What is the root of low female participation in FGC tournies

Hey is this the thread where I can grind an axe about awkward nerdiness because I’m misanthropic and insufferable enough to actively loathe people with poor social skills (who dare to talk to me, the epitome of male charisma of course) by making huge assumptions about their personal lives like it’s my business?

Maybe, just maybe, if we kept these presumptions to ourselves and gasp withheld our judgements about other people we don’t even know instead of acting like catty middle school aged girls (the irony isn’t lost on me here, lol) women might come to our events willingly some day. Maybe not, because it is usually a video game bachelor party regardless.

who cares, girls are for fags.
sf4 life

Women are usually not interested in having a hobby that requires them to constantly think logically.
There’s plenty of activities IRL that require them to do so (like school and work), and its probably already stressful enough for them.

I don’t know, but you guys seem out of touch. Talking about showering, attractive tournament players, a ultra masculine environment, etc. You’re talking as if women WOULD attend except there are all of these “issues”. It’s not true. Women wouldn’t attend a tournament even if the tournament smelled like Roses, and every guy there looked like Brad Pitt. Why? Because women just don’t give a shit about video games. Okay SOME do, but what games do women play, and how much time do they put into them? They probably mash a few buttons, have a few laughs, and put them down. I can’t imagine a woman is going to even bother playing more hardcore games, when they barely have the attention span to play more casual games.

I’ve seen women competitiors at tournaments, but they’re usually there with their boyfriend or something. I even played against a female competitor once, but she wasn’t really all that serious. Bottomline, women aren’t attracted to things like video games. It would be akin to women on an Desperate Housewife messageboard wondering why they don’t have very many male posters. Some things are women things, some are men things. And sure sometimes those women and men things intersect, but it isn’t all that often. I mean how many guys would show up to a “Sex in The City” fan convention if he wasn’t dragged there by his woman. And how many women are at tournaments without their boyfriend?

Stop making it more than it is. Tournaments for hardcore gaming isn’t the thing that attracts a good majority of women.

>I like to feed my eyes during a tourney

There’s your answer

Have you ever been to a tournament?

No homo, but, the average tournament attendee is an average looking dude.
There are the here and there fat dudes and weirdos, but most are fairly decent looking.

I’m not saying everyone is as good looking as say, bbq sauce, but, it’s more your everyday dude than fat, basement dwelling creepazoids with cystic acne.

You say we are out of touch, then you write all this 1950s style gender role assignment?

We know that the genre is dominated by males, OP is not asking why more women don’t play fighting games. OP is asking why more women who already play aren’t attending.

Can we please have this guy’s posting rights revoked… fuck.

Skullgirls will bring in more females to the FGC.

Who the hell cares? If a girl shows up its not like anyone would tell her to leave. The only things we need to change is making showering mandatory (already saw this at some Smash events) and not bothering them because they’re chicks.

The same reason a lot of women don’t like DBZ, most of them aren’t big on things that center around people beating the hell out of each other.

Of course, ignore my points and result to name calling and typical internet grandstanding.

The simple answer as to why “women gamers” are not going to tournaments because there aren’t any female gamers.

How many women do you think are taking competitive fighting games seriously? NONE. That’s fact. I’m sure of majority of the sales for SSFIV, women weren’t amongst even a fraction of them. And if women did buy the game, how many were just women buying a gift for a husband or a boyfriend over women who legitimately are getting the game for themselves? Probably very few.

I'm not even talking about gender roles.   Gender roles would assume that some women have no place at a tournament, which is not my personal thoughts on the matter.   Stating that video games aren't marketed to women, hence women really don't play them are take them seriously is something that could be easily proven.

Let’s take a step back, what are popular T.V. show and products marketed towards women? Clearly fashion has more of a women’s market. Ever go to a department store? A woman’s section is about 3 or 4 times the men deparmtment. Popular TV shows that has mainly a female audience are shows like Sex In the City, Desperate Housewives, Housewives of Atlanta, or Army Wives.

you know what is not probably marketed toward women (and has a lower female fanbase)? Kung Fu movies, movies about zombies, action movies, horror films, dark comedies, etc. So you take a video game based on tons of martial art films, or games with sci-fi elements (like Blaze Blu), things that generally have low female fan bases in general, and make a game (something traditionally marketed towards males). you pretty much have a gender that has no connection, or ultimately could care less about it. you can throw Chun-Lis, Noels, Millia Rages in the game, but shit it’s more fan service for boys than anything designed to attract female gamers.

So once again, were in a situation where games are generally not aesthetically pleasing towards a particular gender.    Then we want to make the games complex, and start holding highly competitive tournaments for them.    You already lost the female popular way up the line, and tournament come way down the line.  Any girl who would have loved SF probably got over the aesthetic value (like your typical casual gamer).  All that is left is gameplay, which can get complicated, and in general women find no value in competing in such things to begin with.   You're pretty much left with a small population, and even that population isn't all that good to begin with (just stating facts).

For a woman to be commited to gaming, and become a “female gamer who shows up to events”, she has to pretty much had it fed to her all her lives. Like you see with professional female baseball, golf, and tennis players. There is no way you can ask a question about low female attendance at tournaments and complete ignore the broader question as to “why aren’t there any female competitive gamers to begin with”.

From what I can tell based on twitch.tv chats, it’s because FG fans completely shit their pants when a female gets anywhere near their field of vision.

I’m gonna keep it 100 with you.

I stopped reading here, after you made a blanket statement that is obviously untrue, then labeled it a fact.

Because tourneys aren’t worth it.

Threads about real fighting games, son. Not kuwaii nintendo mascot mashathon.

FGCandmassacceptance.gif - http://i.imgur.com/VMsrQ.gif

Branh0913, master of the female psyche

is this thread real life? i dont even know why this is being debated. male gamers out number female gamers in every genre. i play fighting games competitively and u wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at me.


Can we please take this thread to that subreddit masculist rights or something I don’t think this discussion can yield any new insights on the issue except identifying who has something stupid to say about women or other players they set out to dislike because it’s every HS-age kid’s idea of how to be cool.

It’s like Chad Warden said: “All girls know how to do is suck dick.”

Nobody takes a shower