This robot said it. It’s satellite dish scans the internet for stupid comments and repeats them.

Nonsense, you’re a darker shade than white, I’d assume you played Marvel even if this wasn’t a FG forum.
Girls don’t like guys’ nerdy shit. Most girls don’t even like guys’ non-nerdy hobbies, so why do you expect them to like the nerdy ones?
Put yourself in the exact opposite situation. Would you go see fucking Twilight at the movie theaters out of your own volition? I would rather kill myself.
Also, stop thinking about meeting girls blah blah blah at tourneys. Tourneys are sausage fest, where the overwhelming majority are nerds. Don’t go to them if you want to meet girls. Don’t go to them if you can’t stand being surrounded smelly dicks all day.
So many people running stereotypes as hard data smh
this thread sucks.
Probably cause they hate you.
Just answered your own question…
Dammit dude, you of all people ought to know better. This might go over the heads of some of the fools here, but here goes: The only reason any of what you’re saying sounds true is due to the normative expectations that exist in our culture. These exist solely due to the assumptions culturally dominant groups (often quite fluid depending the social context) make about others and oftentimes other members of a culturally dominant group. Frankly, the stereotypes the men in this thread are so willing to present as insight into completely non-existent laws of human behavior bear this interpretation out by themselves. If you want a cause for why women aren’t at these fighty-mans tournies its a combination of all of these factors that almost certainly crop up when the exceptions arise, not glib platitudes about women are this men are that or whatever, or generalizations about what people may or may not like based on expectations of their identity.
The people who don’t fit strictly into these normative expectations often suffer greatly as a result of this horse shit. I’d venture a guess that everyone has experienced unwarranted strife in their lives by not wanting or being able to live in accordance with these norms to some degree or another. Depending on one’s personality, what people assume about any aspect of one’s identity (the ol standby of race, class, gender from cultural studies – remember these at all? – and hobbies, interests, political views, religious outlooks and any other thing people are part of or identify with), and the number of people who create and maintain these expectations it can literally ruin a person until they start to disregard those norms in favor of living their own lives, which is an outlook almost no one fully attains.
Y’know it’s pretty simple for most to sort this out since it’s a cliche few people bother living up to, even in spite how abstract it may sounds when someone describes the nitty gritty. I am what I am and so is everyone else, so respect and tolerate that without imposing judgements on them by some imaginary construct that has no rational leg to stand on. Judge away up in the ol’ head, since we generally can only do what we think is right at the time, but in cases like this it may be better to keep judgements like these to yourself. Live and let live, the golden rule and all that junk that people seem to repeat endlessly but somehow end up only applying to themselves, and if all else fails: mind your own god damn business, seriously.
Am I the only one who goes to tourneys specifically to get a day away from my g/f?
this thread is the reason
holy shit yall a bunch of misogynists
lmfao this might be the worst post in the thread.
edit: most of them are really really bad though.
branh i think you are the worst poster in fgd right now by like some sort of enormous landslide. btw i heard you smell bad irl, so the irony of this post is ASTOUNDING.
Why…yes, I believe so. If my wife had fun at FG tourneys, I’d bring her along, but I know for a fact that she doesn’t.
I heart the one woman that shows up at my weekly tourneys here. She picks male characters in games based on how hot they are or she’ll pick animals. UMVC3 team = Vergil/Dante/Shuma or Ammy, GG = Ky, KOF = Duo/Shen/Kim, 3S = Remy, Smash = Marth or Yoshi…LOVES dem emo dudes and dem mascots. We always give her crap about it just as the couple gamer girls I know give me crap about my characters (low tier, female and hot…Dizzy, Leona/King/Mai, Jun, Asuka, Elena, Lilith, CFE Felicia, ST Cammy, etc., or I just pick whatever mascot is available and crappy).
In other words, we treat them the same as anyone else that shows up. Once people do that, you’ll start seeing girls stick around. Not show up in larger numbers, but the few that do will actually stay.
And in a hobby dominated by men that wouldn’t mind seeing a few females join their competitive ranks, that’d be a pretty damn good start.
This is probably my new favorite thread on SRK. We all know the answer. Cause games are not “cool” to them, because when they do try they get objectified/hit on by wierd fat or ugly dudes, or people there talk shit to them and say sexist stuff. I have a better question for the OP, Why would you go to a FG tourney to meet a GF?
I’ll be at Final Round and Evo, why don’t you look me up and find out for yourself. Your other points are again, typical internet posturing. If anyone need to ask why women don’t come out to tournaments, then I would say someone has a severe lack of understanding of the opposite sex. I’m no expert on women, but it’s pretty much a no brainer.
Your posts itt are also trash and singling out one random idiot to troll is boring. You’re not willing to participate by even cracking a good joke and your gimmick sucks. Fuck off.
So did you go and watch all the Twillight movies and read all the Twillight books? If you didn’t then it would be hypocrisy for you to tell us to fight the sterotypes when you aren’t trying to.
Its not a very inviting hobby for girls period. I can’t say the demographic helps, but I doubt thats the issue - its the same reason we don’t see the mens division of monday night shop-a-thon. There’s been a major/minor increase in girl:guy ratio for gaming in general but there’s still a stigma around devoting large periods of time to a ‘meaningless’ hobby, sorta competitive gaming by definition[large periods of time, meaningless is in the eye of the beholder] - instead of making them billzzzz.
Honestly, I know just 2 girls who’re capable of playing the game[like c.mkxx tatsu ->shoryu level capable] but they’ll very quickly jump to L4D given the opportunity.
Yo this thread sucks. Mad people trying to come up with scientific answers and shit, showing how much time they actually spent with women. WOMEN DON’T COME BECUASE THEY ARE TYPICALLY NOT INTERESTED. ITS SOOOOO FUCKING OBVIOUD. And those tgat are interested see thiss thread and say “fuck that shit”
I don’t need to. I’m self-aware enough to avoid sharing a hypothetical like/dislike of a series like Twilight while avoiding playing fast-and-loose with stereotypes that simply exist to police people into specific prejudiced categories. I don’t feel the need to offer up any sort of platitude along the lines of “women, on average, because of their biological sex/behavior they engage in(there are always exceptions to these assumptions, surprise surprise), are the only ones who would enjoy this” when not all people are alike in what they enjoy. The burden of proof is on someone – like you perphaps – trying to suggest there’s something inherent to women that makes them enjoy Twilight, and there’s not one iota of scientific evidence I’m aware of that bears it out. If only genetics could answer it all, amirite?
Kayane seems underappreciated, just won the SCV french launch tournament.