Also, Swedish Chef is bork.
Sweet, someone thinks I’m Dong Hwa. That’s way better then just Dong.
Flash fact: I’m white as fuck. With my shirt off, I look like I was sculpted by Greek artisans out of raw pizza dough.
Pretty sure we all knew that.
Perhaps you are not paying as close attention to the thread as I am.
I just remember seeing you in your shades.
James Rolf is probably 20+ pants sizes smaller than me. He’s also cooler. Possibly yes homo.
You think that’s bad, I was trying to hide it. It’s not as bad as The Anomoly, a discolored patch of hairy skin on my right shoulders that over the years has slowly inched towards my brainnlKBNOPFIH){IHG_FP({UBG)y8vb209pubP)(UB(FGp90[MISSINGNOn;klashnpf9-u2_pkmn
What the fuck happened to this thread?
Yeah, you know how everyone on SRK is black?
McRibFan2k2 - FatAlbert cosplay
I’m not answering who that possibly is & looks like. If you don’t know why are you still here?
Also, to attempt to remain ‘still here’ myself…
The other site owner bros. are brothers and brothers!:tup:
shaddap, Pertho.
Fuckin’ right! :rock:
ft: Persona 4, BB:CSEX, Master Chibi and the MeltyBread crew Kings of Poverty
& those games online be playing like Mexican Internet… Marvel 3, I mean, the not “anime” one
Nini Heart, Momo~ & Kromo
cool “girls” in the marvel 3 forums
’gonna bag me a marvel playin chick, who don’t respect that, word to yipes baby mamma’
Sorry for making you look at that. Did do the smaller size though.
Have some sausage and womens.
Matriarch and bkfst_sausage
relationship thread
pedoviejo, some white woman (hopefully light skin brasilian…), hecatom
HatredEdge, and “Vynce” [sic on purpose] McMahon
“ice.jpg” think like… Jojo’s.
SNAAAAKE, “so much money I’d write a check and the bank would bounce”
SWBeta, real one this time
RedBeard, a lot diff without the suit game equipped coming correct
Forgot all the others of Redbeard. Couldn’t find them or remember.
Sorry for all the pics Image Mishmash length and beyond, but its a special case. Should be the last post of these though.
Weren’t nearly enough black people in GD pic.
you wish you could be created by sexy twin rabbit aliens like me.
you wish you had superpowers like me
And the only AZN guy back there is a mixture of Min x Honda.
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Lmfao @ Vanilla Ice SNAAAAAAKE. I saw that movie the pic is from, think it’s called “Cold as Ice”. Worst movie ever, on level with “The Room”.
Back when I first started comin here everyone thought I was a black man. Little did they know I’m actually:
The real life Redbeard…