have in the eyes of people outside the group. It’s simple but the process is transparent to a lot of people. It’s also a matter of the actual games themselves having highly sexualized and caricatured portrayals of women while the males are generally portrayed as more diverse in their size, shape, fighting style and personalities. A lot of nerd media has this problem. And it discourages a lot women and people unwilling to deal with that baggage from putting up with its tropes at all.

So, when men let loose with all these stereotypes about women “like X and not Y” and “we men like Y and not X” and attribute it to some kind cultural or biological urge, Women who start playing video games as a hobby generally have a chip on their shoulders as a result. Most women with even a passing interest consider dealing with those prejudices a huge, hurtful bag of shit they’d rather avoid than try to deal with the prevailing attitudes. People’s time is limited and having to turn every bit of that leisure time into gender politics hour or be singled out as a token member of your gender (not a good thing even if people are positive about it) is horrible for someone to deal with.

So yes, you are being simple. I sincerely hope you aren’t looking for a single poorly-worded statement to pounce on.

I played it when I was 12, it’s a joke.

…that is an interesting point. I don’t sense a lack of desire from women to compete in other competitive games that don’t have that element at all (in other words, it is not difficult to find people to play a co-ed game of volleyball).

I am a simple man :rofl: .

Yeah excuse my tinfoiling about that… The whole “looking for a statement to pounce on” passive-aggressive trolling tactic when you can just ask someone to clarify something until the end of time or home in on one faulty sentence regardless of the rest of a post’s merits.

I know you're trying to sound complex, but the bottomline is that there are results.  We can say that women are socialized to not like competitive gaming, but that's the reality.   It's also not that big of a problem.   While some social scientist like to believe that men and women emotional states are androgynous, both genders inherently think differently.  As far as what qualifies as men and women stuff in society, some social nurturing could go into that.  But you will find that this sort of social distinction, and gender based preference exist in pretty any society in the world.    

At the core, men are more logical, emotionally distant, and externally active. At it’s core, women are more internal, have tend to based things more on relating. This is more or less biological, and it would be sensible, since women generally bare children, meaning they’re biologically wired for relating. Anything that lies between men and female preferences in marketing and society are generally formed around these really basic traits. Again, women love Sex In the City, men love movies like Die Hard. Men love to compete and dominate in every imaginable thing in life. Women love relating and emotionalizing. Guess what, you can get rid of video games, and get rid of barbies dolls, and something else will just come around and will be seperated between gender preferences.

Lack of women gamers does not show a fundamental flaw in society.  On the contrary, it's just a modern representation that genders are different and like different things.    This isn't going to change.  And you can call it stereotyping, but it's generalizing.   And people have generalizations, but that doesn't make them any less true.     The thing is, people are blaming male gamers are the reason females don't game, when it's not the male gamers fault.   Again,it starts from marketing and developing games that will likely be enjoyed by men.   If you have a real problem with there being no female gamers, then you should write developers and publishers of these games letters, and ask them why games aren't being marketed for them.   In either case, games have been marketed towards women, and failed miserably.  So hey figure that one out.

Branh you really only have information “how people behave” to go on, not “why” as a strict matter of empirically observable causal relationships. Substituting one for the other is fallacious and makes you the one “trying to sound complex”. I’m not going to get into a big discussion about the relative merits of biotruths because you’re already showing an unwillingness to address my arguments as they are – you’re simply setting out to contradict them with your own unsubstantiated assertions about how everyone just so happens to fit into a mold consistent with the stereotypes on display in this thread because of biological differences lol. If only reductionism could explain why I’m even bothering to discuss this with you :confused:

If you want to talk turkey then give me some compelling evidence from cognitive science and biology. Preferably somewhere else. Maybe we can have a big annoying debate in GD about it or something.

I’m just gonna get a sex change and win evo to prove you all wrong.

Just get your hair done into a gigantic pompadour and wear a jean jacket with rhinestones with expensive shades. Then hire Guitar Wolf to play during your matches.

Become an Elvis impersonator?

This, sirs. That thread was nothing but a lot of butthurtedness, lols, and get back in the kitchens.

Observation: Most movies are male dominated.
Your model’s prediction: Men will go to the movies more than women.
Observation: Women are ~55% of ticket sales.
