What do you "See" in posters here?

I seriously considered buying a DS for that game, Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate and Shin Megami Tensi Strange Journey, maybe when I can cop a DS for like 50 bucks. :sunglasses:

Fun fact, who is this man? Looks familiar right?

This is the voice actor of Leon Kennedy in RE6.

Crazy shit right?

Now Iā€™ll never be able to look at your username without thinking youā€™re a chinese kid.

Sent from a phone, using an app that I purchased from an App Store, that appends this signature above my signature to make me look superior in social status to everyone else.

What? Goodm0urning is obviously white. Superman canā€™t be black, it goes against the ideals of humanity that superman representsā€¦I thinkā€¦ Iā€™d have to get goodm0urning to elaborate on the subtle fascist philosophy of superman.
Also, Iā€™m pretty sure that AYO is short for ā€œAre you okay?ā€ and since Terry is white too, its only natural a screen name is a perfect representation of your character.

WTF-AKUMA-HAX is quickly becoming my favorite person on this forum. I need to make more of an effort to decipher his posts. :rofl:

pretty much how i see all the funny non serious posters on here

(vashyron dance btw)

what do you see me as Iā€™m not serious or funny?

This topic has too much drama for me.

Wow, someone has a better Haggar av then me. Time to make a new one.

Angry Lib + P. Gorath + GoodMourning - movie critics
specs - council member of the Secret White Hate
Sonicabid - Counter Terrorist Win
Million - TV watcher + binoculars
Soviet - Peter Stormare

From the threads I lurk and who I generally see post the most

WTF-AKUMA-HAX - Sheng Long April Fools joke

This threads winner.

If I was bored enough I could make a better one than yourā€™s. By making gif of his infinite in Slam masters 2.

Didnā€™t we play each other in SF4 09 in pools? You played Gief if I remember. Also despite knowing full well what the Slaw of Boel looks like heā€™s still KFed to me.

GMā€™s the actor bboy guyā€¦ or shit got it crossed with maxx.

Kromo help me find a 3rd person to be ā€œnigga thatā€™s kawaiiā€

2 black 1 white sakura cosplay. The image is just so bad. It shall not be seen until its finalized.

Oh man, get ready to be disappointed:

specs is James Rolfe?

Now that you mention itā€¦from that angle he kinda does look like him
I donā€™t think AVGN has that gdlk chest hair though


That proves nothing. Thatā€™s naught but a lowly foot-soldier-impostor. The instigators announced that foul moniker to the masses, and so they are ā€œbitches that is jealous.ā€ They do not comprehend luminosity of your endeavors, as they do not mine.

Do not doubt. Do not yield.

Christopher ā€œBig Blackā€ Boykins, music video of the forever.

ā€œIā€™m going to be on every toilet in the house & with the women all around meā€

Rappers always do BIG things.

i have this poster.

and whoever estimated what i look like is most likely 100% wrong. much like my posts, iā€™m pretty much perfect




sorry, failuresā€¦

I remembering finding out peoples ages on these forums and was surprised how many people werenā€™t old enough to legally drink yet. Iā€™m a bit on the younger side compared to some of the more OG members here but it was still surprising how young so many people here were.