Not like the discussion is going anywhere beyond “YALL BE STANKIN” x 1,000 each page.
thats sooooooooooooooooo me.
do we know each other or somethin?
this guy sorta reminds me of Lex Luther.
the japanese version.
youtube channel Subscribed!
It has a decent following and it’s going to be an Evo game.
Why you gotta put the community down like that just because it isn’t SSF4 or MvC3 level popular man? :<
I know fuck all about Chess, but the same thing could be said about go, of which I know considerably more.
In go, women don’t compete in the men’s tournaments because they’re simply not as good. Not even the Pro’s. There’s only a few female pro’s that get to 9th pro-dan. Those that do get to it, compete with the men at that level, but the amount is really small. Off the top of my head I can only think of Rui Nawei.
All I can say is, women don’t seem to be as interested in committing huge amount of time into being competitive. I don’t think women don’t care about being competitive, I know some women that love it… But it’s the grinding combo’s/practicing setups for hours on end that seems to put them off.
Probably a biological reason for this, but honestly, who gives a fuck?
I don’t think it’s necessary to attract more women, if they wanna compete they can compete. It’d be nice if there would be less OMG IT’S A FEMALEXZ!Z!!!11 at tournaments though. They’d probably feel a lot more comfortable if, if they were competing, they’d actually be able to compete without sexism/misogyny etc.
I grew up playing a lot of video games with my older brother, while my older sister kind of just stayed to herself. I mostly grew up with platformers and RPGs (especially Pokemon), but after being introduced to the FGC with SSBB, then with SF4 and BB:CT, I got pretty into it. Admittedly I don’t really have the drive to go beat Justin Wong, or to spend hours in training mode, but I do want to be good enough to be able to enter tourneys and do decently. I also like to watch majors like EVO and Seasons Beatings, and went to CEO 2011 and plan on going to CEO 2012. Even if I don’t enter, I want to go there, play a few casuals, and just enjoy myself. And I don’t even have a boyfriend, and in fact am not into men in the first place.
Really, I think it’s just social standards. A lot of women are taught from birth that everything they do has to be “ladylike.” They can’t like video games, they can’t read comic books, they can’t even like sports, because they’re not allowed to because they’re girls, and if they aren’t ladylike the femininity fairy will come and take their boobs away. Honestly, IMO? That should be a fucking crime. Nobody should decide what a woman (or a man for that matter) is allowed to like except the person themselves. I can’t stand seeing little girls being “pinkwashed” (because they usually always wear pink) by shitty mothers who won’t just let the girl be herself. I was never really raised like that, and so I ended up being someone who would much rather play some Elder Scrolls, Pokemon, or Street Fighter than waste my day watching Lifetime or gossiping about celebrities.
There isn’t. It’s a function of cultural expectations influencing decisions. In the Middle East science,tech,engineering,math fields (STEM) are predominantly female. There are exceptions everywhere.
Girls aren’t into video games. So it’s understandable that they’re not going to show up in the community it’s not rocket science.
mostly because they are terrible at fighting games
but at least there are more attention whores now than ever. I see like 4-5 fat girls on NL stream trying to be on camera or whatever. back in the day there was none.
Funny that chess is mentioned, I saw this on my facebook yesterday:
Back to GD I gooooooooooooo!
The women in the middle east from my understanding don’t have as many options in terms of career so it’s a more a matter of just getting a job then anything reflecting preference. Culture has nothing to do with it especially in the west where women are constantly being pushed to male dominated fields all the time…like I said before women aren’t doing it simply because of their own preference.
You have offered no evidence of this, nor does evo psych even have the final word on it. Shut the fuck up already.
Edit, almost forgot: YALL BE STANKIN and clarity
Movie time!!
right…because cultural social constructs is obviously the correct alternative even though it’s the most baseless “explanation” as it has no science to back up any of it’s assumptions. You ignore what the science behind gender biology has revealed out of nothing more then some personal conjectur that doesn’t even make sense to most of the people here. You have posted walls of text but have yet to really say anything or even offer a compelling alternative explanation.
In short I’ll take evo psy and science as the final world over any nonsensical rant about"expectations and exceptions"you have to offer…and by the way asking me to provide evidence to prove men and women are inherently different is by far the most fucking retarded request I’ve ever been asked during a discussion so congrats on winning that award lol.
what is the root of low female participation in fg tournies?
i just figured it out.
no tampon dispenseries in venue bathrooms.
riddle solved
I absolutely do not assume that they are mutually exclusive you fuckhead. You aren’t providing any of that evidence so please stop being a dumbass. You’re really, really stupid and tedious. You refuse to engage in any discussion beyond asserting your own brand insipid trash ad nauseum. All you’ve been doing is making huge assumptions about the degree to which specific kinds of science are authoritative about human nature. You are the worst kind of idiot – one who thinks his own interpretation is self-evident, and worse yet you accuse me of the same. Maybe you’re the one with a cognitive deficiency for entertaining more than one thought at a time.
He’s an actor from Belgium trying to chat like an African American lol, check out his channel, it’s funny shit, he used to do some stuff with Athene if you’ve heard of him.
You have yet to provide any evidence or any compelling points behind why any of your attempts at refutation should even be considered. The information most people are going by here, are scientifically documented studies into the research of innate gender differences…it is far from anyone’s own personal interpretation but rather what the science and researchers on the subject have confirmed. Why would I want to engage in a discussion with you when the scientific evidence has already affirmed your position to be faulty and flawed. This entire time, you have written walls of text explaining why YOU personally feel evo psy isn’t good enough without providing any reasonable explanation as to why or why we should accept your alternative explanation of social expectations. Honestly all you’ve done since you started posting on this thread is echo your original poorly conceived points and expect the rest of us to accept it even with a MASSIVE resource of scientific literature basically saying"this dude has got it all fucking wrong".
My position from the moment I posted on this thread has been that men and women are inherently different and as such will have different preferences, and that the reason we don’t see women come out to tournaments to the same mass as men is because gaming doesn’t intersect with their personal interest as much as it does with men…its literally a situation with such a simple resolve that for some reason you can’t seem to figure out.
So basically there’s no need to discuss things at all. You’re right, scientism has finally won. Human agency only exists insofar as the current, ever changing, and sweeping generalizations of biology allows. You’re merely attempting to correct to the ravings of an old-fashioned and/or excessively hip fool doing an end run around the resounding consensus about how scientific reductionism has finally given us eternal salvation from speculative thinking and ethics.
Wat: ?
Wait, hold the fucking phone here!
Well its not sweeping generalizations when the ratio of men to women in tournaments is 5:1(im being very nice with my figure by the way). If you wanna go on some dramatic irrelevant sarcastic rant about how believing scientific conclusions now makes us all agents of scientism then be my guess, but its really more of a issue of just going where the evidence leads us.
I dont see the objection in stating that women might not inherently find a gaming community compelling , especially since a lot of gaming communities have gone out of their way to reach out to female gamers and include them when possible. If at this point in time women are still attending tournaments at low numbers then it is only logical to deduce that women just might not be that fond of competitive gaming. Its a simple solution to a issue that really isnt that complex…women dont come to tournaments as much as men because they are not as interested in it as men.
Umm…we all know how to wiki and are making the evo psy argument with all those expertly reliable wiki sources in mind:)