But what would I do with a sausage that big?
I have a some stuff in mind :smokin:
EAT IT >:(
I just felt obligated to quote this.
WTFAKUMAHAX > this thread.
Use it as a punching bag
I feel a Michael Jackson song coming on.
Smooth Criminal?
Cause that song always gets stuck in my head.
What Do “See” In Thread Title?
Sorry, it’s just bothering me.
For an open lesbian you linked “big sausage” and “gets stuck in my head” pretty quickly.
I feel like everyone on srk is black.
I’m white, but like a dark white. Like gray. Fucking gray, I am.
This just in, making dick jokes is an indication of sexual orientation.
Ashy grey or gun metal grey?
How many shades?
CHEDWARD, that’s how many.
I hate to be trollin’ but… is that a dude?
Trap lvl = Asian
He’s very photogenic, as seen in 1 more
I guess the boots and outfit is confusing. Yeah that’s not Batman. Let Missing Person tell you a story, it’ll change your life.