What happened at the Northeast Championship 15 in Philidelphia?

I agree, SJW’s haven’t infested the Fighting Game Community just yet.

Every now an then, they make a comment here and there (example: the strawman argument that because there are way more males than females at majors, there is gender discrimination), but I haven’t seen any case of them gaining major influence from those in power.

And this is likely because they haven’t figured out how to make money off it yet.

Of course I was overreacting, thought my choice of words pretty much gave that away. You can’t really deny they have gained a considerate amount of influence that had impact on how some videogames or communities turned out. Luckily it has been restricted to mainstream games and the communities surrounding them, here’s hoping it stays that way. I’m deviating quite a lot from the thread topic here though, so I’m gonna avoid doing so even more if possible.

I though this thread was going to be about asking about the person who took a shit in the hotel’s stairwell.

Finally a legit problem. A stanky stanky problem. Why didn’t stairwell shitter get an article?

Wow 90% of this thread is just trolls baiting. Thank God the mods are too busy to actually do their fucking jobs occasionally


Anywho, the trans had no real reason to be upset. What did DC do? Ask SOMEONE ELSE “Does he still have his dick?”. Dude was like “idk yo”. So dude sees our snowflake, and says “Oh dawg DC was askin’ about ya.” So the trans goes to DC and DCs like “Nah man” because he doesn’t find it an appropriate thing to ask him, like a decent person would think. So the trans goes back, dude says what DC was asking, and snowflake gets all pissy.
Snowflake then proceeds to hunt DC down for the heinous offense of offhand wondering if trans was pre or post op. DC doesn’t care, and snowflake builds it up in his head to this large-scale issue, going around talking shit about the guy for asking a question to someone else? For all he knows, he may have phrased it politically correctly and the friend just said it like that.
But no, let’s have a witch hunt based on uninformed judgements. JUSTICE!

That’s because Sanford won Marvel!!

So back on topic. Can we get confirmation that the front page article was in indeed related to DC and Nicky.

@d3v‌ do you know what or why this happened?

How is this an FGC problem? The only correlation I see is that a fighting game player said it to another fighting game player in the lobby of a tourney(and then the rest of the drama happened outside.) And it was just asking if she still had her junk. Yeah, that’s dumb and I can see how she’d be hurt by it. But with the way Ian and the original poster of the complaint carried on about it, you’d think she got rekt on stream and her opponent popped off and said this is scientific proof that women suck at videogames and then the whole venue laughed.

This is a personal problem.

Ian made an article to defend a girl who isn’t even real, of course he would make an article about this. Does she even know about this? Was she contacted for permission to advertise her drama?

EDIT:Man, what if the rumors are true and Lucky Chloe really is a trap? Is that irony or just a funny coincidence?

So you’ve proven them to be more mentally unstable. So maybe we shouldn’t be jumping through hoops to satisfy their every whim, and make them feel happy and welcome everywhere. I’ll do what I can, but if ONE asshat can say an offhand comment, and cause this much shit disturbance, your feelings are no longer worthy of my efforts. I didn’t force their decision upon them, they chose it themselves, knowing full well how society in general would handle it. Would it be a great place if everybody on Earth got along? Sure! But in the meantime, I’m too busy dealing with lazy women who play the girl card, colleagues and coworkers who are trying to advance ahead of me and are willing to throw me under the bus to achieve it, and other crazy fucks, to even give the slightest shit that somebody got their feelings hurt at a fucking tournament, and now demands changes in the whole community.

The simpler solution would be to just stay the fuck home.

Agree with OP. If I want to read vaguely directed tumblr rants about unspecific events I could go to the source.

What really grinds me gears about these “speaking out” type articles about special snowflakes is how they consistently put themselves in the position of “We”, and demand that the community ostracize and shame the ones who have wronged them. Who put you in the position to demand such a thing and when did you become “We”?

People make mistakes. Sometimes they are recognized as mistakes and sometimes they aren’t.
Just because your feelings are hurt, doesn’t mean we need to string somebody up and offer them as sacrifice to the kotaku gods.

There’s nothing else it could be besides the DC/LV thing. The TwitLonger was what set everything off.

i personally feel a little bad for DC. it could be that the whole exchange was misunderstood and he was actually trying to hit it. he could’ve been asking to see if he still had the D to make his futa dreams come true. that doujinshi shit will fuck you up man, stay away.

I never said to treat anyone like a princess, just to treat everyone with consistency, based on how they are as persons. And it’s not something you can “choose” like you don’t choose to be gay.

If people are being assholes then call them out on it, but if people are doing their own thing, not bothering anyone, then why go out of your way to stir shit?

raises hand transgender bitch here

What the fuck is this shit?

There’s a lot wrong here. Offended blogger needs to grow some ovaries and learn to confront their problems head on. Welcome to real life, made fun of, and fucked with, until you look like a model or turn your dick inside out. This shit was wild mild. This was passive aggressive little girl shit. Blogger had much time and opportunity to put this shit to bed, well before feeling so offended.

Woman up.

Don’t ask me about my genitals unless you’ve shown me that you respect my choice, otherwise who gives a fuck? I’m engaged, you don’t need to know about my junk, you don’t sleep in my bed, lol.

One person says something indirectly to someone that’s insensitive. The whole community gets thrown under a bus.


Yes, there are assholes out there. Telling assholes not to be assholes is like telling rapists not to go raping people, the difference being that one of them destroys lives and the other is just an irritating little shit.

No one needs to be told not to be assholes to transgendered people or anyone else. If we weren’t making progress or even reversing progress on how we deal with new players and minorities, then I could see there being a reason to address the community at large, but compare how different things are to how they were 10 years ago. How they were even just a couple of years ago.

I just don’t fucking understand how a community that largely supported Rick Ortiz undergoing a transition can be held down and scolded for the actions of one person. Large portion of a community supports a player undergoing a transition, not news worthy. One person indirectly insults another person for transitioning, the whole community is a problem and needs to look inward to address it. Give me a fucking break.

So much agreement. Everyone has a right to be offended for sure, and everyone should be treated with respect until they do something to remove that. However I’m of the belief that words themselves aren’t a problem unless the intention behind them is bad.

That said, unless you actually KNOW some one and are comfortable with them then there is NO reason to be asking about their genitals.

Hypothetical: “Maybe DC is ignorant of the entire culture of transgenderism and merely wanted to be informed?”

Well he is free to look that shit up or talk to someone in private after explaining their reasoning behind the question. Context is the most important aspect of ANY conversation/situation/ect because even if the intent was harmless the context can skew it. Make your intent known so that the context is clear before spouting off questions, and don’t do those kind of things in a public forum.

I’m sure DC wouldn’t have liked it if someone asked him if he still had genital warts or something and spread that shit around.

Bottom line of the whole story: Not being offended is something more people should try to do, it is a choice to be offended, but FAR FAR more important (like a factor of 10 to the 10th power) is: Don’t be a fucking asshat to people.

P.S. It’s no ones business what some else’s downstairs situation is. It ain’t like someone is planning on whipping it out for you, you ain’t ever gonna see it. As far as it concerned for you, EVERY woman has a dick except the ones you’ve already seen. Schrodickers underwear, everyone has a dick and does not have a dick until they show it to you.

Uh, according to the offended party’s story, DC didn’t even say this to them. There was no indication that DC was comfortable making this statement considering his persistent avoidance. DC said this to other people. Offended party had to shakedown said people to find out what was voiced. Then became even more upset when they couldn’t corner DC.

Anyway, why is a bigot like Ian “iantothemax” Walker editor-in-chief of SRK anyway? Why isn’t the community calling this person out? Is this a welcoming community or what?

@tataki my point is that we don’t need an intervention for the whole community, every time ONE person has a bad day or hears a sparky comment in a competitive scene.