What does it sound like when Ryu does the Hurricane kick?

I don’t really care what he says when doing the Hurricane kick, but I think it’d be pretty creative to see what people come up with :chat: .

It sounds like “The pipes are broken!” to me.

What do you guys think?

it sounds like “this thread has been made before.”

The threads I’ve found are asking what he’s actually saying. I’m asking what it sounds like he’s saying. I couldn’t find one, but you can always prove me wrong my showing me.

Explore Ryan Jones

Still pretty fail. The difference between what hes actually saying and what we think hes saying is sooo small.
No wonder us 09’ers get so much shit.


Since I was 7. Ya, this is archeologic in terms of SF conversation.

it sounds like a hurricane

The thread is old and lame, but that made me laugh for some reason…

In my time and space, it was “Balalaik Step Short cake!”



matak tak shutah

Just reminding you, if someone makes a thread about something a hundred years ago, you are never allowed to discuss it ever again! New users are expected to know all of this! It’s better to just not risk making threads at all.

ESPECIALLY not tatsumakisenpuukyaku jokes.

anyway, asmacksomefootkack

Aside side blue tide

this is so lame…:yawn:

on the pal megadrive he used to say:
‘got to buy some burrrgas!’

(it says burgers)

Since they started using ACTUAL voice actors it sounds like he’s saying what he’s supposed to be saying.

Not in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.



The Five Cent Peru Kick!

lol beat me to it.


:lol: the movie the game’d

Alpha 2 sounds like “I fist snake burgers” o_o