What do you "See" in posters here?

I picture Momo~ to be some really cute asian girl.

I picture myself as a really cute asian girl too

My cousin said I sounded white too when we last talked on the phone. O_o

Always thought Momo was a dude. O_o

I picture you as someone who pictures themselves as a cute girl too. :rofl:

LMAO, i need to know the context of that pic

Wow, you almost got me there, he looks like me but younger
This is a current pic of me, if you are wondering



Which is odd, cuz I picture you as someone who pictured themselves picturing someone who picturblaaaaaaargh vomit

You related to SWBeta???

No beer and no games make Perkins go crazy.

One of these days [S]I bet your heart’ll be broken[/S] I’m gonna put my face as my av and everyone in GD will go LOL Perkins put someone’s ass as his picture and then Valaris will Batman off the roof and ban me

Damn, now I need to change my avatar back :rofl:

Pfft, go to the gay thread and they’ll have a time with you.

Assface or not.

Seeing the other posts:

Matriarch = Red-haired woman with glasses, an air of grace, and a snarky and serious personality.
Nini Heart = Sarcastic black guy with a razor-sharp tongue.
Havatchu = A white guy.
Angelpalm = Big black guy.

That’s all I got.

Same here. Can’t help but associate members with their avatars and subconsciously think of them as that.


Val, how do you delete accounts?


So happy I changed back to my OG avatar from the one I got during the software transition. Hella dudes were looking at me crooked. :rofl:

greatest post of this thread, I am still crying tears. the OTT stuff slayed me

what are you

a sideways staple?

Every time you post:



I’m a fuckin genius if I can post to the internet from that jerk in a box.

You left out the stuff I leave out, context or the “who is saying this” tense. That could be you! Every time you post: you posted: [that you feel like] this guy! This is how you look when I post!

If its me I like that he looks at you straight on, not “crooked!” :cybot: